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General Discussion>Laid off
Barteur 05:55 PM 02-23-2009
Best wishes for you, hope you find something soon

with best Regards, Frenchie
Nimbus 10:08 PM 02-23-2009
Sorry to hear that. Good luck on future endeavors. Incompetent management suck!
alley00p 10:49 PM 02-23-2009
I didn't know there was a San Bernardino located in Michigan :-)

Seriously though, I was laid off from a career job after 31 years; We had a few lean months depending on unemployment dollars, but I was able to find a better job a few months later, much better suited to my skills and doing something that I love.

I know it sounds trite, but keep your eyes and ears open and you may find something better soon. Look for things that you like to do, and try to network if you can find some contacts in that area. Many job opportunities pop up overnight, especially through a friend or a contact who thinks of your skills and likes, and matches a job opening that are aware of in their head!

Keep the faith, David, and I'm sure you'll find something even better soon!! I'll keep you in my thoughts!!! :-)

Geppetto 12:15 AM 02-24-2009
David, what type of parts sales? I've been in the HD Truck Parts/Equipment business for 28 years, maybe I can give you some leads?
Drazzil 11:21 AM 02-24-2009
I did carbide wear parts for grinders, and some sweeper shoes and drag shoes for street sweepers, its a small industry consisting of my former company and two or three others, and not really something I would want to get back into again. I am just generally looking for anything I can do to get income again.
Noodles 11:22 AM 02-24-2009
One door closes; another (better) one opens. Good luck.
RottenZombie 11:49 AM 02-24-2009
Good luck.I hope things get better for you soon.
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