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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 11:35 PM 10-02-2017
Did I mention the Italian wedding?
Adriftpanda 03:54 PM 10-03-2017
I saw the pictures... where was your tie?

Back yesterday, rest today.

Seated wide grip row
Bent over db row
V grip pull downs

Had some time so did bis
icehog3 04:57 PM 10-03-2017
Nice, I did back today.

A couple variations of T-bar rows.
Barbell rows.
Cable rows.
Pull ups.

I don't do ties. :-)
bonjing 09:14 PM 10-03-2017
Wow, that week off killed me. Did 60min on the elliptical and felt good. thought the week off gave me a nice rest thinking I'm going to kill it on the weights. Thought I'd throw up the 95's since I felt good, WRONG:-). Struggled on dumbbell bench flat and incline. Struggled to get the 70's up for flat and 55's on incline. Did some flat and incline flys, not too bad. Finished off with some cable work for lower chest.

Maybe because Monday is my chest day and Tuesday is my shoulder and bi day :-)

I'm starting to think this weight loss is BS, I was a fat guy that could throw up some weights no biggie. I'm fat, I'm strong :-). Now just chubby and need to work even harder to just maintain some sort of strength :-).

Bah, just venting; shouldn't be thinking this way.
icehog3 12:34 AM 10-04-2017
It's tough when you have to keep taking time off for injuries and other factors, Greg, but it's just in your blood, you gotta come back. Be patient and get healthy and you'll throw 'em up like that again. ****, maybe I can get you a tryout with the Bears. :-)
bonjing 09:09 AM 10-04-2017
Thanks Tom! I guess it's just getting to me mentally, I know what I am capable of but having the hernia is keeping me back; no big deal I can live with that. It's the knowing what I can do, right now, but having these weak spells is killing me. I could under stand not being able to push up 5lbs, maybe 10lbs after taking rest but 20lbs and still having trouble is what killed me.

I'm averaging 4lbs - 5lbs loss a week, and I'm pretty sure my body is eating up muscle like crazy trying to save itself, so that's probably not helping.
icehog3 09:52 AM 10-04-2017
You will get it all worked out, Greg, it's hard not to get a little frustrated when you can't do what you know you're capable of doing, but it will come.

Leg day coming for me, maybe some shoulders if I have enough gas.
Adriftpanda 09:54 AM 10-04-2017
What do you expect you donkey? A crazy deficit in calories will lose body fat and of course muscle mass.

In time, you'll get it back.

How much longer is this liquid diet crap?
icehog3 11:00 AM 10-04-2017
Huy gets straight to the point. I can dig that. :-)
bonjing 11:30 AM 10-04-2017
I think i introduce solids just before Thanksgiving.
Adriftpanda 03:51 PM 10-04-2017
I think you will continue to see fat loss as well as decrease in muscle mass.

I already told you what I think of these liquid diets and other diet fads.

BUT if its the result you're expecting/enjoying, more power to you. I would never tell anyone that they are wrong for bettering their health. So sorry, if any of that came off that way. Only love bro

50 min to hit breast

Pause flat bb 3x3 heavy and 4x5 moderate
Incline db press 4x8
Cable flies 5x8+

Stiff bar push downs - reverse grip push downs
Adriftpanda 03:51 PM 10-04-2017
Originally Posted by bonjing:
I think i introduce solids just before Thanksgiving.
God damn... rip lmao
icehog3 04:02 PM 10-04-2017
Good leg day, wasn't super strong but lots of endurance and intensity. Threw in some military presses, rear delts and barbell shrugs at the end.
bonjing 12:18 PM 10-05-2017
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
God damn... rip lmao
I've been doing good :-) haven't cheated once, but I have forgotten to eat every once in a while. Bet you never thought you'd hear me say that :-)

Pretty easy day yesterday and definitely not my best form.

Arnold press
Lateral raise
front raise
bent over flys

dumbbell curls, hammers, cable curls and reverse grip curls.
icehog3 01:52 PM 10-05-2017
Good job, Greg, getting in there is half the battle.

Just arms today so I really tore them up. No idea how I am gonna shampoo my hair today. :-)
Adriftpanda 02:08 PM 10-05-2017
You lie, you have never skipped a meal in your life.

Tom, we twinsy

Hit legs today. One of the better leg days and had time to hit db presses

Pause squats
Platz hack squats
Bb stiff leg deads
Seated leg extensions

Standing ohp db
icehog3 04:15 PM 10-05-2017
Just don't tell Erich, Huy. :-) :-)
Adriftpanda 04:43 PM 10-05-2017
I'll tell your FC roommate in a few weeks
icehog3 05:24 PM 10-05-2017
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
I'll tell your FC roommate in a few weeks
That's fine, Erich is the only one who would be upset over someone other than him being called my twin. :-)
Adriftpanda 06:33 PM 10-06-2017
Mentally not all there today. Lack of sleep, lack of calories, and just no energy.

Did back and finished with some arms

Neutral grip pull downs to warm up
T bar rows
Db row
Wide grip pull downs

Db curls
Ez bar reverse grip curls
Preacher curls
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