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All Cigar Discussion>Gurkha Hate
MrClean 04:14 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by maninblack:
I freaking love them!! They rank right up there with Cremosa's in my book! Can't get enough of their blends. All 487 of them.

I have my first one in my cooler, still can't bring myself to smoke it.......... I might like it. :-)
Blak Smyth 05:27 AM 02-28-2012
Gurkha is a brand that focuses way to much on packaging and visual stimuli and not enough on taste. From their artfull designed treasure chest boxes and their extravagant bands to their rediculous MSRP. They are not all terrible but I have never had a good one. I will never spend my good hard earned money, knowingly, to support a cigar company that is founded on looks and appearance over quality and flavors. Gurkha is a fraudulent product as far as I am concerned. You strip away the glitzy boxes and bands and you are left with a good looking dollar stick from CI.
kelmac07 05:40 AM 02-28-2012
While I have had plenty of Gurkhas that were horrible, I do enjoy the Doble Maduro...shame they discontinued them. Grabbed a few 5ers to save for a rainy day.

Got to PPP a His Majesty's Reserve (compliments of EricF) at Doms herf last summer and let's just say that if I had paid $ 750 for that stick...I would have been extremely upset. It was garbage.
sevans105 05:44 AM 02-28-2012
When I first started in Cigar World, I remember judging a lot of the "quality" of a stick based on two factors 1. Quality of the band...a good cigar should have a good band right? 2. Cigar catalog MSRP. and what a great deal I was getting. I remember saying to Dani, "I saved $250 on this package!"

Gurkhas aren't BAD in my opinion, I actually kinda like the Black Puros, but I don't buy them any more. I grew out of my cigar ADD "oooooh shiny!" And recognized the marketing strategies of Gurkha.

Now, Tatuaje, they still get me on occasion. Stupid limited releases. At least they are tasty.
Reaver2145 05:45 AM 02-28-2012
Isnt the Black Dragon even more expensive than the HMR i remember reading somewhere they where charging something like $1500 each.
Blak Smyth 05:46 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Got to PPP a His Majesty's Reserve (compliments of EricF) at Doms herf last summer and let's just say that if I had paid $ 750 for that stick...I would have been extremely upset. It was garbage.
I was there as well and when it was passed back around nobody really wanted to try again. I think Big Ash and Tbone ended up smoking by themselves if my memory is correct. It was nice to try, if Gurkha can't even make a good $750.00 stick...
kelmac07 05:48 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by Reaver2145:
Isnt the Black Dragon even more expensive than the HMR i remember reading somewhere they where charging something like $1500 each.
At one point Simon...The Black Dragon story began in 2006 when it hit the market with the hefty price tag of $1,150.00 per cigar, the most expensive cigar ever made. Only 5 hand-carved camel bone boxes of 100 cigars were produced, making this stick very, very limited. Must have been paying for that hand-carved camel bone, because today the Black Dragon can be had (depending on vitola) for between $ 7.50 (robusto) to $ 17.50 (tubo).
Blak Smyth 05:50 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
At one point Simon...The Black Dragon story began in 2006 when it hit the market with the hefty price tag of $1,150.00 per cigar, the most expensive cigar ever made. Only 5 hand-carved camel bone boxes of 100 cigars were produced, making this stick very, very limited.. Now the Black Dragon can be had (depending on vitola) for between $ 7.50 (robusto) to $ 17.50 (tubo).
Bahahaha perfect example of Gurkhatronics at work! :-)
Reaver2145 06:03 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
At one point Simon...The Black Dragon story began in 2006 when it hit the market with the hefty price tag of $1,150.00 per cigar, the most expensive cigar ever made. Only 5 hand-carved camel bone boxes of 100 cigars were produced, making this stick very, very limited. Must have been paying for that hand-carved camel bone, because today the Black Dragon can be had (depending on vitola) for between $ 7.50 (robusto) to $ 17.50 (tubo).
See i would understand the cubans doing this as its the communists winning over us capitalist pigs once again but really charging that much for some camel bone box is something cohiba wouldn't even do and they come up with some overpriced crap most of the time COUGH LANCEROS COUGH
Islayphile 06:17 AM 02-28-2012
The only Gurkha's I've had that were decent were the cheap ones...

