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Discussion>How offten do you go from pipes to cigars?
Slow Triathlete 08:17 AM 03-25-2009
Originally Posted by RX2010:
I occasionally will reach for a cigar. Not because I want to smoke one more than the pipe, but because I feel like I've neglected my cigars for too long.

I've honestly been considering selling off my cigars except for a couple choice boxes and just putting the money into pipes. At first I thought it would be an additional hobby, but I really truly enjoy it a lot more. Buuuut, I still like cigars, and there are a couple different sticks that will ALWAYS have a place in my home, but that's about it.

This is what I have been doing as well. I always keep some Sanchos, El Rey's, and Padrons on-hand for when I get on a cigar kick.
petewho 02:44 PM 03-25-2009
November - February were 75% pipe to 25% cigar. March has been 50/50.

Prior to November I wasn't smoking pipe at all.
EvanS 09:34 PM 03-27-2009
dogsplayinpoker 10:00 PM 03-28-2009
I have been smoking a few more cigars lately but I still smoke a bowl or two every day.
So cigars= 4 a month
pipe= 8 to 10 bowls a week
xapa97 09:05 PM 04-29-2009
I smoke a cigar about twice a week and a pipe about once a week.

As others have said, this changes drastically and often.

A lot depends on what I'm reading (P&T Mag. or ECCJ), what I'm listening to (Dog Watch or Oom Paul) or what forums I've been on.
weetone 09:21 PM 04-29-2009
I like both, but as others have said, I only really enjoy cigars in the warm weather. Pipes are a lot easier to pack half full and stuff, and with the price of tobacco here, it's way cheaper to load up half a bowl than to go buy a small cigar or a mini.

But, that being said, I enjoy both and smoke both year 'round. Either way, summer is coming and I'm gearing up for the heavy smoking season. :-)
colimo 02:04 AM 04-30-2009
i have been smoking a pipe for about 35 years, cigars for about 7....smoke about 10+ bowls a day....used to be an occasional since i started running with this crowd and FRH that has gone up significantly in the last 6 months!!
for me my biggest cigar smoking time in the past has been summer cause i can do it on my boat on the lake...expect that soon
hoax 10:46 AM 06-15-2009
I only smoke cigars when the weather is good.

But I live in California, so that's 95% the time. :-)
TheTraveler 11:07 AM 06-15-2009
I've noticed peaks and valleys in my smoking habits. For a while I smoked only cigars and left my pipes gathering dust. Then for the last few months I did the opposite (the price of pipe tobacco was the main cause of that switch). Now I find myself smoking a pipe through the week and cigars on the weekend.
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