BC-Axeman 02:36 PM 03-29-2009
I wonder how much time has gone between the two pictures of the hooker. She looked pretty in the first one and skaggly in the second. She has face fractures and lacerations now, so she must look a lot worse.
The average life expectancy for a hooker is not that good.
elderboy02 02:46 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
I wonder how much time has gone between the two pictures of the hooker. She looked pretty in the first one and skaggly in the second. She has face fractures and lacerations now, so she must look a lot worse.
The average life expectancy for a hooker is not that good.
Meth is a hell of a drug. I don't know why you would kiss a hooker.
Tenor CS 02:48 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Meth is a hell of a drug. I don't know why you would kiss a hooker.
He really wanted to find out what the hype was about this herpes thing.
Nabinger16 02:57 PM 03-29-2009
The article states they are from arrests in 2008 and 2005. I don't know which booking photo is from what year, but she either let herself go or refined with age.
BigFrank 04:20 PM 03-29-2009
jonharky 05:02 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
She looks awfully happy in the right picture!!
BC-Axeman 05:44 PM 03-29-2009
Or high.
Three years gone by and she looks ten years older.
Drazzil 05:54 PM 03-29-2009
Actually, if you look into it, the Shamwow guy isint a bad fellow. He was a big time Scientologist until he made a movie they didn't like, and they started screwing with his life. He came back from total financial ruin to become a successful pitchman. A lot of the shamwow proceeds goes towards fighting the destructive cult that is scientology.
Tenor CS 05:57 PM 03-29-2009
I wonder if the ShamWow is any good at sopping up hooker blood.
Smokin Gator 06:01 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by Drazzil:
Actually, if you look into it, the Shamwow guy isint a bad fellow. He was a big time Scientologist until he made a movie they didn't like, and they started screwing with his life. He came back from total financial ruin to become a successful pitchman. A lot of the shamwow proceeds goes towards fighting the destructive cult that is scientology.
But he kissed a hooker
smitdavi 07:12 PM 03-29-2009
Man if he got beat up that good...you think she has an extra appendage lol
DPD6030 07:36 PM 03-29-2009
I always thought he was a little bit fruity. Was it a male prostitute or a transvestite?
hotreds 07:39 PM 03-29-2009
You following me, camera man?!
omowasu 08:45 PM 03-29-2009
He was also hawking the "Slap Chop", a rehash of the quick-chop machines from a few years ago that promised to quickly chop all kinds of foods, but eventually failed from bent blades, etc...
Wow, both the "Sham Wow" and "Slap Chop" names could be applied to this scenario in so many different ways. I think Ill take the high road on this one!
shortstory5 08:49 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by jonharky:
She looks awfully happy in the right picture!!
Yeah, I thought that was pretty weird too.
He looks like he has aged a LOT.
TideRoll 10:02 PM 03-29-2009
I suppose we should be on the lookout next for a story about Billy Mays getting busted for picking up a tranny crack whore...
I didn't know the history about the Shamwow guy re: Scientology. Interesting and certainly earns some kudos from me.
But kissing a hooker? I'd be using that shamwow on my tongue along with some Lysol.
And a thousand dollars for straight sex? I've never used the services of a professional in this regard and never will, but that better be some kind of mind-blowing copulation. At that rate, I'd better have a smile requiring surgery to remove, friction burns and a serious sleep deficit.
BC-Axeman 10:09 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by TideRoll:
I suppose we should be on the lookout next for a story about Billy Mays getting busted for picking up a tranny crack whore...
I didn't know the history about the Shamwow guy re: Scientology. Interesting and certainly earns some kudos from me.
But kissing a hooker? I'd be using that shamwow on my tongue along with some Lysol.
And a thousand dollars for straight sex? I've never used the services of a professional in this regard and never will, but that better be some kind of mind-blowing copulation. At that rate, I'd better have a smile requiring surgery to remove, friction burns and a serious sleep deficit.
:-):-):-)And a video tape!!
lightning9191 10:29 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by TideRoll:
And a thousand dollars for straight sex? I've never used the services of a professional in this regard and never will, but that better be some kind of mind-blowing copulation. At that rate, I'd better have a smile requiring surgery to remove, friction burns and a serious sleep deficit.
:-) I can't imagine paying for sex...