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Sports>New York Mets 2010 Banter
kelmac07 09:11 AM 05-03-2010
Originally Posted by BigAsh:
Slowly, but effectively, just like he handled the Mets line-up! :-)
:-) :-) :-) :-)
BigAsh 09:15 AM 05-03-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
:-) :-) :-) :-)
hahaha....I figured you'd say that!
kelmac07 09:05 PM 05-03-2010
In extra innings with the Reds. Perez actually pitched decent tonight...Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde continues with this guy...and all for only $12 million a year. :-) :-)
kelmac07 06:41 AM 05-04-2010
Way to go bullpen...pissed another one away!! :-) :-)
MedicCook 09:29 AM 05-04-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Way to go bullpen...pissed another one away!! :-) :-)
That is the Mets team we all know and love. :-)
MedicCook 11:42 PM 05-07-2010
Nice job by the Mets offense to save K-Rod's butt tonight.
kelmac07 09:33 AM 05-08-2010
Tell me about it Ryan. Barajas has been a pleasant surprise. :-)
Giant & 49er Fan 10:05 AM 05-08-2010
Boooooo! Let's go Giants! Turn this series upside down!
kelmac07 10:07 AM 05-08-2010
Don't you start Jaime!!
Giant & 49er Fan 10:14 AM 05-08-2010
I was hoping we could hang on last night. Put it to you guys like we did the Marlins. 4 in row on the road is tough. We'll get you today though!
The Poet 11:18 AM 05-08-2010
My first thought was "Who the hell cares?", but then I checked and saw that Mac's Nyets are 1.5 behind Jaime's Jints in the wild-card. Yeah, it's too early to think that way, but I'm an anal old fart. :-)
Giant & 49er Fan 11:30 AM 05-08-2010
Originally Posted by The Poet:
My first thought was "Who the hell cares?", but then I checked and saw that Mac's Nyets are 1.5 behind Jaime's Jints in the wild-card. Yeah, it's too early to think that way, but I'm an anal old fart. :-)
Let's not forget the good ol "braggin rights!" :-)
kelmac07 11:34 AM 05-08-2010
Originally Posted by RPguy:
Let's not forget the good ol "braggin rights!" :-)
I tried that with Keith (Bigash) and it cost me some sticks. :-) :-)
The Poet 11:36 AM 05-08-2010
Originally Posted by RPguy:
Let's not forget the good ol "braggin rights!" :-)
Well, this would mean a whole lot more, if the Giants' outfield was still overlooked by Coogan's Bluff, and not the Presidio. :-)
Giant & 49er Fan 05:51 PM 05-08-2010
Uhhhggggg! :-)
kelmac07 09:48 PM 05-08-2010
WOO HOO!! Another series win. :-) Not banking on tomorrow, as Lincecum is on the mound.
MedicCook 12:40 AM 05-11-2010

kelmac07 07:12 AM 05-11-2010
Pissed another one away last night...and cost us second place. :-)
kelmac07 09:31 PM 05-12-2010
Mets drop the series against the Nats...and fall into third place. :-)

Can we PLEASE get a pitching staff??????
The Poet 01:57 PM 05-13-2010
You want Javy, brother? We'll take a sack of peanuts for him.
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