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General Discussion>My turn, to embrace the suck.
Old Sailor 01:35 PM 02-25-2009
Hope you find something as good or better soon.
CBI_2 06:33 PM 02-25-2009
Dang! Sorry to hear that. Prayers for a quick job find.
Cenookie 08:54 PM 02-25-2009
Sorry to hear about that bro, keep your head up and stay positive.
Sailkat 10:40 PM 02-25-2009
It's their loss!

Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers that a new job comes your way soon.
alley00p 10:46 PM 02-25-2009
Hang in there, Robert....

It's "sucky" alright, but I'm sure you will find something, even better, soon! :-)
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