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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
Mark 05:06 PM 03-02-2010
Hey guys - I used to swim competitively and when I stopped, I continued swimming for fitness for a few years. This last year I have been slammed with studies and have literally just stopped working out, until this week. I have been to the pool once and the gym once (going again after class tonight), but to be honest, I don't really know what to do in the gym. I know I want to lift weights, but usually I just walk around, see what machines look appealing, and do that for a bit until I get tired. A few sets of ten to fifteen, usually. I have been looking on the internet for workout plans, but there are SO many out there I don't really know who to trust. Also, I went to GNC and got some protein powder today, and the guy gave me good advice, but I am looking for a bit more literature on dosing and effectiveness. So here's my question: what are some good websites or books with this kind of information that I could check out to answer my questions? I know its all basic entry level stuff, so I don't want to bog down your thread with that kind of stuff, but I trust you guys, and I am looking for resources that you trust for good information. Any ideas?

Oh by the way, I'm not sure if this helps or not, but I am looking to build muscle in the upper body and get rid of what I call a budding "spare tire".

Thanks for your help!
icehog3 08:03 PM 03-02-2010
Some good articles here, Mark, but if you have specific questions, there are lots of guys here to help.

Psyched to get back to the steel tomorrow after a 2 day break. :-)
Mark 09:19 PM 03-02-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Some good articles here, Mark, but if you have specific questions, there are lots of guys here to help.
Thanks Tom! Looks like lots of good info there!

Just got back from the gym. Curls, bench, lat-pulldowns, and shoulders (not sure what that exercise is called...) Now I'm BEAT!
PeteSB75 07:27 AM 03-03-2010
Originally Posted by Mark:
Thanks Tom! Looks like lots of good info there!

Just got back from the gym. Curls, bench, lat-pulldowns, and shoulders (not sure what that exercise is called...) Now I'm BEAT!
Mark, order this book.

Read it. It will give you the basics of form and execution on the major lifts. Follow the workout program, maybe making one change, substituting pull-ups and/or lat pulldowns for the power cleans at the beginning. They are very tough to learn without a teacher.
The Professor 08:23 AM 03-03-2010
"off" day for me.

cardio for 10

old skool t-bar: 1px15, 2px12, 3px10x4

pullups: mixed neutral grip and underhand for 45 reps (assisted)

landmines: +25x10, +35x10, +45x10,10,10,8

various biceps stuff on the cable machine
icehog3 08:24 AM 03-03-2010
Nice "off" day, Dokk! :-)
The Professor 08:32 AM 03-03-2010
yeah ... well ... I'm a stubborn jackass. at least I was doing everything for reps and keeping it light. :-)
DBall 10:33 AM 03-03-2010
Started trying to structure sets of things. I realaized I can do 3 sets of 10 on some of the stuff I'm doing (like the 120# Leg Presses)... also upped curls again (60#x10, 72#x10, 60#x10), chest press (60#x20) and changed my assisted pull-ups from 80# to 70#

As an aside, I broke my elbow around 10 years ago... went to PT for 6+ months and got a good amount of range-of-motion back. Sometimes it seems like it comes "out of place" a little and hurts when I extend it until it finally goes back into place. This usually happens when I straighten it too much, as I can no longer fully straighten that elbow.

Since Monday, it's been like that. My whole routine was ok today, though, it didn't affect me till I tried a new exercise... some tricep thing were you sit down, grab bars around waist-high and push straight down. It was set at 60#, which I figured I could do. Around the third rep, my elbow just felt really weird, like something bad was imminent, so I stopped right away.

My question is, with that kind of an injury, are there certain exercises I should stay away from? Any that would help further improve range-of-motion? Should I just have a quick consult with a PT to discuss this kinda thing?

PeteSB75 10:37 AM 03-03-2010
I would definitely consult with a PT or an ortho doc. The trainers at the gym might offer suggestions, but I wouldn't rely on them for medical advice. Until you can do that, just make sure you recognize the difference between muscle soreness/tiredness and pain. The first can and should be worked through. The second is bad and you need to stop whatever is causing it.
The Professor 10:37 AM 03-03-2010
I'd consult a PT. the bad thing is that any triceps exercise is gonna take you from a bent, to straight, and back. so with you're history, I'd be consulting a medical professional.
The Professor 10:47 AM 03-03-2010
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
I would definitely consult with a PT or an ortho doc. The trainers at the gym might offer suggestions, but I wouldn't rely on them for medical advice. Until you can do that, just make sure you recognize the difference between muscle soreness/tiredness and pain. The first can and should be worked through. The second is bad and you need to stop whatever is causing it.
get out of my head! :-)
PeteSB75 11:56 AM 03-03-2010
Originally Posted by The Professor:
get out of my head! :-)
:-) :-) :-)
BigFrank 06:24 PM 03-03-2010
Bench Night
close grip[ pause sets
2 plates x 8,6
Cable press downs.

