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General Discussion>Photography Thread
shark 05:40 PM 05-30-2014
Originally Posted by OLS:
Them Rebs just LOOK like they needs killin'. Looka that devil's expression!
Also, I am confident now in the cavalry, that if we ever take on a army of midgets, we are in good hands, lol.
but seriously, nice shot by the rider, and nicer shots by the photographer.
It was pretty hot that day, and I know for sure that the Union uniforms are wool...Wool Jacket, wool trousers, long sleeves, those guys were sweating and thinking of doing something else most likely, especially with that annoying photographer running along snapping shots. :-)
shark 07:41 PM 05-30-2014
From the Memorial day parade in Dearborn. He was representing the paratroopers from WWII. He actually resembles the actor who portrayed "Wild Bill" Guarniere from Band of Brothers:

shark 07:59 PM 05-30-2014
An almost time for sunset shot. I took this with a tripod. 50mm lens, f7.1, 1/15 second
OLS 02:48 PM 06-01-2014
A great weekend of shooting, and some of the stuff I shot was soft but I liked it so much it didn't matter.
I know that is a bad thing to do, but we all know I am no pro. So sue me, haha.

OLS 02:55 PM 06-01-2014
I thought this girl with the yellow boots on was so sexy, and she came out soft because my eye focused on the girl to
the left, and my actual subject came out soft....I was manual focusing most of this night. As I was snap shooting this
to keep from getting overly busted, I lived with what I got.

OLS 07:16 AM 06-04-2014
I like to shoot people photos, but I rarely DO because it is the most awkward kind of thing to shoot people who
invariably do not want to be shot. AS anyone here knows, it is far from my preferred form of photography.
But when I SEE something great, I will often focus on something at a similar distance and exposure level,
then turn on my heels and fire away, manually focusing as I shoot to get it right before the person becomes
aware of what is happening. This is the story here, the girl in the glasses figured it out and buried her face
in her friend's shoulder to escape me. But those 4 frames of 'hang time' before she reacted are perfect,
because you can see the brain working and still have the scene the way you wanted it. The picture above
was so different, in that I just pulled the camera up, focused (badly) and shot 2 frames and respectfully
left them alone. It works better this other way, I think.

stearns 07:46 AM 06-04-2014
Originally Posted by OLS:
Love this picture, the reflection off the glass adds to the image as well :-)
OLS 07:49 AM 06-04-2014
yep, I am a sexy reflexy...oh, you mean the CARS and stuff. :-)
stearns 07:51 AM 06-04-2014
here's one from Monday night, looked up while having a smoke out on my balcony and the sun was just about set. I have three hundred of these on my phone, take em most nights when it's nice out, but this one I thought was particularly cool. I see now that it's not quite framed right, oh well.

OLS 08:05 AM 06-04-2014
Nice sun disc, that's for sure. Damn the waves of clouds!
OLS 11:11 AM 06-05-2014
Here is another shot from the recent Trolley Night for May......

OLS 05:59 AM 06-06-2014
Here is just a kind of throw-away shot from Wednesday Night, and yet it is so good.
My friend teaches a Ukulele class for 5 weeks and then they had their recital this week.
In Memphis, since I have a job for now and I have this photo thing as a hobby, I use my
hobby to help promote things and people who need it. No musicians ever have any MONEY,
to there is no sense in trying to get blood out of a turnip. If I can help them with what I do
for FUN, why not. This is another such case. They were pleased to have their event
shared with others....only 8-9 people showed up to watch, and they were likely all loved
ones. But the Facebuuk post that night shared it with many hundreds more, so it works
out for the size of the next class, I guess. And it helps people to share their deal with family
and friends and gives them proof that it happened. Here are a few of the students trading licks
before the show. I thought it was a great "people shot".

OLS 06:30 AM 06-06-2014
Here is another shot I like, I was forced to hang out a LOT LONGER than I wanted to last Friday night,
I had shot all the haps of Trolley Night and was headed to my car when I realized that Pete Wood from
The Pistol & The Queen had asked me if I was doing anything Friday night, which is his code for "Hey man,
I would really like it if you came down to our gig and shot." He's from London and his band mate is a
Creole angel from New Orleans. They are a great team. But the house band was feeling their oats and
played far too long, and had basically taken P&TQ's slot at 9pm. SO it was 10:45 before they started
to even set up. And what made it worse for Pete, they had been playing all these Beatles and
Stones songs in 'party band' form and it was like driving a corkscrew into his eardrums. SO when it was
time to play, he was wound up tight. The light in Earnestine & Hazels is unique in the world for it's terribleness.
But in this shot it kinda works. And here is a video that I shot elsewhere, too.

baust55 09:39 AM 06-06-2014
cool pics I need to get an online album updated

OLS 10:33 AM 06-06-2014
That's sort of how its done here, we store elsewhere to present full size here through html code kinda stuff.
But you can upload files directly to your posts here, they just show up as thumbnails that must be clicked on.
Either way. As this is kind of a artsy fartsy subject for a thread, it looks better full size. But in the
"What's in your smoker" thread, I often go with thumbnails.
OLS 04:15 PM 06-08-2014
One of the most iconic, yet little known places in Memphis is Earnestine & Hazels Sundry Store. Tourists rarely make it this far
down South Main street. Used to be a drugstore, but the original owner made it big with hair tonic, then later Coppertone suntan
lotion, and basically gave the store to some ladies upstairs. In the 1980s it became a bar, and they might have the best jukebox
in the world. Depends on what you like I guess. It is HARD to shoot in, because of that DAMNED NEON SIGN. But its SHO GOT SOUL.
I spotted this lady one night under the old light fixtures.

dman4505 05:44 AM 06-10-2014
Went to the zoo yesterday and saw these new sculptures at the bear exhibit, there's a dozen of them.


OLS 06:55 AM 06-10-2014
Louisiana Road Kill........for a fast little critter, they sure can't seem to avoid cars.
Maybe this is my attempt to get this thread moving, if enough people post,
this photo will be on another page and lost to time.
Maybe its just a disgusting sight.
I can say that the aroma surrounding this critter was bad enough to make me shoot one and done.

OLS 05:12 PM 06-11-2014
I am debating a purchase of a lens I don't think I need, and I wish there was someone in the thread that can help me
confirm or refute my feelings on it. But sadly, there is very little participation around the forums these days, and I am
as guilty as anyone.

I have a 50mm 1.8 Nikkor lens, and I love it because it is sharp and fast. I never REALLY needed it to be faster,
because I had cameras that can shoot at high ISOs without too much image degredation. So when
there is a chance to get a 50mm 1.4, I don't see the cost of the lens as being worthwhile, because I am
ALMOST that fast now, and I don't see .4 difference in aperture as being worth the money. But I know that
aperture is "logarithmic", so there may be a REAL difference in 1.4 and 1.8. In fact, in researching the issue, I see
that 1.8 is actually kind of a halfway house between 1.4 and 2. So maybe I DO need the 1.4 lens. I have always believed
that bumping the gain will easily make up for this lack of 'night vision' in my lenses. And I still do, I guess. But if I intend
to continue buttering my bread with low light, natural light shooting, I guess I need to accept some facts.

I sure would like to hear some other thoughts from people who know and understand.
Steve 08:41 PM 06-11-2014
All I can say is the Nikkor 50/1.2 is a sweet lens...
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