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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 07:11 PM 03-31-2016
Ox strong. Good work fellas.

Last training before my short vacay. Had a good upper body day. Forgot my shoes so I trained in brown dress shoes. Made me stronger lol.

Wide grip pull ups 2x10-12
Close grip pull ups 2x10-12

OHP 5x5
Bench press 5x5-6
DB row 4x10-12
Cable flies 5x10+
Wide grip seated row 4x8-12
DB side delt raise 4x10

Finished up with some quick arms. Superset it. Good day. Time to eat.
swingerofbirches 11:40 AM 04-01-2016
Good work Huy!

I got a good arm session in today ... great pump. Tried the REL stack of Enter With Purpose (EWP) and Show The World (STW) and it was pretty good!
swingerofbirches 11:56 AM 04-01-2016
Good work Huy!

I got a good arm session in today ... great pump. Tried the REL stack of Enter With Purpose (EWP) and Show The World (STW) and it was pretty good!
Adriftpanda 01:02 PM 04-02-2016
After a late dinner destruction of mulas and tacos with Tom, I felt pretty sluggish this morning.

Did 30 min of elliptical and abs. Time to herf.
swingerofbirches 01:35 PM 04-03-2016
Tacos with Tom ... sounds like a podcast lol

Ytrdy was chest followed by some HIIT.
Today was just some slow cardio with the wife.
Tomorrow will be back and quads.
GTsetGO 06:26 PM 04-03-2016
good day today. 45 minutes on the eliptical

barbell shoulder press
dumbbell shoulder press
dumbbell lateral raise
barbell shrug
ab crunch machine
oblique crunches
cable crunch
barbell upright row

Friday was 20 minutes on eliptical

leg extensions
lying leg curls
barbell squat
leg press machine
calf press on leg machine
calf press on leg press

then i followed that up with 15000 steps walking around the jail i am working at. lol
swingerofbirches 01:22 PM 04-04-2016
Good stuff Rob.

Got in 30min of fasted cardio this morning.
Lifted back and some bis this afternoon.
icehog3 04:24 PM 04-04-2016
Looks like y'all are hitting it hard, nice! :-)

Got back from vacation and 6 days off and hit some chest to get back in the swing of it today.
Adriftpanda 01:54 AM 04-05-2016
Played a couple hours of pickup bball for a good hiit. It was nice, I'm sore.

Back tomorrow, or maybe light chest. See how my elbow is.
NeuRon 05:26 AM 04-05-2016
did back and 30 mins of stepper yesterday after my workout..

For Back, I tried my "Three Quarters" circuit. Which I created myself.. I usually do it with a body part every now and then when I no longer feel sore in certain muscle groups.

Three Quarters = .75 or 75

Three Exercises, Three Sets of 25 (for 75 Reps), Three Quarters Speed (in both eccentric and Concentric direction ), 75% max weight of 1RM, 75 Seconds rest in between every set & exercise

I chose :
1) Supinated grip Barbell rows @135, standing on a platform, close stance
2) Hammer strength machine Overhand Rows
3) Closed Grip, Overhead Lat pulldowns

I was literally sweating like a Pig at the Bacon farm in 10 minutes. And I was sore 5 minutes after.. If anybody ever has hit a plateau with a body part, or just plain gets tired of a muscle group, or doesn't feel any burn, try this type of workout..
Adriftpanda 09:26 AM 04-05-2016
I'll try this today for funnsies. :-)
swingerofbirches 02:35 PM 04-05-2016
Got halfway through a leg workout and got a call from work and had to leave to put out a fire. So that was fun.
icehog3 11:40 PM 04-05-2016
That blows, Charlie. :-)

Back today

Bent Over Rows 205, 235, 265, 275, 255, 235, 205
Wide Pulldowns 200, 220, 240, 260
Cable Rows 260, 240, 220
T-bar Rows 225, 270
Dead Hangs
swingerofbirches 11:09 AM 04-06-2016
Good work, as always, Tom!

Got in some shoulder, quads and calves today. It was a good workout.

The PT told me once again that my core is too weak lol
icehog3 05:39 PM 04-06-2016
Short hungover shoulder workout. :-)

Charlie, your PT's soul is weak! :-)
Adriftpanda 09:17 PM 04-06-2016
Back and arms

Felt good, 2 rowing and 2 pull
NeuRon 05:13 AM 04-08-2016
i did bi's and tri's yesterday at the gym, and then I went to do my 30 mins of stepper, and then the power went out..

it was gods way of telling me to skip cardio.. so I ended up doing some abs in the dark instead, lol
swingerofbirches 06:55 AM 04-08-2016
lol @ God telling you to stop doing cardio, Ron

I absolutely destroyed my chest last night ... I did ALL the cable volume.
icehog3 10:29 AM 04-08-2016
Nice job, Ron and Charlie!

God tells me to skip cardio every day. :-)

Bis and tris yesterday as well, 4th day of training after vacation. Today is an off day.
NeuRon 11:05 AM 04-08-2016
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Nice job, Ron and Charlie!

God tells me to skip cardio every day. :-)

Bis and tris yesterday as well, 4th day of training after vacation. Today is an off day.

LOL.. I cant wait to skip cardio everyday again.. haha..

9 days left until my vacation! 9 days left to crunch and shred up.. then I can literally eat and drink for 8 sunny, alcohol soaked days.. something I haven't done in years,.. woohoo!

on the bright side, I am finally back into single digit BF%, 9.8%.. all the fluff is gone

Leg day today.. shoot me now!
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