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General Discussion>I'm done with FOX.
Starscream 04:38 PM 03-23-2009
I like FOX News, but I can't understand why they continue to put this Red Eye show on the air.
ActionAndy 04:42 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by Footbag:
national security ramifications.
So you know you're being dramatic, right?

This show is on at 3 in the morning (eastern). It's shock humor.

"I didn't like it, so they should lose their jobs!"

Does that sound like an adult to you? Sorry if I take this stuff seriously but I went to school for writing, and I plan to make my living by expressing myself. No one needs to be fired over a crappy series of jokes--btw, the segment wasn't funny. Not because it was offensive, but because it was a bit hackish and unoriginal.
WildBlueSooner 04:43 PM 03-23-2009
I kind of agree. What should get them fired is that show sucks so damn much that nobody watches!
14holestogie 04:45 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
So you know you're being dramatic, right?

This show is on at 3 in the morning (eastern). It's shock humor.

"I didn't like it, so they should lose their jobs!"

Does that sound like an adult to you? Sorry if I take this stuff seriously but I went to school for writing, and I plan to make my living by expressing myself. No one needs to be fired over a crappy series of jokes--btw, the segment wasn't funny. Not because it was offensive, but because it was a bit hackish and unoriginal.

This is Fox' late night entry attempting to emulate the shock jock mentality.
It's meant to be lewd, crude and to get a reaction. It seems to have succeeded. Take it for what it is. It's not a serious news program.
BC-Axeman 04:48 PM 03-23-2009
An apology:
ChicagoWhiteSox 04:51 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:

Yeah, getting young people in touch with what's really going on using a humourous approach to point out the absurdities and lies of those in control using actual facts.

I may have missed a few episodes, but I've never seen him bash any troops.
Was he hard on Bush? Sure, but early into the new administration, he seems to be an equal opportunity basher.

It may be just a basic cable show, but he does ask the tough questions of those responsible. I don't think that's bad journalism.
Jon Stewart is a comedian, or at least some think he is, not a journalist. He is not a source for news nor should be. As for asking tough questions, thats alsmost a joke.:-)
ActionAndy 04:52 PM 03-23-2009
"I know that the purpose of that show is to be irreverent and humorous, right? But I think they picked the wrong topic and they showed just incredible ignorance as to what Canada's done," he tells CityOnline. "It was really crass and tasteless and I found it very offensive." (From the Apology article).

So he acknowledges the point of the show, and then gets offended when they follow through.

A grown man demanding an apology over words is a sissy.
hotreds 05:01 PM 03-23-2009
A pox on all their houses!
14holestogie 05:01 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Jon Stewart is a comedian, or at least some think he is, not a journalist. He is not a source for news nor should be. As for asking tough questions, thats alsmost a joke.:-)

I respectively disagree. Whether you agree or disagree with his slant on things, to get any news from a single source is only doing you a dis-service.
Multiple sourcing is the only way for a reasonable person to come to a reasonable conclusion.

If you're going to write him off because he's a comedian, you apparently saw neither his or Dave Letterman's show the first night back after the attacks on 9/11. Powerful shows. :-)
spectrrr 05:03 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by TXRebel:
Red Eye is not news, it is like watching SNL News or Comedy Central, but not as humorous. :-)
spectrrr 05:04 PM 03-23-2009
Personally, I would agree with you 150% if that were aired on a normal news show. And I still agree with you 150% in taking offense to the material presented. But in reality, if you are going to take issue with FOX over that, I think you would also have to take issue with nearly every other major network out there. And I could agree with you on that just as easily. however I can't agree with you if you want to take issue ONLY with FOX, that then becomes a little hypocritical. (And don't worry, US television shows like that bashes our own military even more than the Candian, so don't get too pissed at us from an international standpoint!). Like Rebel said, it would be like boycotting NBC because they host SNL.... :-)
Footbag 05:06 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by ActionAndy:
So you know you're being dramatic, right?

This show is on at 3 in the morning (eastern). It's shock humor.

"I didn't like it, so they should lose their jobs!"

Does that sound like an adult to you? Sorry if I take this stuff seriously but I went to school for writing, and I plan to make my living by expressing myself. No one needs to be fired over a crappy series of jokes--btw, the segment wasn't funny. Not because it was offensive, but because it was a bit hackish and unoriginal.
It sounds like the free market to me. It's not like I can fire them from one lowly post in a cigar forum. We'll see if enough people support that crap to keep tuning in. I'd be surprised if they're on in three months.

