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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
DavenportESQ 03:53 PM 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Doesn't caffeine often act as an appetite suppressant, Dave?
I guess, I never bothered to look at how much is in the No Explode because I drink a lot of coffee, and that doesn't really suppress my hunger like this does..
icehog3 04:00 PM 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
I guess, I never bothered to look at how much is in the No Explode because I drink a lot of coffee, and that doesn't really suppress my hunger like this does..
I think the caffeine in coffee and in supplements are different "forms" of caffeine....although coffee can work as an appetite killer for me as well.
BigFrank 04:05 PM 10-15-2009
That's crazy. I wonder what in the "Propriety blend" could be curbing your hunger. Good thing to know if ya ever drop some weight I guess.
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I think the caffeine in coffee and in supplements are different "forms" of caffeine....although coffee can work as an appetite killer for me as well.
Nicotine does it big time for me.
DavenportESQ 04:14 PM 10-15-2009
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
That's crazy. I wonder what in the "Propriety blend" could be curbing your hunger. Good thing to know if ya ever drop some weight I guess.

Nicotine does it big time for me.
I didn't work out today, but I continue to take a half does (less than a full measuring cup they send you) just because..No logic behind it really
The Professor 06:49 AM 10-16-2009
DE Squat & DL

Box Squats @ parallel
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 3
245 x 2 x 10 sets @ 45 seconds rest (penultimate set was slow; but I got a better drive up in my last set) -- this is a 20lb increase from last week, which puts me a little under 70% of my previous 1RM. Sticking point is definitely still at the bottom.

Conventional Deads
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 1 x 2 sets

Sumo Deads
315 x 3
465 x 2
405 x 1
465 x 0 (same as earlier in the week ... got it more than half way but couldn't swing my hips forward)
465 x 0 (I'd like to just forget this one)
315 x 3 x 3 sets

Pull-down Abs
3 x 10, 1 x 6 (was just out of gas)

Getting kind of pissed at my gym because stuff keeps getting stolen. Most recently, one of only two ropes for the cable machines was stolen, which sucks given how much all the trainers use them with their clients. Not hopeful it's gonna be replaced given that other stuff stolen their first week open has gone unreplaced ... and that was 3 months ago.

Bands should be here on Tuesday, which means I'll have them in time for all my DE stuff next week. I'm pretty happy about that.
DavenportESQ 04:03 PM 10-16-2009
Kicked some butt today...INcline work. Flat DB bench, Bent over rows. Dips..

Tomorrow I need to double up with some cleans and squats. Going to be brutal. Good thing I will have a long day of football to help aid my recovery!
The Professor 07:29 AM 10-17-2009
Favorite product description ever:

:-) :-) :-)
icehog3 09:29 AM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
Favorite product description ever:

:-) :-) :-)
The Professor 10:29 AM 10-17-2009
DE Chest ... nothing special

Started with some good AMs and SLDeads and sumo deads -- all just the bar, all just to get the blood going to the muscles from yesterday.

Warmups (tri extensions, press downs, face oulls)

Bar x lots (illegally wide, regular, and narrow grips)
95 x 15
135 x 5
135 x 3 x 8sets (3@ comp grip, 3@ narrower grip, 3@ very narrow grip ... all on a strick 45sec clock)

Plate-loaded Bench Machine (I know, I know ... I gave myself enough grief in my head)
90 x 5
110 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 3
180 x 3

Close-grip Presses (middle fingers touching the smooth)
135 x 6, 4, 5

Low Rows (HS plate-loaded)
98 x 10
188 x 10 x 3sets

High Rows (HS plate-loaded)
182 x 10 x 3sets

Lat Pull Downs (different brand, same idea plate-loaded machine)
180+ (don't know how much the arms alone are; but 4 plates total) x 10 x 3sets

135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 10
365 x 7 (I really just finally ran out of gas -- I can usually do more than that; but not today)

Internal & External Shoulder Rotations (SS w/o any rest)
20# x 10 x 4sets

Ended up being kind of a high volume, fast paced day ... which is, I guess, what it's supposed to be. All the accessory and support exercises (especially all the pulling) was done with as much speed/explosiveness as I could muster, while still keeping everything "under control."

I really can't wait to do some bench work with my bands next week. That's gonna be fun.
DavenportESQ 10:48 AM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
DE Chest ... nothing special

Started with some good AMs and SLDeads and sumo deads -- all just the bar, all just to get the blood going to the muscles from yesterday.

Warmups (tri extensions, press downs, face oulls)

Bar x lots (illegally wide, regular, and narrow grips)
95 x 15
135 x 5
135 x 3 x 8sets (3@ comp grip, 3@ narrower grip, 3@ very narrow grip ... all on a strick 45sec clock)

Plate-loaded Bench Machine (I know, I know ... I gave myself enough grief in my head)
90 x 5
110 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 3
180 x 3

Close-grip Presses (middle fingers touching the smooth)
135 x 6, 4, 5

Low Rows (HS plate-loaded)
98 x 10
188 x 10 x 3sets

High Rows (HS plate-loaded)
182 x 10 x 3sets

Lat Pull Downs (different brand, same idea plate-loaded machine)
180+ (don't know how much the arms alone are; but 4 plates total) x 10 x 3sets

135 x 10
225 x 10
315 x 10
365 x 7 (I really just finally ran out of gas -- I can usually do more than that; but not today)

Internal & External Shoulder Rotations (SS w/o any rest)
20# x 10 x 4sets

Ended up being kind of a high volume, fast paced day ... which is, I guess, what it's supposed to be. All the accessory and support exercises (especially all the pulling) was done with as much speed/explosiveness as I could muster, while still keeping everything "under control."

