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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Starscream 08:16 AM 03-04-2009
Week 8 results: No change. Still at 242. Didn't hit my 20lbs goal at the two month mark. No sweat. Gotta focus and take the exercise serious. I don't exercise daily anymore, haven't done it at all in two weeks. That cold I had got me off schedule, and I never picked back up after it had gone. Focus, focus, focus! It probably also didn't help that I ate almost a pound of veggie chow mein the night before weigh-in.

Two months down, and I've lost 19lbs. Not the best in the world, but not too shabby either. Now it's time to redouble my efforts and get to it. Best of luck to you all!
kayaker 08:31 AM 03-04-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Week 8 results: No change. Still at 242. Didn't hit my 20lbs goal at the two month mark. No sweat. Gotta focus and take the exercise serious. I don't exercise daily anymore, haven't done it at all in two weeks. That cold I had got me off schedule, and I never picked back up after it had gone. Focus, focus, focus! It probably also didn't help that I ate almost a pound of veggie chow mein the night before weigh-in.

Two months down, and I've lost 19lbs. Not the best in the world, but not too shabby either. Now it's time to redouble my efforts and get to it. Best of luck to you all!
Nothing wrong with that cut sir. I'm hoping for status quo, at best, tomorrow. I haven't been as active this week and food choices and amounts were just silly.

I do have a ju jutsu class tonight that should be a real help, then I will be right along beside you on the focus train.:-)
Starscream 10:44 AM 03-04-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
I will be right along beside you on the focus train.:-)
All aboard! CHOOOOCHOOOOO!:-)

Peanut butter granola bar for breakfast today with coffee, w/ sweetner and no cream.

Peanut butter granola bar for lunch today w/ diet Mt. Dew

12" veggie sub from Subway for dinner w/ a Sprite Zero.

I know I'm gonna eat some salted peanuts today sometime. Peanuts are a good protein source, supposedly.
Starscream 06:57 AM 03-05-2009
I'm down to 241 today. Too bad it's not my official weigh-in day. I'll get there eventually. 225 sounds like a long ways off.

Breakfast and lunch: Granola bars for both.
Snack: Roasted salted peanuts (in the shell)
Dinner: ??

Keep the faith people.
kayaker 12:47 PM 03-05-2009
Keep going Andy!

I've had a bit of a setback. Back up to 240 even, a gain of 3lbs.

I knew it wasn't going to be good though, eating was way out of hand last weekend and beyond.

Time to buckle back down now. Climbing this evening. Not sure about supper yet.
Starscream 08:04 AM 03-06-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Keep going Andy!

I've had a bit of a setback. Back up to 240 even, a gain of 3lbs.

I knew it wasn't going to be good though, eating was way out of hand last weekend and beyond.

Time to buckle back down now. Climbing this evening. Not sure about supper yet.
I'm dead even with you today, Ian. I weighed in at 240 also. Too bad this isn't my official weigh-in day.

Linguini noodles w/ garlic and olive oil, french bread w/ dipping oils, and a little bit of garlic herb ricearoni for dinner last night. Noodles as a main course was quite satisfying.

Please, someone slap me if I don't exercise any this weekend.
Starscream 06:45 AM 03-09-2009
Yesterday was splurge day, and I OD'd at the chinese buffet. I did manage to get in some exercise. Rode the bike for 5 miles (with two of the kids) and did some yardwork. Tired as all get out after the bike ride, but it was a blast. Plan on doing more this week.
icehog3 08:18 AM 03-09-2009
More than 1/2 way to your short term goal....keep it up, Andy! :-)
jquirit 06:09 PM 03-09-2009
Weight in was this morning. Scale says... 209 lbs. Slow yet steady weight-loss, so I'm happy with that. Also had a friend note that I seemed to be losing weight. Good sign!

So everybody, stay the course and keep at it! :-)
WildBlueSooner 06:11 PM 03-09-2009
Originally Posted by jquirit:
Weight in was this morning. Scale says... 209 lbs. Slow yet steady weight-loss, so I'm happy with that. Also had a friend note that I seemed to be losing weight. Good sign!

So everybody, stay the course and keep at it! :-)
Great work! Keep it up:-)
Starscream 06:48 PM 03-09-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
More than 1/2 way to your short term goal....keep it up, Andy! :-)
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
Great work! Keep it up:-)
Thanks for the encouraging words, guys! It means a lot to all of us.
Originally Posted by jquirit:
Weight in was this morning. Scale says... 209 lbs. Slow yet steady weight-loss, so I'm happy with that. Also had a friend note that I seemed to be losing weight. Good sign!

