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All Cigar Discussion>Do all cigars taste like **** after relighting?
shilala 08:18 AM 07-25-2009
Originally Posted by steve:
I've done this with success before as well. It's never as good as it was fresh, but... doesn't taste like a wet ashtray. :-)
SmokinApe 08:50 AM 07-25-2009
I have seen many people do it... I have a neighbor who claims to have smoked a Churchill on three different days...
streetglide 09:25 AM 07-25-2009
Thats a good trick. Have to try it sometime. Thanks :-)
The Poet 10:29 AM 07-25-2009
That pre-purge sounds interesting. As I have no life, I have no problem finishing a cigar, but I need keep this in mind, just in case. On topic, a friend gave me a "Cigar Savor" some years back - a hard plastic tube that supposedly "saves" an unfinished smoke. I have never used it, but if anyone here has I would be interested in hearing your experience.

GoldnGT 10:39 AM 07-25-2009
I've seen them at the local shops, but never tried one. I'd be interested in if it works as well. I've done the pre-purge many times with success, but you sometimes get the bad apple that you can't pre purge and pick up later.
shilala 12:27 PM 07-25-2009
Originally Posted by GoldnGT:
...but you sometimes get the bad apple that you can't pre purge and pick up later.
If it's really humid out or raining and I leave a purged cigar in the ashtray and come back to it the next day, there's nothing gonna save that poor sucker. :-)
shilala 12:34 PM 07-25-2009
One more thing I can say about purging (blowing all the smoke out of my cigar often) is that it helps keep the cigar cool. The cooler I keep the cigar, the better it tastes.
When I smoke real fast, it just seems to ruin a cigar for me. It's taken a long time to slow down and learn to let the cigar tell me how to smoke it.
When I purge often, like when I set my cigar down, I usually get to smoke the whole cigar without it going south in the last 1/3rd.
I think it helps avoid the buildup of burned up squank that makes the last third taste like the skids in Mean D's skivvies.
Aldebaran 02:31 PM 07-25-2009
Don't think I've ever relit if it has been out more than a half hour or so and even then it tastes a bit different.
Homebrewer 07:20 PM 07-25-2009
I purge and resmoke all the time. Don't waste that stogie! It might not be the same, but be a trooper.
kelmac07 08:41 PM 07-25-2009
I have tried this twice...and both times were unsuccessful. I dislike that ashy taste and ended up tossing both sticks, and lit a new one.
RGD. 08:43 PM 07-25-2009
I relight all the time. Sometimes they are purged before going out - sometimes not. In any case I knock off as much ash as possible - use a soft flame to heat and light with out drawing on it at first. After it's lit - I gently blow out a few times and then let it set for a minute. Then continue smoking as normal.

If the smoke is more than half way done, I normally toss them.

Been doing this out of habit now for over 30 years.

floydpink 08:48 PM 07-25-2009
I keep a cigar outside in my work smoking area and smoke it and let it go out and repeat about 5 times throughout my day every day.
GHC_Hambone 08:51 PM 07-25-2009
When I first started smoking cigars, I tried a few times to relight them the next day. Never could enjoy them after sitting that long. I can smoke a cigar that just went out and it tastes fine, but after sitting a while I just can't do it.
sodomanaz 02:47 AM 07-26-2009
Originally Posted by Bryan:
I occasionally smoke half a cigar and put it out. I then will come back to it after a few hours or sometimes, even the next day. I always notice they don't taste as good. Is this normal? Is there a proper way to relight after they sat around for a extended length of time?

thanks. :-)
Only one cure: Buy smaller cigars.
BlackDog 10:11 AM 07-26-2009
If I am coming back to the cigar within a couple hours I'll purge it, knock the ash off, and let it go out. Cut it back when you're going to light it. Trying to do it overnight never works well.
mugzy 11:09 AM 07-26-2009
I have tried to cut off a bit and let teh cigar sit overnight however its never near the same ..
Cigary 11:54 AM 07-26-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
A friend of mine taught me to purge my cigar BEFORE I let it go out.
Now, every time I set my cigar down I blow all the smoke from it before I set it down, just in case it goes out and I can't get back to it for some reason.
I can pick it up the next day and relight it and it tastes just like it did before it went out. I've picked them up days later when I left them in the shed, and they're fine.
It's one of the greatest cigar tricks I've ever learned, and it was a kid that taught me cause he used to do it with his cigarettes.
It's saved a lot of good cigars that would have been wasted. :-)
Been doing this for years as I smoke mostly churchill size cigars. Every once in awhile I will be interrupted and have to put the cigar down but before I do I will purge a couple of times and then make a clean cut of the burnt end about a 3/4 of an inch and I'm good to go after that. Will pick it up the next day without any appreciable degredation of the quality of the cigar.
Starscream 06:10 AM 07-27-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
I think it helps avoid the buildup of burned up squank that makes the last third taste like the skids in Mean D's skivvies.
Thanks for putting that picture in my head, Scott.:-)
Caymus 08:55 PM 07-27-2009
I was going through a period where I just didn't have the time time to finish an hour+ cigar. I bought a bunch of smaller ones (petite coronas, AF Hemingway short story, mini-belicosos, etc) and I think they fill a valuable role. Now I have cigars in sizes to match my mood and opportunity.
joed 09:11 PM 07-27-2009

without fail
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