After some benching and then some incline work the pause sets really worked my ass over. The cramping/pump in my triceps became so unbearable that I honestly waited 15minutes until doing dips. When it returned cutting my reps short. Good for a change of pace I suppose.
icehog3 10:40 PM 03-03-2010
Freaking tweaked my back putting a 120 pound dumbbell back in the rack after a set of Dumbbell Inclines. Finished my chest workout as it didn't tighten up too bad until a while after I was done and cooled down. Had to work in plainclothes today as it was too tight to comfortably wear my gear. Hoping it loosens up before my back workout tomorrow. Needless to say, if I can train it will be all pullupand the like as I am going to avoid any rows tomorrow.
The Professor 06:08 AM 03-04-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Freaking tweaked my back putting a 120 pound dumbbell back in the rack after a set of Dumbbell Inclines. Finished my chest workout as it didn't tighten up too bad until a while after I was done and cooled down. Had to work in plainclothes today as it was too tight to comfortably wear my gear. Hoping it loosens up before my back workout tomorrow. Needless to say, if I can train it will be all pullupand the like as I am going to avoid any rows tomorrow.
That sucks, Admiral. :-) Sound like 10 minutes on a foam roller, tennis ball, or softball would really help work that out.

It's my shoulder day; but I'll do some wide-grip rows (for rear delts) for you, today. :-)
PeteSB75 06:56 AM 03-04-2010
Originally Posted by The Professor:
That sucks, Admiral. :-) Sound like 10 minutes on a foam roller, tennis ball, or softball would really help work that out.

It's my shoulder day; but I'll do some wide-grip rows (for rear delts) for you, today. :-)
I did some this morning, though I hadn't seen this before hand. Good luck Tom, mine was finally back to normal about a week after I tweaked it. Icyhot is the bomb.

Anyway, volume work again today, press, bar rows, upright rows and lat pulldowns for me this morning. Late getting there, so I had to skip my warmup and stretching after. Hate it when that happens.
The Professor 08:31 AM 03-04-2010
An okay day -- shoulders are one of my weakest points.

Overhead barbell presses -- sets to failure up to 115 for 3 sets of 5-7.

Seated military presses -- 95 x 4 sets of 6-8

Superset thing -- don't know the name for these. setup the bar for landmines and did presses with the right arm, then left, then with both hands. 10 reps for each = 1 set. did that for 3 sets with a 1plate on it ... did it fast.

Shurgs -- up to 365, for failure at each increment. stopped at a light weight because my hands were hurting and I wanted to save some grip strength for deadlifts tomottow.

Wide-grip barbell rows -- for rear delts. Did 3 sets of 10, 8, 8 @ 115.

Face pulls -- 150lbs, 3 sets of 10, 8, 8. this was a superset with the rows. :-)

Cable upright rows -- 150lbs, 3 sets of 10.

Natural grip pull-ups (assisted) -- 10 @ 70lbs assistance, 8 @ 60lbs assistance, 5 @ 50lbs assistance.

Foam roller ... then done.

Tomorrow is leg day with my lifting partner ... and it's my choice of exercises. :-)
icehog3 08:37 AM 03-04-2010
How do you use the foam roller, Dokk?
The Professor 08:50 AM 03-04-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
How do you use the foam roller, Dokk?
I roll on it, Admiral. :-)

Seriously, though, I'll set it on the hard ground (not a soft mat) to that it runs side-to-side. Then I'll lay back on it and roll in a manner that makes my body roll over the foam roller in an up and down (head to toe) motion. I'll place my arms in different positions to accentuate certain muscles (when I'm rolling for my lats, traps, and rear delts) and then roll slowly or rapidly to really rub those muscles out. It hurts ... but it hurts good. :-) I'll also do the same kind of rolling sort of on my side to hit the outer lats, delts, spinal erectors, and even the obliques. I also use the roller for my legs, either laying on my back to hit the hams and glutes or on my stomach to hit the quads (or on my side to hit the outer quads and glutes).

Gimme a call if that doesn't make sense or whatever. Dave Z is also a good person to talk to ... he (and Frank) helped turn me on to the roller.

I hope that helps, Admiral.
icehog3 08:52 AM 03-04-2010
I think we have them in the fitness room at my gym (I only go in there for some ab work)...if they do I will try it...Thanks Dokk!
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