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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
The Professor 10:58 AM 09-18-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
Didn't have much time in the gym today so I made up a little 300 workout

Snatch Grip Dl x10
Upright Row x10
Front Squat x10
Military Press x10
Good Am x10
Squat x10
BNP x10
Push Up x10
Sit upx10

Repeat x3
okay ... that's b.r.u.t.a.l.

srsly. :-)
Mugen910 11:21 AM 09-18-2009
Originally Posted by Starchild:
I've been wearing these for the last 6 months or so
vibram five fingers

I love them for lifting, and even running shorter distances.

I do get people doing double takes in the gym.
I love running in mine...they make running feel so much more efficient.
Starscream 10:46 PM 09-19-2009
Two months off, am I gonna be sore when I start back this week? I figure that I would start back with leg day, but I'm scared that I'm gonna be walking funny at school all week.
Chris. 02:15 AM 09-20-2009
Yes, you will be sore! I get sore after a week off! LOL
The Professor 05:11 AM 09-20-2009
If you do leg day first, Andy, just be sure you eat a ton of protein, drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and get a sufficient amount of rest. Otherwise, yeah, you're going to be walking like you started in the prison scene of a d-grade movie.


Strange lifting week for me because of travel that starts Wednesday; but I *should* be able to hit a gym back West while I'm out there. I think I'll start my week today, though -- I don't want to waste the peak of my current supplementation regime. :-)
Starscream 08:23 AM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
If you do leg day first, Andy, just be sure you eat a ton of protein, drink lots of water, take your vitamins, and get a sufficient amount of rest. Otherwise, yeah, you're going to be walking like you started in the prison scene of a d-grade movie.


Strange lifting week for me because of travel that starts Wednesday; but I *should* be able to hit a gym back West while I'm out there. I think I'll start my week today, though -- I don't want to waste the peak of my current supplementation regime. :-)
:-) I'll be sure to protein up before going in, and probably protein up afterwards too.:-)
The Professor 08:39 AM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
I'll be sure to protein up before going in, and probably protein up afterwards too.:-)
In all honesty, that's probably not going to be enough if you hit it hard. :-) If you're not giving yourself a decent amount of protein throughout the day, you should expect to feel it 2 days later. Ask The Dakotan and smitdavi what I looked like at a herf last spring when I hadn't eaten properly after a tough leg day. :-)

1 hour of back & bis today....

Plate loaded pull-downs: 148 x 10, 188 x 10, 238 x 8, 278 x 6, 5, 6, 328 x 4
Plate-loaded low rows: 188 x 15, 238 x 8, 258 x 7, 278 x 8, 6, 5
DB one-arm rows: 100 x 5 (no strap), 110 x 6 (strapped), 125 x 5 (strapped) 125 x 8 (strapped)
Under-hand, close-grip barbell rows: 135 x 10, 10, 8
Biceps curlz (machine, iso-lateral): 30 x 10, 40 x 8, 40 x 6, 35 x 8
Preacher curlz (machine): 70 x 8, 9, 8

(all curlz were 4 da gurlz, right Dave? :-))

Not a record-setting day; but it felt solid. :-)
PeteSB75 11:49 AM 09-20-2009
Good lifts this morning. Bench 185x5 190x5 155x12. BB Row 75x5, 80x5, 65x12. Front Squats 155x5x3.
Starscream 11:54 AM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
In all honesty, that's probably not going to be enough if you hit it hard. :-) If you're not giving yourself a decent amount of protein throughout the day, you should expect to feel it 2 days later. Ask The Dakotan and smitdavi what I looked like at a herf last spring when I hadn't eaten properly after a tough leg day. :-)
Yeah, I figured I would go pretty light on the first day.
BigFrank 01:28 PM 09-20-2009
actually dragged my ass to the gym today. felt a little weak, but not too bad for taking a week off and drinking beer.
The Professor 01:32 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Yeah, I figured I would go pretty light on the first day.
Or you can *bring it* and get more protein. :-) :-)

After brunch, went to the gym for a second time because DrMS wanted to go in. Consider her now a member of Gerry's Army (old reference). She did 30 minutes of elliptical, 150 weighted ab exercises, and 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill. :-) I did pretty close to the same ... probably a little less cardio, and more weight on the abs (with different exercises than her). Diet change will commence soon, too.... :-)
The Professor 01:34 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
actually dragged my ass to the gym today. felt a little weak, but not too bad for taking a week off and drinking beer.