Doble Maduro and Grand Age

I haven't smoked either one of those in years, so please don't take that as any king of endorsement whatsoever.
oldforge 07:15 AM 02-28-2012
The Centurian is the only cigar I have ever had that tasted like soap--yes, soap.
The Legends are Ok yard gars when the wrappers don't explode.

But it has been more than five years since I actually bought one.
hammondc 07:25 AM 02-28-2012
for $2 they are not bad. For $10+ they are some of the worst out there.
JenksAnejo 07:31 AM 02-28-2012
Islayphile 07:36 AM 02-28-2012
Friends don't let friends smoke Gurkha
dave 08:04 AM 02-28-2012
Gurkha hate is a somewhat silly phenomenom if you ask me. So much of what bothers people about Gurkha has little to do with the flavor and construction of the cigars.
Many Gurkhas have unreasonably high MSRP's -- So do CAO's, RP's, many others. Just because a Titan has an MSRP of $20 bucks doesn't mean anything to me if I can get them for $3. Gurkha puts out time, money, effort into some incredible packaging. Doesn't do much for me, but I've seen empty Gurkha boxes sold for quite a bit of scratch, so somebody likes them. Gurkha contracts out their manufacturing, but so do many, many other cigar companies. Gurkha puts out a LOT of different cigars - so do Pete, Pepin, Padilla...... Perhaps a little more identification and/or differentiation on the bands would help, but again - so what. Lots of stories about exploding Gurkhas out there. I've had some issues in the past, but I don't write off the whole line. I will avoid the Fuertes or whatever they were called, but by and large, I haven't had a lot of construction problems.
I'd bet that many Gurkha haters got sucked into ad copy by some of the large internet retailers promising incredible smokes at 50% of MSRP. I did. Had some pretty crappy Gurkhas over the years. But there are good ones, too. If anything, all the hate allows me to grab pretty good cigars on the cheap at cigarbid.

I think that if most haters came across any of these in a blind taste test, they'd be pleasantly surprised:

Black Dragon
Nepalese Warrior
Ancient Warrior (Purple Band)
Micro Batch TPB-1 - Corojo Box-press Lancero
G5 Avenger
Master Select
smitty81 08:22 AM 02-28-2012
I have never had a Gurkha.

I've been intrigued but never bought one.
True Story.
Stephen 08:28 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by PuffPuffGive1:
I find it unflattering that they're constantly coming out with new lines to further add to the 20+ lines they have now. Kind of defeats the exclusivity of their brand and quality imo.
We're talking about Gurkha, not Tatuaje...
Islayphile 08:28 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by smitty81:
I have never had a Gurkha.

I've been intrigued but never bought one.
True Story.
Consider yourself to be a "puro"

shilala 08:33 AM 02-28-2012
Smoke what you like, Dave. :-)

Personally, I've found that Gurkha just simply does not worry about their blends. There's just simply nothing there, they're in the business of glamour-saling inferior cigars. I don't smoke them simply because I find them lousy at any price point and don't care to support their business model.
Mac mentioned the Doble Maduro, I can remember the Nepalese Warrior having a little spice about it, but that was long ago. Everything else I tried was bland or just plain disgusting.
So I just smoke what I like.

OP, We rag on Gurkha because it's fun. It's well-founded and most everyone here has had a run-in with Gurkha that didn't go so well. It's fun to share the pain. :-)
icehog3 08:43 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
At one point Simon...The Black Dragon story began in 2006 when it hit the market with the hefty price tag of $1,150.00 per cigar, the most expensive cigar ever made. Only 5 hand-carved camel bone boxes of 100 cigars were produced, making this stick very, very limited. Must have been paying for that hand-carved camel bone, because today the Black Dragon can be had (depending on vitola) for between $ 7.50 (robusto) to $ 17.50 (tubo).

MMMMM......Camel bone. :-)

Originally Posted by dave:
Gurkha hate is a somewhat silly phenomenom if you ask me. So much of what bothers people about Gurkha has little to do with the flavor... of the cigars.
And for some it is that flavor, a mix of dirt, and, well.....more dirt
. :-) :-)
Originally Posted by icehog3:

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