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General Discussion>Photography Thread
hotreds 04:16 PM 10-07-2013
Nice shooting everyone!
OLS 01:43 PM 10-08-2013
Here is one of the shots I was set up for that caused me to have my camera all wacked out on High ISO settings the next day.
Not the camera's fault obviously, and hopefully I have learned my lesson. But this room was darker to me than it looks here.
And I threw a ton of 'curve' on this one to brighten it up, plus noise reduction, and it still sucks, outside of the fact that
there is no blur from slow shutter speeds which makes me happy. And even then this shot is only ISO 1000 on a camera that in
it's normal range will go to 1600. It sucks past 800, but that's another story. I still love the D200, but this is NOT the place for it.

This is HIS band...if you want to see him at his other job, check out this video on the yewtubes
he is soloing at about the 2:30 mark, gettin all kid guitar faced. He's a great kid with great skills.

Or about the 4:00 minute mark here:

Nick Black with the Big Band by Brad-(OLS), on Flickr
OLS 02:09 PM 10-08-2013
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:
Brad D90>D200 for iq
I wanted to add, Justin, that while you are RIGHT as rain, ironically in low light conditions, the D90
is ALMOST as bad as the D200. It starts getting REALLY squirrelly in High ISO situations, blasting
out color blooms and just pouring on the saturation. It seems to freak itself out. So in normal to lower
light conditions, it is fine, but you put it in a dim basement music stage sitcho, and neither camera is
really up to the task, if you intend to show your photos to anyone. The D90 looks a lot better at ISO1000
than the D200, but when it gets to 1600, it is beginning to come apart. Which in a way it should, that is
it's ceiling basically. But there is IQ and there is IQ. At 1250-1600, the D200 is still giving you the same
photo, just noisier. That is not the case with the D90. But now that I KNOW this, I can turn the color
settings to totally neutral next time I try to shoot D90 in low light.
emopunker2004 08:21 PM 10-08-2013
Originally Posted by ols:
i wanted to add, justin, that while you are right as rain, ironically in low light conditions, the d90
is almost as bad as the d200. It starts getting really squirrelly in high iso situations, blasting
out color blooms and just pouring on the saturation. It seems to freak itself out. So in normal to lower
light conditions, it is fine, but you put it in a dim basement music stage sitcho, and neither camera is
really up to the task, if you intend to show your photos to anyone. The d90 looks a lot better at iso1000
than the d200, but when it gets to 1600, it is beginning to come apart. Which in a way it should, that is
it's ceiling basically. But there is iq and there is iq. At 1250-1600, the d200 is still giving you the same
photo, just noisier. That is not the case with the d90. But now that i know this, i can turn the color
settings to totally neutral next time i try to shoot d90 in low light.
OLS 07:35 AM 10-09-2013
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:
Yeah, but I don't want to waste it, lol. It has 72,000 shots on it. I only pull it out when I know I have to have it. As you pointed out so well once, I could have three of em in the closet if I had only started there FIRST. BUT once I had finished shooting at that basement venue, I realized that THAT was one of the times I was saving the D700 for. I had never been to that venue before, my imagination was that of a reasonably well-lit irish pub. I got the last two words right.
shark 06:54 PM 10-09-2013
The d700 is supposed to be good to 150,000
emopunker2004 09:20 PM 10-09-2013
Well Brad, I am trading away the Canon 60D I have for a Canon G1X. It'll be a much better vacation camera for when I go to CA next yr. I still have my Elan 7N film SLR though :-)
E.J. 12:05 AM 10-10-2013
All you Nikon honks..... I'm still bouncing pulling the trigger on a 7D.... At this point, half wondering if I should wait for replacement. Not so much for improvement, but just the kick in the shorts at buying a second in 2 months....(assumption on time)
OLS 02:44 PM 10-10-2013
Ron, I hear you on the fact that I am only halfway to death on that D700, but I am not in a hurry to spend
another 1200 bucks on a camera, so I only use it when I absolutely need it. What I DO need to do is start
CARRYING it to places where I am not familiar with the lighting just in case. In fact I was just telling someone
in New Orleans on Flickr that I am a fool if I don't take it this time, owing to the fact that I always shoot from
about 3am to sunrise in the French Quarter. I end up throwing away over half the shots cause they are bleary
and smeary. The D700 would tighten that up significantly. I never cared about losing so many shots, I shoot
many shots of the same thing by reflex and experience, but that's before I had my D700.
OLS 02:48 PM 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:
Well Brad, I am trading away the Canon 60D I have for a Canon G1X. It'll be a much better vacation camera for when I go to CA next yr. I still have my Elan 7N film SLR though :-)
Holy crap J-dawg, everything must GO, huh? You sound like me almost, I have a two sheet long sales
sheet hanging in the bathrooms here with all of my old DSLR bodies for sale, each with a lens,
battery and charger. I ain't gettin much action, lol.
emopunker2004 11:24 PM 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by OLS:
Holy crap J-dawg, everything must GO, huh? You sound like me almost, I have a two sheet long sales
sheet hanging in the bathrooms here with all of my old DSLR bodies for sale, each with a lens,
battery and charger. I ain't gettin much action, lol.
Havent taken many pics lately. I figure the G1x will be the perfect travel camera. Almost an APS-C sensor, full manual controls, and it still shoots RAW.
OLS 06:20 AM 10-11-2013
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:
Haven't taken many pics lately.
Yeah I was sorry to hear about your cat dying.........................:-)

But seriously folks, I can see making the switch. Outside of showing people that your camera has a big lens
or that your camera is bigger than their camera, there is no reason to saddle yourself to a full rig, unless
you have to compromise on the sensor.
emopunker2004 06:40 AM 10-11-2013
Only real compromises with the g1x are af speed and the zoom range is only 28-112mm
OLS 09:33 AM 10-11-2013
Do you want to buy a cheap D50, D70, D200 or D100? Something to have on hand, you know. PM me for the prices. I know before you wadn't hearin it, but now things have changed I think.
shark 11:22 AM 10-12-2013
Great Blue Heron. Normally they fly away at the first sign of human activity. Luckily the 70-200 lens was already on the camera in my bag.

Porch Dweller 11:42 AM 10-12-2013
Nice, Ron!
shark 12:33 PM 10-12-2013
Shot with the 50mm 1.8G lens.

shark 12:34 PM 10-12-2013
Originally Posted by Porch Dweller:
Nice, Ron!

Sad commentary on the condition of many rivers, especially in urban areas. If you look closely, that's a shopping cart it's standing on.
shark 12:37 PM 10-12-2013
This was shot with the 50mm 1.8G also. I am liking this lens a lot, especially since it pretty much sits in the camera bag, unused. Don't know why.

shark 12:40 PM 10-12-2013
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