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General Discussion>who's going to the Michael Jackson Memorial?
mrreindeer 12:25 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by ade06:
I would go if I lived in L.A.

Roundtrip flight to L.A. from Philly = $400
2 night hotel accomodations in L.A. = $460
Replical offical white M.J. glove = $100
To be a part of the world's largest moon walk or Thriller dance = Priceless!!!
rack04 12:26 PM 07-07-2009
This is a great quote from Councilman Dennis Zine:

Originally Posted by :
This is not an emergency. This is a memorial service for a celebrity who died a week ago. We are cognizant of AEG's need to honor the memory of Michael Jackson, but they should also be cognizant of the taxpayers' needs.

St. Lou Stu 12:26 PM 07-07-2009
I'm watching it live on the internets now...

rizzle 12:28 PM 07-07-2009
It's the edge of the world
And all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East
At least it settles in the final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication.
ade06 12:28 PM 07-07-2009
Didn't I hear that CA was so cash strapped that they are issuing state tax refunds via IOUs???
doctorcue 12:28 PM 07-07-2009
Wow... a lot of "GRRR" in here.
poker 12:30 PM 07-07-2009
:-):-) According to CNN:

Bratton said "We're not anticipating disorderly crowds," he said. "We're just anticipating very large crowds."

Considering how some folks in LA react when they're happy (ie: Laker win), I think he smoked something illegal.
Whee 12:34 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
why, are you recording all the news? :-)
Guess what we're watching at the August MoB herf.:-)
Alpedhuez55 12:50 PM 07-07-2009
This sums up how a lot of people feel about MJ. It is funny stuff....but uses a lot of lbad anguage and is NSFW.

I would go if it was open casket and I could Piss on his rotting corpse. Though he probably would have liked that if I was 11. The world is a better place with him dead!!!
Genetic Defect 12:51 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:
Guess what we're watching at the August MoB herf.:-)
tuxpuff 12:55 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55:
This sums up how a lot of people feel about MJ. It is funny stuff....but uses a lot of lbad anguage and is NSFW.

I would go if it was open casket and I could Piss on his rotting corpse. Though he probably would have liked that if I was 11. The world is a better place with him dead!!! :-)
mikeyj23 01:03 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55:
This sums up how a lot of people feel about MJ. It is funny stuff....but uses a lot of lbad anguage and is NSFW.

I would go if it was open casket and I could Piss on his rotting corpse. Though he probably would have liked that if I was 11. The world is a better place with him dead!!!
I'm sorry you feel that way... I wouldn't wish that kind of emotion on anyone.
Alpedhuez55 01:06 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by tuxpuff: :-)
Sorry, just saying what I feel about him.

I have two friends I grew up with who were the victims of pedophiles. Both are gone. One was was killed and the other could not live with the abuse and the shame brought upon them and took their own life.

I think it is a disgrace that the media is giving him this love fest usually reserved for popes and presidents because he had a few hit singles in the 80s.

I am glad he is dead and he can rot in hell.
Scottw 01:06 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by Alpedhuez55:
This sums up how a lot of people feel about MJ. It is funny stuff....but uses a lot of lbad anguage and is NSFW.

I would go if it was open casket and I could Piss on his rotting corpse. Though he probably would have liked that if I was 11. The world is a better place with him dead!!!

Everyone here is certainly entitled to their opinion but whoa, this one was a bit over the top.
ade06 01:08 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by mikeyj23:
I'm sorry you feel that way... I wouldn't wish that kind of emotion on anyone.
:-) The man had issues for sure, but he was never convicted of any crimes and his music will live on forever.
ahc4353 01:20 PM 07-07-2009
A saying of one of the 11 comes to mind but I'll wait. :-)
SchizoFilly 01:23 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by ade06:
:-) The man had issues for sure, but he was never convicted of any crimes and his music will live on forever.
Yeah, probably not. Younger generations don't really know who the guy is or listen to his music. Sure, he'll have his cult-like followers who will say he was the greatest of all time, much like Elvis, but also, much like Elvis, most people won't miss him or his music. :-)
TheTraveler 01:37 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by SchizoFilly:
Yeah, probably not. Younger generations don't really know who the guy is or listen to his music. Sure, he'll have his cult-like followers who will say he was the greatest of all time, much like Elvis, but also, much like Elvis, most people won't miss him or his music. :-)
Which raises the question: 20 years from now what WILL he be remembered for?

20 years after my death few other than my family and friends will remember me more than once a year. A few teachers, classmates, co-workers, etc may have occasional memories of me but, since I had no power to make big marks on the world, 99.99999% of the world's population will never even know I existed.

But, with the fame and wealth he possessed while alive, what lasting improvements or marks did he leave? Some people will have fond memories of his music, the impact it had on their adolescent years, their first concert, etc. But that group of people is small in comparison with a count of all the humans that were alive during his lifetime or will have lived within two generations of his career's peak.

We all have the power to make small changes for the better in our little corners of the world. He had the opportunity to make large improvements (or at least try) - but what did he do?

At any rate, I hope he passed peacefully and I hope his soul and the rest of the world can go forward peacefully.

Just food for thought. I'll get off my .....

hey, where's that little soapbox icon?!?!?

ade06 01:38 PM 07-07-2009
Originally Posted by SchizoFilly:
Yeah, probably not. Younger generations don't really know who the guy is or listen to his music. Sure, he'll have his cult-like followers who will say he was the greatest of all time, much like Elvis, but also, much like Elvis, most people won't miss him or his music. :-)
I have to disagree with you on the younger generation not knowing about his music. Post death, his music is being downloaded like a rash. See M.J. was bigger than just a few hits in the 80s. His dance style, music video breakthroughs and work ethic has impacted many of the modern day pop and r&b entertainers (e.g. Usher and Justin Timberlake just to mention a couple). Much like Elvis... maybe... he did marry into the Elvis family :-), but I think that's about as far as the connection goes. At the end of the day, will I miss him? Probably not, other than the occasional freak show escapades. But, I truely believe that his music and his influence on today and tomorrow's music will not be forgoten. :-)
HK3- 01:42 PM 07-07-2009
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