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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 01:30 PM 09-16-2017
Huy is the wrist master. Most of the work was done while he was single. :-)
Adriftpanda 03:34 PM 09-18-2017
Hahah true

Olympic lifts are so technical, if you don't practice them often, it's hard to get.
I hit legs twice a week and on the 2nd leg day, I do fronts.

Back day. Had less than an hour and that included my warm ups for deads

Deads 4x5
Chest supported rows 5x5 drop set 4 plates
Wide grip pull downs 5x8+

Hit a super set of bis: preacher curls - reverse grip curls
icehog3 05:29 PM 09-18-2017
Nice work, Huy. If Stacy goes out tonight you can get some wrist work in.

Shoulder day, strength was good and endurance was ok.

Hit military presses, barbell shrugs and rear delts. Saving it up for tomorrow for legs and maybe some guns.
bonjing 10:23 PM 09-18-2017
Good pace on the elliptical for an hour. Some bench, dumbbell flys and some cable flys.

Don't know what's worse, nothing in the tank or having gas :-)
icehog3 12:36 AM 09-19-2017
Good gas is good, bad gas is baaaad. :-)
icehog3 03:24 PM 09-19-2017
Good appendage day. Short and heavy on leg presses and curls.

Long and reppy on skullcrushers, barbell curls, cable pushdowns and preacher curls.

Games tonight, tomorrow and Friday, so done with legs for the week. :-)
Adriftpanda 08:47 PM 09-19-2017
I had gas today, but don't care. My headphones were on, if I can't hear it, it doesn't count.

Bench day

Heavy flat bench 4x3 and then drop sets
Incline db press 4x6-8
Cable flies - presses

Finished up with some tris:

Tri set: single arm db extensions - ez bar push downs - reverse ez bar push downs
bonjing 09:02 AM 09-20-2017
A bit on the elliptical for warm up. Did some shoulders and bicep work last night. Sucks that the trainer locked up all weights below 40lbs, said someone had been stealing weights from the gym. Oh well just time to adapt.
icehog3 10:55 AM 09-20-2017
Good work, Men. :-)

So when do the light weights get unlocked, Greg? That sucks.

Off day for me, hockey last night and again tonight. Back in the gym manana.
Adriftpanda 04:18 PM 09-20-2017
Leg day.

Squats - working on low bar for the past 3-4 weeks. It's not easy

Squats 4x3
Pause squats 3x5 w/3 secs
Single leg presses - seated extensions 4x8-12
icehog3 06:28 PM 09-20-2017
Low bar?
Adriftpanda 04:35 AM 09-21-2017
It's typically used for pl. You place the bar lower, about 4-5 inches lower than a typical high bar position squat. So bc of the position you're leaning forward more than the standard upright as a normal squat.

Focuses more on hamstring and lower back but still target quads. Also low bar squat allows you to lift heavier (but I haven't been able to lol)

I don't think I've seen this technique outside the pl community. Not a pl but I just want to be well rounded and learn different techniques.

Mulas for everyone
bonjing 10:05 AM 09-21-2017
I'm round :-)

Did some back and tri work last night.

Wide grip pull downs
Close grip rows
Some backs machine

French press
Close grip bench
Rope pulls
Single arm tri both palm up and palm down

Wasn't paying attention on the pulls downs and somehow hit my lip with the bar. Didn't hurt but all I could think of for the rest of the night was Kevin Hearts bum bump :-):-)
icehog3 10:26 AM 09-21-2017
:-) Greg! Too funny.

Thanks, Huy, that's what I thought but wasn't 100%.

Only had 2 lines at hockey last night. so I decided to take an extra day off today. Back at it manana.
Adriftpanda 03:40 PM 09-21-2017
Nice to see you back and training Greg.

Taking tomorrow - Sunday off so I decided to hit a press - pull day.

Bb pendlay rows 4x5-6
Seated db military presses (haven't done these in awhile) 4x5

Close grip pull downs 3x10
Incline bb press 3x6-8

Seated rows - standing cable press 4x10-15

Finished up with some arms
icehog3 08:29 AM 09-22-2017
Looks like I need to be off tomorrow and Sunday too, so I am gonna hit chest / back as well. I take inspiration from your day, Huy. :-)
icehog3 01:29 PM 09-22-2017
Tore up the chest/back, kept weight medium and ramped up the intensity and reps.

Bent over rows - Bench press
T-bar rows - Incline bench
Cable rows - Vertical bench
Medium wide pulldowns

Probably have to take the weekend off like I said, so back at it Monday.

Lift once for me this weekend, Huy. :-)

Greg, you out again for a short?
Adriftpanda 01:38 AM 09-23-2017
No way, I'm eating this weekend. No training, just training my belly to expand for tacos
icehog3 08:58 AM 09-23-2017
You son of a son of a sailor. :-) :-)
bonjing 09:52 AM 09-23-2017
Yes Sir. Out for about a week, a few days of no heavy lifting plus a few day of no getting sweat in the eye.
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