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All Cigar Discussion>Pairing cigars and a beverage... with a twist.
replicant_argent 08:43 PM 03-05-2012
Originally Posted by Reaver2145:
Try a Pousse Cafe Variation #12 Its many drinks 5 to be exact in one.
The OP was asking for non-alcoholic options. Thusly the other responses of a non-alcoholic nature.
Reaver2145 08:45 PM 03-05-2012
nevermind i read without as with
Apoco 09:08 PM 03-05-2012
Originally Posted by backwoods357:
What brands do you usually prefer?
I'm an IBC kinda guy. :-)
44stampede 09:21 PM 03-05-2012
I am enjoying a good quality coffee even more than I would my red wine or single malt right now.
Of course I also smoke in the morning on the weekend mostly and feel a little weird breaking out the bottle at 8am. I know...weird right?
Sonic04GT 09:29 PM 03-05-2012
Originally Posted by Ismith75:
Cream Soda, iced tea, coffee and root beer for me :-)
I drink sweet tea for non-alcoholic. I will definitely try those other 3.
MurphysLaw 09:37 PM 03-05-2012
Ironbeer is one of my favorites, not sure how widely available it is though.
LostAbbott 09:38 PM 03-05-2012
Ok this may sound crazy but.... Milk... Try it and you might just find you love it. It can open up a huge number of flavors in the cigar that you never knew were there.
BHalbrooks 09:49 PM 03-05-2012
I'm on board with everyone else with recommending:
AW Root Beer, only AW for me.
Coca Cola

I'll also drink Water sometimes, nice change up since I try to avoid drinking a lot of Coke.
jluck 10:06 PM 03-05-2012
Originally Posted by Reaver2145:
Try a ***** Cafe Variation #12 Its many drinks 5 to be exact in one.
Fixed it for ya'. dang PG censor. Think kitty cat.

I like MUG brand rootbeer and cream soda. Henry's makes a good product too.
irratebass 04:01 AM 03-06-2012
In the latest Ca interview with Brad Paisley he doesn't drink either and he says he likes to pair his smokes with Yoo Hoo and Grape Juice, I have yet to try these, but I am going to try the grape juice tonight maybe, will let you know.
md4958 05:53 AM 03-06-2012
As some others have mentioned: Pellegrino, Lemon Pellegrino, Coke, coffee.

The Pellegrino leaves your palate feeling crisp and refreshed and the carbonation makes for a more interesting mouth feel

The Limonata (Lemon Pellegrino) and Coke have citric acid that refresh the palate

Coffee goes great with cigars, as the flavors compliment each other... the stronger the cigar, the stronger the coffee.

Several guys have mentioned rootbeer, but I havent had an opportunity to pair it with a cigar yet.
Subvet642 06:53 AM 03-06-2012
Originally Posted by Salvelinus:
Coffee with a smoke is stellar if you're a coffee drinker.
+1 :-)
Blak Smyth 07:10 AM 03-06-2012
In order of favorites:

Coffee (Always a home run)
Cream Soda (Sometimes it is too sweet for cetain smokes, othertimes amazing)
Water (Great for hydration and leaves you able to taste the pure cigar)
Coke (Works well with some smokes)
Birch Beer (Works well with some smokes)
Root Beer (I find it can bitter certain smokes)
BlkDrew 07:18 AM 03-06-2012
Originally Posted by 44stampede:
Of course I also smoke in the morning on the weekend mostly and feel a little weird breaking out the bottle at 8am. I know...weird right?
some of us work nights, so 8am is our 5 o'clock.

i have yet to try cream soda, but i have heard a lot about it. I have tried Pelligrino and enjoyed it.
Blak Smyth 07:19 AM 03-06-2012
Originally Posted by BlkDrew:
some of us work nights, so 8am is our 5 o'clock.

i have yet to try cream soda, but i have heard a lot about it. I have tried Pelligrino and enjoyed it.
If you are smoking something creamy it will elevate it. I can't drink cream soda without a cigar now.
shopkins82 08:11 AM 03-06-2012
Root Beer, Dr. Pepper, and Gingerale are my favorites. As far as Root Beer goes, I usually like something with a bit of bite in general, but I'm actually finding a creamier Root Beer with more vanilla goes better when smoking.

On the alcoholic front, I had a very pleasing smoke with a strange drink just the other night. A friend of mine received a bottle of Three Olive Loopey (fruit-loop flavored Vodka) as a gift, so we started experimenting and came up with the "Dirty Tucan", "Fruity Russian", or some other made up name consisting of the Loopey vodka, creme de minth (the only non-coffee cream liquor we had), and half-and-half with a few fruit loops on top to garnish... it was like Saturday Morning cartoons with booze! Also, strangely, a nice compliment to the Factory Throwout No. 59 Sweets we were smoking that night.
Digs 08:12 AM 03-06-2012
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
If you are smoking something creamy it will elevate it. I can't drink cream soda without a cigar now.
teamgreg8 08:01 PM 03-06-2012
This board is the best. Thanks again for all the responses, I have many beverages to try. The three that pique my interest the most are cream soda, dr. pepper, and pellegrino.
Emjaysmash 08:03 PM 03-06-2012
Cream soda FTW.
Malazan 08:05 PM 03-06-2012
What's the best tasting Root Beer out there?
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