icehog3 09:48 PM 04-14-2012
emopunker2004 09:49 PM 04-14-2012
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:

Just finished a Paulaner Oktoberfest
Jbailey 10:01 AM 04-15-2012
My morning drinks are sponsored by Hendricks Gin.
GTsetGO 11:13 AM 04-15-2012
more Stella Artios and New Begium 1554 in my house right now.
Bill86 12:00 AM 04-16-2012
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Black Russians
Almost done with the bottle of Kahlua and handle of Vodka, one more drink
emopunker2004 12:04 AM 04-16-2012
Originally Posted by Bill86:
Almost done with the bottle of Kahlua and handle of Vodka, one more drink :-)
emopunker2004 05:42 AM 04-16-2012
Intuition Ale Works "Jon Boat Coastal Ale"
TJtorpedo 06:49 PM 04-16-2012
Yuengling Black & Tan. Not fancy, but it was free!
Islayphile 09:00 PM 04-16-2012
Zeuceone 02:19 AM 04-17-2012
BC-Axeman 08:49 PM 04-17-2012
billybarue 09:44 PM 04-17-2012
emopunker2004 12:22 AM 04-18-2012
cricky101 04:14 PM 04-19-2012
Bell's Oberon and some Lagunitas Hop Stoopid
TJtorpedo 06:53 PM 04-19-2012
Lagunitas Red. Damn it's good!
theonlybear4CORT 10:02 PM 04-19-2012
Bill86 09:28 PM 04-20-2012
Knob Creek Single Barrel
Knob Creek Single Barrel