I'd rather watch infomercials for the Sham-wow, then those idiots.
WildBlueSooner 05:09 PM 03-23-2009
Sham-wow is a fine product...German engineered!
ChicagoWhiteSox 06:21 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
I respectively disagree. Whether you agree or disagree with his slant on things, to get any news from a single source is only doing you a dis-service.
Multiple sourcing is the only way for a reasonable person to come to a reasonable conclusion.
If you're going to write him off because he's a comedian, you apparently saw neither his or Dave Letterman's show the first night back after the attacks on 9/11. Powerful shows. :-)
I agree that you should get your news from multiple sources. I watch at least 2 national news networks and subsribe to 2 national newspapers. Thats 4 diff. sources. I would just rather choose to get my news from people that know what they are talking about and have experience in what they are talking about. :-)
kzm007 06:22 PM 03-23-2009
Fox only has five shows worth watching, in my opinion. Simpsons, King of the Hill (soon to be canceled, sadly) American Dad (not quite as good as) Family Guy, and Dollhouse (amazing sci-fi show, too bad they never give things a chance to flourish).

All those shows except Dollhouse (Fridays at nine EST) are on Sunday nights (eight-ten EST).

I don't bother with the war-related news, especially not trash spewed from the mouths of...those people *shudders* screw politics.
spincycle 07:26 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by spectrrr:
Personally, I would agree with you 150% if that were aired on a normal news show. And I still agree with you 150% in taking offense to the material presented. But in reality, if you are going to take issue with FOX over that, I think you would also have to take issue with nearly every other major network out there. And I could agree with you on that just as easily. however I can't agree with you if you want to take issue ONLY with FOX, that then becomes a little hypocritical. (And don't worry, US television shows like that bashes our own military even more than the Candian, so don't get too pissed at us from an international standpoint!). Like Rebel said, it would be like boycotting NBC because they host SNL.... :-)
I don't take personal offense to what they said on Red Eye, few things rarely get me going. But I feel like I am disrespecting our troops by giving my advertising dollar (in viewership) to a company that supports those comedians. There are shock jocks in this world who can make light of serious matters - Howard Stern although at times offensive, at least attempt to be intelligent.

I watch lots of world programming as it's very available in Toronto (how many places in the world can you watch the 6pm news in 10 languages?) and none of the other major networks, American, British, Italian, Chinese and otherwise, would cross the line as often and with as much disregard as FOX has - see Ann Coulter clips about Canadian forces.

I don't dislike Americans, on the contrary, I think the US is an easy target for blame, but when a country is in crisis, the US is always the first to come to aid. I'm just tired of the anti-allied sentiment from FOX.

Aren't we in this fight together?
spincycle 07:26 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
Sham-wow is a fine product...German engineered!
I've given up my sham-wow for a snuggie.. you guys are so 2008.
Cyanide 07:34 PM 03-23-2009
To those that say that its harmless comedy and that the right to speech should override all others I say this:

While I will defend to the death your right to free speech, I will not defend you against the consequences of your speech. There should not be journalistic immunity from saying your thoughts. If these people want to be considered journalists, or comedians, and if journalism wants to paint itself in the colours of a professional body, then they have to set and live up to a code of ethics that includes concepts of integrity and accountability. If I were so drole, so unprofessional in my conduct while serving the public then my credentials would be yanked in a heartbeat.

If these clowns want to say their statements were "taken out of context" or that freedom of speech should protect them from their own idiocy then I say take them to task as to why these things should be considered.

Their freedom of speech is only a right because of the sacrifices put forth by those "fighting few", it is earned for them through the work and tragedy of others. For, in many ways, it is a privelege otherwise and should be marched out to defend rediculousness ever so delicately.

While they should not be barred from spouting their insensitive crass BS, their reputation, careers and legitimacy should be impacted by the quality and accuracy of their words.

Can the buggers
GWN 07:36 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by spincycle:
I've given up my sham-wow for a snuggie.. you guys are so 2008.
I'm glad. Vince freaks me out.

And I almost posted a rant thread about those FOX asshats, as I too was incensed. Something like "drop that little @#$^$ in the skinny tie on a road outside Kabul and let him find out for himself."
But then, that's just what they're after. How many people, Canadians in particular, now know this show exists? I say ignore them and maybe they'll crawl back under their rocks of mediocrite.
GWN 07:40 PM 03-23-2009
Originally Posted by Cyanide:
if journalism wants to paint itself in the colours of a professional body, then they have to set and live up to a code of ethics that includes concepts of integrity and accountability.
We have such a code and live by or face sanctions, both from our readers (or viewers) and the legal system. Those guys on FOX aren't journalists. They're as far from journalism as you can get.
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