I don't have a website, I've just been a major kitchen freak for years and years. If there's a top-shelf kitchen toy I don't have, it's cause I don't want it or I never heard of it.
Granted, there were lots of years or trial and error, and I looked at lots of magazines.
There's so much stuff out there now that I can't imagine how I'd sort through it all.
My automatic pasta maker broke about a month ago, and I have to get a new one. I started looking and it was too painful to continue. I'm going to take a look at some of these links and see what I can see.
I forgot to post that I found the
forums at chow.com after startig this thread. There seem to be a few snobs ("Electric sharpeners are sacrilege!") but also a lot of good info on recipes, knives, and other hardware.
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