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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 09:04 PM 07-18-2016
Back day. First time in a long hitting deads, heavy. Worked up to 405 for a couple doubles.

Deads 3x5 @335, 2x5 @ 355 and then 3x2 @405
Chest supported t bar 4x10-12
Wide grip pull downs 5x8-14
High Lat pull down machine 3x12-15

Some cable curls and standing ez bar curls to finish it off. Back felt great, we will see tomorrow.

Light leg work tomorrow.
icehog3 11:11 PM 07-18-2016
Chest today, did a light rep day with decreasing rest. Great pump.

10 sets of bench at 225
6 sets of incline at 185
Machine flyes 235, 250, 265, 220
3 sets of decline at 225, 275, 225

Nice back day, Huy, I'll try and do you proud tomorrow. :-)
bonjing 08:51 AM 07-19-2016
2mi jog yesterday morning.


Barbell sets 135x3 + resistance bands, wide/normal/narrow
Incline 135x3
dumbbell flat 30x3
cable fly's upper/lower 35x3

squats and dead 185 plus resistance bands.
Monster walk with resistance band and some other walks.
Some other machine that works inner outer thighs and the back and front.

What's the difference between using a trap bar versus a normal bar for deads? Seems like it's easier to do a dead on the trap for me, also it seems like I have better form on the trap bar too.
icehog3 09:04 AM 07-19-2016
Is a trap bar a bar with a neutral grip, Greg?
swingerofbirches 10:08 AM 07-19-2016
Trap bar is the one that's almost like an oval around you so you grab it like you would to do farmers walks (don't know if that's what you meant by neutral or not :-) ).

Hit legs today ... fun, as always

Haven't been around in a little while so a tiny update ... i've been cutting for the last 6 weeks or so and i'm down to 259 ... first time being in the 250s since i was on my way up lol
bonjing 11:23 AM 07-19-2016
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
Trap bar is the one that's almost like an oval around you so you grab it like you would to do farmers walks (don't know if that's what you meant by neutral or not :-) ).

This thing:
icehog3 04:03 PM 07-19-2016
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
Trap bar is the one that's almost like an oval around you so you grab it like you would to do farmers walks (don't know if that's what you meant by neutral or not :-) ).

Hit legs today ... fun, as always

Haven't been around in a little while so a tiny update ... i've been cutting for the last 6 weeks or so and i'm down to 259 ... first time being in the 250s since i was on my way up lol
That's exactly what I was thinking, Charlie and Greg.

Charlie, congrats on the 250s and welcome back.

Fast and heavy back today, was a race between whether my lats or my grip would fail first each set. :-)

Bent over rows 205, 235, 265, 285, 305, 265, 235
T-bar rows 270, 270, 225, 250
Cable rows 240, 260, 260
Pullups 3 sets to failure
Adriftpanda 01:13 AM 07-20-2016
To answer your question, Greg, about trap bar vs straight bar for deads:

Obviously by looking at the two bars, the grip position is going to be different. You're going to generally lift heavier using a trap bar. Using a trap bar usually will help you stabilize you position rather than a traditional straight bar. By stabilizing your core, it will take a lot of the load off your lower back.
Adriftpanda 01:19 AM 07-20-2016
Had a pretty crap day. Wanted to get some good training in tonight to change my mood. The cigar at night helped too :-)

Warmed up the legs with seated extension 3x12-20 - waking lunges

Front squats 5x5@235 (kept it fairly light with shorter rest time)
Plate loaded hack squats 4x12 w/drop sets
Stiff leg deads 3x10
Lying leg curls 4x12
icehog3 09:16 AM 07-20-2016
Nothing like squats and cigars to better your mood, Huy. :-)
icehog3 11:56 AM 07-20-2016
Good shoulder work out today, felt strong, good energy, pain only medium.

Seated military press, rear delts, one armed dumbbell press.

Next rack over was a 19ish brunette, she has a skinny but tight body and wears next to nothing. She was doing some pulls from just below waist high, just leaning back until the bar was 6 inches above the pins, then slamming it down. Maybe 20 reps a set, from 95 up to maybe 115 pounds. Made so much ****ing noise we could all hear it with our headphones on full blast. Closest I've come to punching a chick anywhere but her whiskerhole in a long, long time.
Adriftpanda 12:02 AM 07-21-2016
Was she hot at least?

Tom Day.

Push press behind neck 5x5
Standing single Arnold presses 4x5
Upright row 4x8+
DB side delt raise 3x45

Of course some arms too.
icehog3 12:13 AM 07-21-2016
She was hot, Huy, but all we could all do was roll our eyes, she made more noise than anyone I can remember in a long time. Might have been less annoyed if she was screaming in my ear. :-)
swingerofbirches 08:39 AM 07-21-2016
That's the worst, Tom. Hate it when people make a spectacle of themselves.

I got in a pretty solid arm day yesterday and finished up with some core work and a little cardio.

A buddy invited me to lift back with him on sunday so that kind of throws off the rotation i typically follow ... so maybe today i'll just add a strength day and do bench, OHP, rack pulls and some box squats with none of the typical accessory work. We shall see.

Happy Thursday everyone!
bonjing 08:54 AM 07-21-2016
Tuesday was just some shoulder and bicep work. Yesterday was lazy day, 6 cups of coffee and still just went home and slept. Another 2 mile jog around the campus this morning. After work will be the some back and tri work.
icehog3 10:06 AM 07-21-2016
Good work, Charlie and Greg. Get a couple in for me over the weekend, I'm training legs and arms today and then 4 days off the gym for me.
icehog3 04:16 PM 07-21-2016
Great, long last day in the gym. Leg press, hammy curls, barbell curls, cambered bar curls, preacher curls, close grip bench, cable pushdowns, 4 sets of pullups. Mid 90s and high humidity in the gym, I was soaked by the end. Psycho girl was there again, but she was quiet. She's much hotter when she's quiet. :-) :-)

Tear it up this weekend, Men. I'll be back at it Tuesday.
Adriftpanda 04:44 PM 07-21-2016
Give Vinny a nice ass grab for me. Tell him that's from The HK

Off today, body needs it. Going to have a couple smokes with the local OC guys
icehog3 10:05 PM 07-21-2016
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
Give Vinny a nice ass grab for me. Tell him that's from The HK
My pleasure. :-)
icehog3 08:34 AM 07-26-2016
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Tear it up this weekend, Men. I'll be back at it Tuesday.
Guess not. :-) :-)

International Chest Tuesday, see yens afterwards. :-)
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