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All Cigar Discussion>How did you get into cigars?
E.J. 07:23 PM 02-14-2015
Smoked a ton of crap and improperly stored cigars, thought people were fruits for smoking them....just didn't understand it.

A PAM64 Exclusivo blew my mind....(bought on recommendation of the guy working at the B&M). Bought for my neighbor, but I smoked it before he returned home. Went and bought 2 more about 2 minutes after I finished it(one for him, another for me).

Been smoking cigars ever since. That was about when I joined this site, so correlates with my join date.
trackeryak 08:51 PM 02-14-2015
I received some cigars as part of a Christmas secret santa on and took off from there. Now I have over 400 cigars and am enjoying cigars immensely.
AdamJoshua 09:19 PM 02-14-2015
After 30 years of smoking cigs I quit 2 years ago, after I quit I was a the casino and I usually got smokes comped while I was playing craps, so instead I thought I'd get a cigar, I didn't even light it just sort of chewed on it while throwing dice. Did that a few times then finally lit one up, Partagas 1845 Black Label, started smoking one now and then, found this board and met up with the S.H.I.T. herf crew and it was all downhill from there, in more ways than one. :-)

I'm not into the Party Blacks anymore (phrasing), that first S.H.I.T. herf I had some great sticks and learned that I prefer the more mild / medium cigars, the big pow and pepper of the Black Label just wasn't my thing.

Oh and silly me, I thought I was going to save money over smoking cigs. :-)
The Poet 09:26 PM 02-14-2015
I am Monte 2, Adam is Siglo VI.

He is not a number, he is a FREE MAN!
RobR1205 11:30 AM 02-15-2015
Originally Posted by E.J.:
A PAM64 Exclusivo blew my mind....
My first "good" cigars were a Padron Family Reserve and a PAM64 several months after starting the hobby :-)
dijit 01:10 PM 02-15-2015
My next door neighbor in high school always had one. Cant remember what kind but they were pretty good. For graduation he got me a box of I think Bolivar ( I am sure they were from that forbidden place ) and the rest as they say is history.

Unfortunately he passed away before I graduated and never got to share one of them with him. Thanks Norman they were delicious!
Tio Gato 04:07 PM 02-15-2015
When I was 15 my best friend went bald suddenly. He was then able to buy cigars and beer.:-). We smoked Parodi cigars. They tasted good to us then. After that I only smoked on rare occasions. When I was 30 I worked with a guy from the DR. His cousin is Jose Seijas.
To earn extra money his mom would send him cigars to sell. It was all downhill from there.
25 years later I still get excited to try a new blend. There's just something so special about a quiet moment with a cigar.:-)
JJKJR 05:57 AM 02-16-2015
I started to smoke cigars after I started riding a motorcycle. For whatever reason, pulling into a motorcycle bar, getting a cold one and having a cigar seemed to all go together. I also like to enjoy a smoke when working in my garage or around my home. For me it's a relaxing and enjoyable activity.
Twotacotuesday 11:07 AM 02-16-2015
Cousin quietly gave me a cohiba for my 18th birthday. Snuck away that night having no idea what I was doing and still enjoyed the hell out of it. Been hooked since.
RobR1205 11:57 AM 02-16-2015
Nice Chase! Don't forget to introduce yourself in the New Inmate Processing Area!! :-)
RWhisenand 08:52 PM 02-16-2015
While I was in college I went to the Leaf and Bean in Bozeman MT with a friend and bought a green labeled Macenudo, (sp?). We sat out by the towers and enjoyed good conversation, and a good cigar.

Afterwards, cigars were a very occasional treat, as I was pretty poor, as I've, well aged, I've gotten more into smoking good cigars. Somewhere along the line I even join some silly cigar forum!
joshnauburn 10:45 PM 02-16-2015
My brothers AUguy and BluesTiger, are both responsible for my demise, they are both active members of this forum. But I've been lovin every minute of it!
icehog3 11:03 PM 02-16-2015
Originally Posted by RWhisenand:
While I was in college I went to the Leaf and Bean in Bozeman MT with a friend and bought a green labeled Macenudo, (sp?). We sat out by the towers and enjoyed good conversation, and a good cigar.

Afterwards, cigars were a very occasional treat, as I was pretty poor, as I've, well aged, I've gotten more into smoking good cigars. Somewhere along the line I even join some silly cigar forum!
You belong to another forum besides the Asylum, huh Rob? :-)
RevSmoke 07:06 AM 02-17-2015
How long ago did you get into cigars?
I "got into" cigars back in 1980.

Were you introduced to cigars by someone else or did you decide to try them on your own?
Even before "getting into" cigars, I had "snitched" my first cigar from a box of Dutch Masters Presidentes in the golf bag of someone I was caddying for sometime in my middle school years.

But it was my first year in college that I was "introduced" to first cigar. I was in college and went downtown Chicago to visit Iwan Ries to get some pipe tobacco. While there, I went into the massive (at least to me newb eyes) walk-in humidor. The own asked me if I was looking for something in particular. I told him I was actually there for pipe tobacco and had only ever had a DM Presidente, was not really thrilled with cigars, just looking. He asked if I'd ever had a "good" cigar. He gave me an Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente Maduro, snipped it, and helped me get it lit. I was amazed at the flavors.

Have you always had the same taste/preference for the cigars you smoke now, or have you done a complete 180 since you started?
I have been all over the map I like a bit of variety in my cigar tastes I am not a big fan of "strong" for the sake of stong. I like complex cigars with nice flavors that are not boring.

