Another of my "in and out, cheap DSLRs, BUT" posts.
Spotted this today...
Its a Nikon D3100, which normally I would never recommend to anyone. The body has no built-in focus motor, so you
can only use it with AF-S lenses (unless you want to hand-focus). It MOUNTS em all. The issue that has this
$250-$300 used camera on sale for $50 is that it "will not read SD cards - Card will not lock in slot." Hogwash.
We have all used modern SD card-using cameras, where you push the card down, and there is a locking, spring-
loaded system that keeps the card in the camera, and ejects it when you need to take out the card. But sometimes
the mechanism sproings and the card will not lock in. It will not READ the card, because the card cannot be pushed
down far enough, because the spring does not have a locking position anymore, its just like a little trampoline, and it keeps
the contacts achingly close to the camera contacts, but won't touch.
HOWEVER, if you roll up a piece of duct tape sticky side out and sit it on top of the SD card, you can close the door,
and the pressure of the door down on the card keeps it in contact with the contacts in the camera. And the ingenious
Nikon SD card doors feature a double-action mechanism that first presses DOWN on the card, then slides in grooves into
a closed AND locked position, so the duct tape does not force the door open and ruin the quick fix I use. The light springiness
of the tube of duct tape gives you cushion that protects the card from being crushed by the door. More or less tape may
be required to make everything Happy. BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE, this camera is probably perfectly fine.
Trouble is, an X condition camera (for parts only) is not sold with a battery and charger, I guess they take those and
sell them used separately. SO you would need to buy
this and
THIS to have it work as a total package.
So for 88 bucks, you have a entry level Nikon DSLR that shoots 1080 p video and a 14 megapixel sensor
and a large LCD screen. I was going to buy it, but I have a rule about bodies....NEVER buy a Nikon body that does
not have a focus motor built in... because I only have two lenses that work with these cameras, and they are not
available very cheaply, even used. I like a Nikon body I can use with any 1986 and above lens. I was even going to
buy it to SELL, but it is not a good idea to try and SELL a work-around camera to someone who is not as practical as
I am. But for a person who buys it for themselves or a loved one, it seems perfectly nice, since you do not need to
make a profit to make it worth your while. And believe me, my fix is GONNA WORK.
But IF my theory, which has worked already with TWO D50s that had this issue, (both work fine today) then you can
$88....Not bad for a 2010 DSLR. Entry level or not. Well, of course you would need a lens to mount. AF-S works best.