Hope I can say the same thing next week, Frank. I leave for my brother's wedding on Wednesday and don't get back until Monday. :-)
BigFrank 01:38 PM 09-20-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:

Hope I can say the same thing next week, Frank. I leave for my brother's wedding on Wednesday and don't get back until Monday. :-)
I try not to worry anymore. I just try to enjoy myself some. before it was eat perfect and not drink etc. go to bed not go out. all that crap. but I realized that unless i am willing to load my body full of drugs. then getting to that top will be something to occur in a long period of time 5+ years. so i figure time is on my side, why kill myself over the details. take a week of here and there. drink a few beers. eat out. its not easy when ya got kids either. they come first.
my advice is just take the time off to heal. dont even think about working out. dont take any pills or powder with ya. go have fun eat some grub drink beer.take off till the weds. just make it a whole week. dont go out and worry about missing workouts or something. trust me, when ya just take off period. its the best.
The Professor 04:28 PM 09-20-2009
Hmmmm ... you make a compelling case, Frank. And I was all ready to pack my Inzer belt into my carry-on. :-)

I'll have to think about it, now. :-)
PeteSB75 06:45 AM 09-21-2009
Think it was Frank posted an article a few weeks ago in this thread about rest, had some very good points in it. Author made a compelling case, I thought, for taking about 6 weeks off a year. I have lifted when I was on vaca and taken the time off, and there is something to be said for both. But I think I would rather take the time off and give myself the week for a better rest and come back strong after.
The Professor 07:22 AM 09-21-2009
Did a dynamic effort leg day, today.

Set the boxes to parallel.
Ramped up the weight slowly from just bar to 225.
Dropped the boxes a couple inches below parallel. 225 x 3 for 2-3 sets (can't remember)
Kicked the boxes back up to parallel and added some weight for my full working sets -- 275, on the clock (60 seconds rest), breaking parallel, with a pause at the bottom: 275 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3

I felt like I was going to die when I finished. No rest for the weary, though. Okay ... a little rest before the support exercises.

Pullthroughs: 120 x 10, 120 x 12, 150 x 10, 180 x 10 -- all very fast.
Ghetto reverse hypers (improvised on the preacher bench): 4 sets of 10
Leg raises: 3 sets of 10, 9, 11

I'm gonna be honest ... I haven't felt that beat after a leg day in a while. Don't get me wrong, I've been spent on max effort/PR days; but I just laid on the floor for a couple minutes when I was done because I was completely exhausted. That was fun. :-)
DavenportESQ 07:25 AM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by The Professor:
Did a dynamic effort leg day, today.

Set the boxes to parallel.
Ramped up the weight slowly from just bar to 225.
Dropped the boxes a couple inches below parallel. 225 x 3 for 2-3 sets (can't remember)
Kicked the boxes back up to parallel and added some weight for my full working sets -- 275, on the clock (60 seconds rest), breaking parallel, with a pause at the bottom: 275 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3

I felt like I was going to die when I finished. No rest for the weary, though. Okay ... a little rest before the support exercises.

Pullthroughs: 120 x 10, 120 x 12, 150 x 10, 180 x 10 -- all very fast.
Ghetto reverse hypers (improvised on the preacher bench): 4 sets of 10
Leg raises: 3 sets of 10, 9, 11

I'm gonna be honest ... I haven't felt that beat after a leg day in a while. Don't get me wrong, I've been spent on max effort/PR days; but I just laid on the floor for a couple minutes when I was done because I was completely exhausted. That was fun. :-)
WoW! Look at you..My boy all growns up:-)

Nice workout!
The Professor 07:31 AM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by DavenportESQ:
WoW! Look at you..My boy all growns up:-)

Nice workout!

I tell ya ... I'm feeling real good right now. I'm at the tail end of my supp cycle; so I've got all this test built up and have had a decent level of intensity with quick recoveries. my back and legs have been treating me well and showing good gains. if it wasn't for my tris, I'd have zero complaints.

almost reaching the 2-year point of going to the gym (October 1st). I'll probably write a longer post reflecting on it; but right now, I'll say that I'm relatively happy with myself. if I can show even half as many gains over the next 2 years as I've already had, I'll be on cloud 9. :-)
BigFrank 06:20 PM 09-21-2009
Glad ya had a good workout dokk. No gym tonight for me, both boys and wifey are sick so I gotta play dad. Hitting gym tomorrow. gonna go solo and hit up the hardcore gym in the ghetto and blast some good pulls. Been being lazy bout working out. I think I just need a good ole fashion red blood vessel eyed workout.

Yea pete. I posted that article. I agree with it a lot. A lot of people let other things work school family etc. dictate when they take time off, why not just take 2 weeks off to be a bum?
Ive had 4 beers tonight and some fish sticks. I feel fat and lazy. !!!!
PeteSB75 06:29 AM 09-22-2009
Light day today. Hang/power cleans, incline press and finished off with some close grip pulldowns.

I usually take a week off between switching up workouts, and/or whenever I go on vacation. So it's not 6 weeks/year, but it's 3-4.
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