What were some of the cigars in your early rotation? Do you still smoke them?
AF Chateau Fuentes, AF Hemingway Short Stories, Punch Rothschilds, El Rey del Mundo Robustos, are all cigars that I really enjoyed - and still smoke most of them upon occasion, having a box of the ERdM in the humidor at present.
shilala 08:29 AM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by The Poet:
Here's a quick one. I was probably 14 or so when I smoked my first cigar. That would be mid-60s, and things were more lax back then, especially in the tobacco-friendly environment of North Carolina. I don't remember specifics, but it was likely a cheap "It's A Boy!" or some-such Phillie or White Owl . . . not a great intro, but not as nasty as the Grapes or Bananas disparaged on this forum often, and a better option than a Lucky Strike or Camel. In my blissful ignorance, I enjoyed it, which is all that matters.

I recall buying my first a few years later, a five-pack of A&Cs . . . not a quantum leap, yet a step up for sure.
Thomas, I was absolutely thrilled to switch from my Grandma's Pall Mall's to Middleton Cherries and Marlboros.
It was a life-changer for me.

I can remember wanting a Parodi cigar since I was just a little spud because Parodi sounded like pierogi, and I love pierogies.
I remember the old guys laughing and saying it'd make me puke, as if the threat of puking would somehow factor into my decision making. :-)
YankeeMan 08:35 AM 02-17-2015
I've smoked machine made cigars for decades, usually White Owl or Garcia Vegas. About 7 years ago, my son came home from college with a hand rolled cigar and the rest is history.

I started out with a small humidor which fit about 20 cigars. That would be all I would ever need. Then came the 200 count, then a small one that was a gift, another 200 count and one more small one.

I use the original one for my infused cigars, one of the 200 count for aging cigars and the other 200 count I smoke out of. I use the other small ones for overflow.

I started out with a milder smoke, but now I love my dark maduros and full bodied cigars.

Looking back, it's kind of funny how great I thought the machine made cigars were and now I wouldn't touch them!
CdnStogie 09:17 AM 02-17-2015
Been smoking cigars steadily for about a year now. Have smoked them once in a while over the last 10 years, but only a couple a year, or I would pick up a 5'er of backwoods for an evening - inhaled the things as well :-/. Over the years I learned not to inhale and just savour. It wasn't until my friend got into cigars more and brought them around for outings. Tried a bunch of different brands.

Last March I went to Cuba for a week and bought my first box w/ a bunch of singles..... Now I have about 10+ boxes and a bunch of singles.

Slippery slope to say the least.
Sadden 09:27 AM 02-17-2015
Well , some friends and I all got into the hobby together. Back in highschool we all started out on the gas station crap (you name it we tried it). Then a good friend and BOTL went to cuba for vacation and brought back some fauxhibas. I still remember standing out on my deck , trying to work on a faux RYJ Churchill , it burned like crap , made me sick (wonder why) , it was windy and cold.

After we came to our senses we all realized we enjoyed the camaraderie , and started going to the local place. It was a small gift shop that sold cigars out of a "humidor". We were paying $35/stick for stuff like Rocky Patel 1992s etc. The cigars were always dry but we enjoyed the experience of having real cigars nonetheless.

I bought a small desktop from there (needless to say it leaked like a sieve). Filled it with mostly overpriced CC's and some also overpriced NC's (this is Canada). Found out about online vendors , and bought an aristocrat.

Now a BOTL from a cigar club I am in based out of Calgary , opened up a franchise up here. They have a nice big walk in humidor , and even humidified cabinets for the gas station crap.

I frequent there. But buy most of my collection online nowadays for about 1/7th the cost. Those two BOTL's and I still get together for a smoke at least once a week when we can. And they are coming to North Carolina with me in April to be my groomsmen.
CdnStogie 11:05 AM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by Sadden:
Well , some friends and I all got into the hobby together. Back in highschool we all started out on the gas station crap (you name it we tried it). Then a good friend and BOTL went to cuba for vacation and brought back some fauxhibas. I still remember standing out on my deck , trying to work on a faux RYJ Churchill , it burned like crap , made me sick (wonder why) , it was windy and cold.

After we came to our senses we all realized we enjoyed the camaraderie , and started going to the local place. It was a small gift shop that sold cigars out of a "humidor". We were paying $35/stick for stuff like Rocky Patel 1992s etc. The cigars were always dry but we enjoyed the experience of having real cigars nonetheless.

I bought a small desktop from there (needless to say it leaked like a sieve). Filled it with mostly overpriced CC's and some also overpriced NC's (this is Canada). Found out about online vendors , and bought an aristocrat.

Now a BOTL from a cigar club I am in based out of Calgary , opened up a franchise up here. They have a nice big walk in humidor , and even humidified cabinets for the gas station crap.

I frequent there. But buy most of my collection online nowadays for about 1/7th the cost. Those two BOTL's and I still get together for a smoke at least once a week when we can. And they are coming to North Carolina with me in April to be my groomsmen.
The prices are awesome here in Canada - couple weeks ago I wanted to try a couple cigars before I dive in (BFF and a PLPC) and it was just shy of $60.00. :-):-)
WhiteMamba 02:04 PM 02-17-2015
So two summers ago I was a groomsman in my buddies wedding. The best man got a box of H. Upmann toros. It was the first thing I ever smoked in my life. I gave in since most guys at the seminary I go to smoke any way. It was quite enjoyable. After that I started the cheap route and got a bundle of Bahia B-line Connecticut's and stored them in a tupradoor with a damp paper towel. I finally got wise and got a small glass top 20ct from CI with some RyJ's and Macanudos. From there I found the devil site and this place and it was all down hill from there. Now I have a cooler and keep the desk top for show in the living room. I haven't smoked a Bahia in forever and probably never will. I still like Upmann's and this place has certainly gotten me more into maduros and DE stuff. Never cared for Acids or flavored stuff though. Also, recently have gotten into pipes over the past few months. It is just as slippery a slope as cigars.
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