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All Cigar Discussion>mr.stogie at yore service
tunes 05:29 AM 03-20-2009
Image that, “35 yrs exp as a cigar consultant too royalty, celebs” and now he’s providing us common folk with his service – what a guy! :-)
marge796 05:45 AM 03-20-2009
Sounds like an ass monkey to me??

Smoke Naked 06:12 AM 03-20-2009
Someone should tell him that King Stahlman is not a real king and that talk they had doesn't count as cigar consulting.:-)
neoflex 06:22 AM 03-20-2009
Do those Cadillacs become Yugos when purchased online? Maybe I should call and ask.
King James 06:50 AM 03-20-2009
Maybe the S.H.I.T guys can pool some $$ together and this guy can do some sort of a workshop at an upcoming herf? Maybe even socal! :-)
FriskyDingo 06:53 AM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by md4958:
Gran Habano Corojo- The Caddilac of cigars!

Haha! That guy is Image I mean, come on, everybody knows the Cadillac of cigars is Gurkha! :-)
Don Fernando 07:01 AM 03-20-2009
invite him to a herf, maybe you guys learn something from him :-)
taltos 07:24 AM 03-20-2009
Is this a new gig for the butler's butler?:-)
Coz77 08:08 AM 03-20-2009
For 20 bucks I sure hope he includes a tutorial on how to use one of those cheap Palios! ....the cutter coming off it's tracks. Maybe Mr. Stogie can help :-)
nozero 08:15 AM 03-20-2009
He's to much...
Legend 08:20 AM 03-20-2009
That's comedy gold right there buddy. You can't make that shiz up.

And its a side job stop making fun.
macpappy 08:34 AM 03-20-2009
I bet he prefers internet cigars over those purchased at B&M's.
Nabinger16 08:48 AM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by macpappy:
I bet he prefers internet cigars over those purchased at B&M's.
I have to know... I've seen this joke tossed out a number of times. I missed the thread and love a good laugh. Anyone care to point me in it's direction.
taltos 08:55 AM 03-20-2009
It's in this section of the board. Check out stirring the pot b&m about 5 threads down.
St. Lou Stu 09:07 AM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by hotreds:
What- $20 to talk to the guy about cigars? Maybe he'll trade some stogies for the oceanfront lot I have in Nebraska. Ya think?
I'd pay him $20 to STFU!
gnukfu 09:40 AM 03-20-2009
OK OK - I'll take my ad down - sheesh you guys are soooo picky! :-)
Nabinger16 09:46 AM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by taltos:
It's in this section of the board. Check out stirring the pot b&m about 5 threads down.
Thanks! I'm all caught up now. I need to start wearing a tin foil hat when I go into a B&M from now on.
South Shield 10:36 AM 03-20-2009
I was just trying to help out some people in need. No need to bash me because I like to put together an Acid sampler platter to those with sophisticated tastes.
Darrell 10:39 AM 03-20-2009
Originally Posted by Legend:
stop making fun.
Sorry Legend, it won't happen again. :-)
Don Fernando 10:46 AM 03-20-2009
ok, Legend says we have to stop making fun. Life will be boring and depressing from now on, without making fun.
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