So everybody, stay the course and keep at it! :-)
Slow and steady wins the race. Glad you're still on track. When others notice that you are losing weight, it makes you feel good, doesn't it?
Shaerza 08:30 AM 03-10-2009
Originally Posted by jquirit:
Also had a friend note that I seemed to be losing weight. Good sign!
That is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and was one of the most powerful motivating factors for me. I still see people that have not seen me since I started the process, and it just makes the rest of your day better anytime you hear it!

Keep up the good work guys :-)
Starscream 03:29 PM 03-10-2009
Just did a three mile ride w/ my kids (only one, the six yr old, could hang w/ me for all three). That relieved some stress after a long day at work. Hopefully it'll help w/ tomorrow's weigh in, but I doubt it. I've been hanging around the 242/243 mark all week.:-)
Starscream 06:18 AM 03-11-2009
Second week with no loss. Can't seem to get past this 242 mark. I have gotta shake things up here, but can't seem to find the energy or the will power to do so. Between work, two online classes, church, grading papers, and household chores, I just can't devote too much time to exercise. Or the time I do get I am exhausted and need to relax for a bit. I am enjoying this bicycle riding, but it's not enough. Sunday splurge days hurt me somewhat, and still getting used to no meat right now has thrown me off a little too.
Starscream 06:21 AM 03-11-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Thanks. I've been told that sometimes we can hit a wall, or at least a plateau, where the body needs time to adjust. We just have to not get discouraged, stick to our guns, and stick with the plan.

I've also heard that we also have natural weights that will take a great deal of effort to get past. If I can't get lower than 230, but can remain active and eating healthy, I'll be happy enough.
Remember this post, Ian? This is what I'm dealing with right now.:-)
Smokin Gator 06:31 AM 03-11-2009
I haven't been posting much because I have sucked wind on my plan lately and I don't feel good about it. I worked out the first couple of days this week but not today. I am also giving up alcohol for a while to see if that will help.

Gotta get back on track!!!
Starscream 07:18 AM 03-11-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I am also giving up alcohol for a while to see if that will help.
Worked wonders for me.:-)
bonjing 09:20 AM 03-11-2009
working out and eating right have been a pain for me this past month. with the layoffs and cut backs, my schedule is all over the f-in place. couple of weeks of swing, some day and a few double backs here and there, i'm barely functioning.

Sugar Free red bull works wonders
kayaker 09:53 AM 03-11-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Remember this post, Ian? This is what I'm dealing with right now.:-)
Hey AS,

Looks like several of us are dealing with it. With a time demanding schedule it's harder to keep on track. Probably because of available energy levels and quick food.

Maybe you need a heavy bag. You'd be amazed how relaxing that can be and how much you can burn from it. Especially if you start throwing in kicks and knees.

SG, as a Scotch-a-holic I can't condone giving up alcohol...but I can see your point. There are a fair few calories there and if it also leads to snacking on stuff other than carrots of celery, then it does double damage.

On the WW program, drinks count as points, so you just work then into the system and deal with them accordingly.

I weigh in tomorrow and I think I'm back on track to where I was a couple of weeks ago. Most of the junk food is out of the house now and I'm back to the climbing gym with greater frequency.

Keep you heads up and your chins down gentlemen.:-)
Shaerza 11:57 AM 03-11-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Sunday splurge days hurt me somewhat, and still getting used to no meat right now has thrown me off a little too.
I do not think I could ever give up meat for more then a few days, and I can imagine that it might lead me to overeating other things.

Are you actively allowing yourself to have a splurge day every week? It seems like several of you are having bad weeks after you post about a splurge night. I know that it is very difficult to do when you are eating out or cooking large meals at home, but I strongly urge you to try to avoid "letting" yourself have nights off. I found over the course of last year that anytime I let myself have a free day, I would start to get more slack on watching everything else, and it would just snowball to a very poor week.

As for those of you that are feeling stuck.. keep with it! I was stuck trying to break thru the 200lbs mark for 6 weeks. It got depressing, but when I finally got there it was a great feeling.

I will plug the med ball workout again too. It only takes 20 minutes to run thru a set and it is a great core body workout. Wokring thru it with no breaks even gets you into a bit of cardio range as well.
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