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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
GTsetGO 04:02 PM 06-23-2016
Well, I got back on the house this evening after taking about a week off. My body needed.

Ran 3.2 miles this evening and took q minutes off my time. Guess the rest did me good.
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Adriftpanda 05:05 PM 06-23-2016
Nice leg day before our big herf this weekend. I made it up for you Tom.

Stair master to warm up 5 min
Leg extensions to warm up 5x10ish
Hack squats 6x8-12
Squats 7x8-10 w/drop sets
Standing hamstring kick back machine 3x15

That's a wrap.
NeuRon 06:00 AM 06-24-2016
morning guys! I finally got my new computer and im glad to be back! missed you humps!

did arms yesterday and if my delts feel unstiffer after work, then delts today :-)
DBall 06:30 AM 06-24-2016
Another small PR bump on deads today... did 295, which went up way easier than expected, so went up to 305. I think that is exactly double my body weight these days. Previous PR was 300, so, not a big bump, but cool nonetheless.
Adriftpanda 07:07 AM 06-24-2016
Dan da man. Nice numbers brother, miss you. Wish you were here this weekend.

Going to try and get a nice pump in before the herf today.
Adriftpanda 08:46 PM 06-27-2016
Legs today. Took the elevators down.
Adriftpanda 01:05 AM 06-29-2016

Heavy on incline bb 4x4
Hammer strength bench 4x12
Incline DB flies 4x12

Some tricep work.

Tom, stop slacking
icehog3 09:57 AM 06-29-2016
I got in at 4AM Tuesday morning, so yeah, Huy, some slacking. Heading in in 15 to start making up. :-)
Adriftpanda 01:31 AM 06-30-2016
Nice excuse, knucklehead.

Back day.

Super set. Wide grip pull ups - reverse grip lat pull downs 5x8-12
Seated wide grip row - kb rear delt flies 4x8-10
Bent over DB row 3xFailure
Hammer strength front pull down 3x12-15

Zot curls 4x10
Preacher machine curls 5x10
icehog3 11:19 AM 06-30-2016
Knuclehead? Why I oughta.... :-)

Breasts yesterday....light inclines, heavy flats, heavy declines, light flyes.

Hockey last night, insomnia after, looks like I'll pull a double tomorrow. I know, I know. Knucklehead.
Adriftpanda 07:07 PM 06-30-2016
Took like 2 naps today and said no to the gym... That didn't happen.

Single DB press
Seated DB press
DB side delt raise

Lying DB curls
swingerofbirches 09:10 AM 07-01-2016
Squat, bench & OHP 5x5 today.

Good work fellas. Nice PR Dan.
icehog3 03:09 PM 07-01-2016
Back today. Felt nauseous, tweaked my lower back, but still had a pretty decent workout.
Adriftpanda 05:07 AM 07-02-2016
You're a trooper. Hope it gets better, fast.

Front skwaats 5-6x5-8 to "warm up"
Working sets 5x3

Bench 5x4-5 working sets

Bulgarian split squats 6x10
icehog3 11:10 AM 07-02-2016
Bulgarian! You mogul! :-)

Lower back feels a little better, gonna give it a go today.
Adriftpanda 02:12 PM 07-02-2016
Not sure for me... Watching Mason cause Staci has to see a few patients to see on a Saturday.
icehog3 04:45 PM 07-03-2016
Back was good yesterday, did shoulders and arms.

Off today, legs and chest for an Independence Day workout manana.
Adriftpanda 04:35 AM 07-04-2016
I'm so tired, may even take another day off. Tired or lazy, whatever you wanna call it.
icehog3 10:08 AM 07-04-2016
C'mon, Huy, a couple shots of Hemo-Shock and you should be ready to go!

Off for a legs and breasts extravaganza.
Adriftpanda 10:16 PM 07-04-2016
I did take 1.5 of psychotic.

Back day.

Deadlifts 7x7
Wide grip pull down
Seated cable row (alternating)
DB pull overs

Preacher machine curl
Zim curls
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