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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
hotreds 06:40 PM 01-13-2010
icehog3 07:07 PM 01-13-2010
Ripped up back with some high rep pull-ups, heavy cable rows and dumbbell rows. Saved a little gas for hockey tonight.

Shoulders and arms tomorrow, then Friday off...much needed after 7 days straight.
BigFrank 07:27 PM 01-13-2010
benched tonight
2 board 465x1 500x1,0
First time I've had 500 in my hands took it once to the 2 board felt good. Second time, had zero pop.
mil press
peck deck
press downs
band work
icehog3 11:14 PM 01-13-2010
Nice job, Frank! :-)
PeteSB75 06:51 AM 01-14-2010
Very nice Frank!

Deloading continued this morning with shoulders and back. Press, bent-over rows, upright rows, lat pulldowns. Talking to one of the guys at the gym about these 300 workouts, which he has started doing with his son. I might have to try that to drop some bulk. Anyone done it?
BigFrank 04:16 PM 01-14-2010
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Talking to one of the guys at the gym about these 300 workouts, which he has started doing with his son. I might have to try that to drop some bulk. Anyone done it?
Nope, link?
Chris. 06:56 PM 01-14-2010
So after going straight to the computer stores and home all wekk to fix my computer(has been crashed since Friday due to some bullshit update from MS. First real issue I've ever had with Vista). Had to replace the hard drive. I ended up just installing 7 on this new hard drive. Anyways, I finally got to the gym today. I'm going to go friday and saturday to make up for my missed days this week. Had a good workout tonight.

started off with bench
95x15 115x15 125x10 135x7(close grip)

assisted dips
4 sets of 10. This tweaks my bicep for some reason. I had to increase the assistance weight so my bicep wouldnt hurt.

Machine pull downs

back extensions

25 minutes of cardio
PeteSB75 07:45 PM 01-14-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
Nope, link?
This is what the guy was talking about.
BigFrank 08:08 PM 01-14-2010
a) Pullups - 25 reps ok
b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps ok
c) Pushups - 50 reps meh
d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps no
e) Floor wipers - 50 reps meh
f) Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps you got kettlebells?
g) Pullups - 25 reps why again?

I have two problems with it.
#1 Deadlifts are the only exercise done for lower body with weights.
#2 "challenge to your daily routine" ya do that everyday and get ready to overtrain.

Other than that, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do maybe once-twice a week tops. Remember diet and cardio/conditioning will never be replaced 100%. Not bad to use for something to break the boring mess of cutting up.

You really wanna lean up? Lift heavy and run ****ing hills.

I would read this article if you are interested in doing something similar
PeteSB75 07:13 AM 01-15-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
a) Pullups - 25 reps ok
b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps ok
c) Pushups - 50 reps meh
d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps no
e) Floor wipers - 50 reps meh
f) Single-arm Clean-and-Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps you got kettlebells?
g) Pullups - 25 reps why again?

I have two problems with it.
#1 Deadlifts are the only exercise done for lower body with weights.
#2 "challenge to your daily routine" ya do that everyday and get ready to overtrain.

Other than that, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do maybe once-twice a week tops. Remember diet and cardio/conditioning will never be replaced 100%. Not bad to use for something to break the boring mess of cutting up.

You really wanna lean up? Lift heavy and run ****ing hills.

I would read this article if you are interested in doing something similar
I figured I'd do bar clean/press rather than use kettlebells, as I don't have any and don't really want to go buy some. I'll check out the article. As far as cardio, once I'm done with my physical therapy for my knee, I'll be going back to spin 2-3 times/week.

Diet is pretty good as long as I stay away from sweets and don't drink too much. Getting married in July and want to drop about 20lbs by then, so I'll be going to an only wine and white liquors policy - which works anyway since I like scotch and vodka. Normal food day for me:

banana before workout
protein shake and oatmeal (milk, blueberries, walnuts or almonds) after
wheat toast with peanut butter mid-morning
fairly substantial lunch - ordered out at work - usually a sandwich and fruit/veggie
apple and cheese as afternoon snack
dinner usually chicken or pork or turkey, salad and another veggie or two, no carbs
Chris. 10:07 AM 01-15-2010
Originally Posted by Chris.:
started off with bench
95x15 115x15 125x10 135x7(close grip)

assisted dips
4 sets of 10. This tweaks my bicep for some reason. I had to increase the assistance weight so my bicep wouldnt hurt.