I really can't wait to do some bench work with my bands next week. That's gonna be fun.
Just make sure you don't use those bands for too long. They say that they can be devestating if you overtrain with them. I've heard you work bands/chains for 2 weeks on 4 weeks off. What say you?
The Professor 10:58 AM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
Just make sure you don't use those bands for too long. They say that they can be devestating if you overtrain with them. I've heard you work bands/chains for 2 weeks on 4 weeks off. What say you?
I honestly haven't gotten that far yet and appreciate the tip. For now, I was only going to use them for DE days and a few targeted accessory/support exercises; but I have yet to do all of my research. What are the kinds of problems you've heard?
BigFrank 01:54 PM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
Just make sure you don't use those bands for too long. They say that they can be devestating if you overtrain with them. I've heard you work bands/chains for 2 weeks on 4 weeks off. What say you?
I have heard such also. But look at the westside guys they incorporate chains and/or band work at least once per week, sometimes twice. Not considering all the crazy reverse **** they do also.

Depending on what type of program I use them on and off. I also have some new bands coming, I plan on using they after my main lifting.
so after reaching my % reps for bench. Im going to drop the weight to 60% or so and add some bands and crank out some work. Going to give this a whirl and see how it goes.

I know a few guys that do something like this.
For instance-
band work week #1 and #3
deload week #4
retest max #5
something like that

I guess the main thing to think here, is use chains/bands as a tool not a make you strong overnight fix. Still going to have to lift some heavy ass weight raw to get strong. Nothing compares to having the weight in your hands.
DavenportESQ 03:13 PM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
I honestly haven't gotten that far yet and appreciate the tip. For now, I was only going to use them for DE days and a few targeted accessory/support exercises; but I have yet to do all of my research. What are the kinds of problems you've heard?
I don't remember where...I will try and find the article but I have read about nerve damage, and severe burn out..

Ill never really understood it, but Just to be on the safe side I did either what Frank did. Or did it for a short cycle
The Professor 03:36 PM 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
I guess the main thing to think here, is use chains/bands as a tool not a make you strong overnight fix. Still going to have to lift some heavy ass weight raw to get strong. Nothing compares to having the weight in your hands.
Word. That's as far as my plan had gotten. :-)
The Professor 09:28 AM 10-18-2009
Started fixing my bench form today. Watched Dave Tate explain proper form last night and it was epiphanic. Went a long way to fixing things today. This is really going to help my shoulders. :-)

Lots of random support stuff: barbell rows, hammer curls, dumbbell shrugs, internal/external shoulder rotations, face-pulls. It was all fine.
PeteSB75 04:24 PM 10-18-2009
Tough doing volume work with legs. I've not done it for quite some time. Yesterday, did squats, deads and some calf work to finish out the workout. I am sore as hell today, sitting down on the toilet is fun. :-)

Today was a heavy chest/bi day. Bench for 185x5, 195x3,2,3. Incline DB Bench for 80x5,3, 75x5. Did some cable flys for last chest lift for 42.5x5,5,3 and finished up with some bar curls at 85x5,4,3.
The Professor 07:05 AM 10-19-2009
ME Legs

Low Box Squats (<12" ... 11.75ish)
45 x a bunch
95 x some
135 x 8
185 x 6
225 x 5
275 x 3
295 x 1
315 x 1 PR
335 x 1 PR
345 x 0 (dripped my head a smidgen and came forward -- couldn't get off the bottom)
345 x 0 (again -- failed out)

Good AMs
135 x 10 x 3sets

PDLs (probably shouldn't have done these after the GAMS -- my form was all sorts of sloppy in later reps of each set)
135 x 17
135 x 15
135 x 11

PD Abs
180 x 12 x 4sets

Finished things off with a 3 x 3 on the bench just to (a) stretch out my back and legs with the arch and (b) practice form (which was the real goal). Did some stretching for about 10 minutes after all that. My knee is hurting a little bit. I think I actually knocked it on something yesterday ... I'm like a clumsy 15 year old in that way.

I'm honestly a little surprised I was able to hit 315 and 335 on those low box squats with just the belt and wrist wraps. I think all the warming up I did helped a lot as has the hip work I've been trying to do lately. But still, the final made rep was a good 35lbs or more above what I thought I could do -- really thought 300+/- was my limit going that low. With any skill, I'll brake through 365 squat and finally hit 455 DL before the year's up. If I was a glutton for punishment, I'd say my goal for January 1st is 400 squat, 470 DL, and 225 bench ... which would give me my 1100lb total. Setting the bar high and I'll fail many times along the way; but you've got to fail to grow.
GreekGodX 07:36 AM 10-19-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
Started fixing my bench form today. Watched Dave Tate explain proper form last night and it was epiphanic. Went a long way to fixing things today. This is really going to help my shoulders. :-)

Lots of random support stuff: barbell rows, hammer curls, dumbbell shrugs, internal/external shoulder rotations, face-pulls. It was all fine.
This will do wonders for your bench! It made me look at benching in a whole different light.

Recovery week for me. Reached a plateau in most of my lifts last week. One thing my biceps seem to never reach a plateau. I barely do any primary lifts for them because they grow like weeds.
BigFrank 03:46 PM 10-19-2009
everything came in the mail today except my knee sleeves. I called efs and they said the knee sleeve were back ordered...:-):-)
ade06 03:51 PM 10-19-2009
Hi all, has anyone mixed creatine with chocolate milk for a recovery drink?
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