Machine pull downs

back extensions

25 minutes of cardio
This worked well. My pecs are getting sore today. :-)
BigFrank 09:11 PM 01-15-2010
Pete you train in the A.M. ?
BigFrank 07:03 PM 01-18-2010
Squat and Pull Tonight
Squat 562x1,1,1 Meh thought I could have done better here.
Pull 365+Doubled Minis x1,1,1,Miss,1

Tore up my mini bands. Sucked because I think they are shot. Oh well I'm out 20 bucks or so. Word to the wise, bands are easily torn, shredded or what ever when they are abused. Going to go with chains for some time now.
The Professor 09:40 PM 01-18-2010
I pulled this morning. 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 315 x 7, 405 x 3, 455 x 1 (owned it), 475 x 0 (my hands were shredded), 475 x 0 (got it off the ground, but my hands just hurt too much). Followed that with 315 x 5 x 3sets ... just for good measure.

Did some abs stuff, then some bent-over rows, then some foam roller.

I almost threw up today. :-)
icehog3 09:49 PM 01-18-2010
Shredded shoulders today...seated military, standing military, rear delt raises and shrugs. Tomorrow is an easy day...arms and legs. :-)
PeteSB75 06:52 AM 01-19-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
Pete you train in the A.M. ?
Yeah. On workout days, I'm up at 4:40/4:45, eat a banana, wake up a little, roll into the gym (across the st from my apt, one of the reasons I bought it) when they open at 5, finish up by 6-6:15, go home and shower, then off to catch my train. Means I'm in bed by 9:30, 10 at the latest, but that's ok.

I was lazy this weekend, went for a few long walks, enjoyed some sunshine, but no lifting of non-liquid weights.

Back at it this morning. Volume chest/arms day. Flat bench at 155x12x3, incline bench at 135x12,8,10, 21s at 45,55 and dips bwx5,4,4. Could barely finish my dips, my arms were shaking so much.
BigFrank 05:55 PM 01-19-2010
Originally Posted by The Professor:
I pulled this morning. 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 315 x 7, 405 x 3, 455 x 1 (owned it), 475 x 0 (my hands were shredded), 475 x 0 (got it off the ground, but my hands just hurt too much). Followed that with 315 x 5 x 3sets ... just for good measure.

Did some abs stuff, then some bent-over rows, then some foam roller.

I almost threw up today. :-)
Dokk, if your planning on doing heavy singles you should drop some of the volume while working up.
For instance your going to hit 475 for singles
Then move right to your heavy singles. If you are going to do volume work, do volume work. If you are going to pull heavy pull heavy. You could also think about it like this.
1350+2250+2205+1215+455=7475 total pounds before heaviest work load.
675+675+675+675+945+405=4050 total pounds before heaviest work load.

Also, I would avoid the "good measure" work loads. After taxing your body on your heaviest set. Your body only remembers what 315 feels like. Instead of the 475 you should have smoked.

Only reason I say this is because I think your two failed attempts, should have been three singles, but you tired yourself out while warming up.
The way it was explained to me " warm up then get the ****ing job done, quit pissing your time away" this is what was said to me when I went from 495 to 545 instead of just jumping to my heaviest set.
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Yeah. On workout days, I'm up at 4:40/4:45, eat a banana, wake up a little, roll into the gym (across the st from my apt, one of the reasons I bought it) when they open at 5, finish up by 6-6:15, go home and shower, then off to catch my train. Means I'm in bed by 9:30, 10 at the latest, but that's ok.
You should eat your large protein shake before going to the gym. Unless you plan on going in and just doing some fasted cardio.
The Professor 06:26 PM 01-19-2010
good points, there, Frank. next time I deadlift, it's on like Donkey Kong. :-)

active rest today. tried to do this stupid effin mma circuit for cardio & conditioning. my body wanted nothing to do with that. i gave up and peddled the short bus for a half hour before driving home.
BigFrank 07:34 PM 01-19-2010
Article worth reading Dokk
icehog3 07:36 PM 01-19-2010
Off day from the gym tomorrow after 4 straight, but I do have a game after work.
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