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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
guado 09:48 AM 10-19-2011
ok guys,,,,back on the wagon! Been MIA from the gym in 2 months! Luckily I only gained back about 3 pounds. So better eating has definitely helped!

Looking to get sub 200 finally for the first time in over 12 years then gonna attempt to bulk up some. woohooo
hotreds 12:31 PM 10-19-2011
Good luck to you!
shilala 07:41 AM 10-25-2011
I went from 193 up to 213 back down to 200. I was eating all kinds of crap while I wasn't feeling good and was laid up a lot. I just stopped eating junk and started drinking lots of water again.
hotreds 08:23 AM 10-25-2011
I'm also in a rut. Need to get down to business- easier said than done!
Chainsaw13 03:01 PM 10-29-2011
Got home from Brazil today, jumped on the scale. 196.2. Trying to figure that one out as I ate at a buffet like 75% of the time. I'll take it.
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Chainsaw13 01:03 PM 10-30-2011
193.2 this morning before my run. I'm getting there.
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MurphysLaw 01:09 PM 11-02-2011
Poking my head in here to say that I've decided it's time to drop some weight, my plan is to start slow and just try to eat better and try to spend at least a half hour a day on the treadmill.

Eventually I'd like to re-do the C25K program, I felt great after the last time I finished, and have a few 5ks under my belt, just need to work on getting my belly from over my belt again :-) Anyway, hoping joining you guys in dropping the pounds will keep me on track and motivated to make it happen.
Chainsaw13 01:10 PM 11-02-2011
Welcome aboard Brian and good luck with the goals.
hotreds 08:25 AM 11-05-2011
Back on the beam- -6 this past week- lowest now that I've been in 5-6 years.
Chainsaw13 08:50 AM 11-05-2011
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Back on the beam- -6 this past week- lowest now that I've been in 5-6 years.
Awesome job Hugh! :-) Isn't is such a great feeling?

Weigh-in today, 192.8. Down to 22% body fat. That's having started at 35-37% when I first bought my scale. And that wasn't even at my heaviest. My goal is 15-17% body fat.
shilala 09:35 AM 11-05-2011
I'm back on my proper diet and what's even better is that Lisa is right on board with me. She doesn't need to lose weight at all, but wants to eat healthier.
My "eat healthy" plan has more or less been an avoidance thing. I stay away from meat as much as possible and watch potassium like a hawk because of my condition. That doesn't leave much I can eat except grains and whole food, plant based stuff.
Fortunately I can tolerate a little of anything, I just can't eat steak 3 times a day and I can't eat chicken at all, it totally screws me up. The potassium in meat breaks down slower and keeps me screwed up longer than the potassium in fruit and vegiees and seafood. Except shrimp. Shrimp is like the chicken of the sea to me.
I haven't been on the scale, but I'm still hanging around 200. That should be dropping quickly as I'm feeling a lot better since I had my meds adjusted, and I'm putting in a good 12 hours a day on my feet now. That's freakin awesome. Thank You, Jesus. :-)

I've also resumed drinking tons of water. Since midnight last night I've put down half a gallon. I'm going for a refill right now. :-)
MrClean 12:58 PM 11-05-2011
Howdy everyone! I know I'm blessed as far as weight goes, but like most people in the early 40's, metabolism has certainly slowed over the years. Early this spring I ended up in the hospital overnight for an AFib episode. I have none of the normal conditions that are seen as a trigger for AFib episodes. The doctors were at a lost for what triggered it, but they did say that is normal for someone with no pre existing conditions. Although they told me that I was clear to resume whatever exercise programs that I wanted, the mental affects of that episode stuck with me for a long time.
I had never been hospitalized in my life and when it comes to my heart, that was some scary sh1t for me!
I signed back up with a local academy that teaches Tae Kwon Do, I love it and the flexibility it provides as well as the workout is great for me. I've been doing that for about 2 years and my goal is to get my black belt, about another year and I should be at my goal.
My wife has started her weight loss journey and we are completely changing our diets. I started out at 207lbs and in 2 weeks I'm down to 199 without working out, that starts this week. We belong to our community center which is fairly new and is a really great facility with tons of workout equipment. We've been down this road before and always kind of regressed, but with her conditions that the doctors recently informed her of, I think we can make the life changes that we need. Being a good example for our kids is another major driver in this as well.
Chainsaw13 06:35 AM 11-12-2011
Good luck Jeff with the new lifestyle, to you and your wife. Looks like you're already on your way, dropping the 8lbs in the first two weeks.

Back up to 193.6 this morning after a week on the road for work. Based on my scale, I dropped another .7% body fat, so I actually gained muscle this week. I"m not sure how accurate the scales can be, but I do see more development in my chest. All those pushups are working. Now to work on my rear shoulder development.
hotreds 12:00 PM 11-12-2011
Keep at it y'all. I lost less than a lb last week, so since I average I'm still at 304. Hope to be able to get under 300 b4 I leave for a week with the outlaws for Thanksgiving.
Chainsaw13 05:30 PM 11-15-2011
Had to get back on track today. Been slipping just a little bit and not eating like I should. Just a few too many carbs causing my blood sugar to run a little higher than normal. Next best remedy after cutting back on the carbs, exercise. Did my usual 5 different sets of 15 pushups and 200 crunches. Got into Chicago and decided to get some more in before heading into work. Did 4.2 miles on the treadmill and a set of shoulder and bicep weights. Let's hope I can stay up the whole shift. I hate nights.
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forgop 10:56 AM 11-21-2011
Finally stepped back on today after nearly a month away it seems. I hit a wall where I only lost like 1.5 lbs over a 2 week period after big time cardio and needed to give my body some rest as I was quite sore. I didn't follow my diet either and expected the worst, but I was only up 3 lbs. Started back at it this morning with spinning and back On the WW. Would definitely like to be down 15 more lbs before the year is up.
Chainsaw13 05:59 AM 11-23-2011
Jumped on the scale this morning after returning from my odyssey. Drumroll please...... 189.9. Holy crap! I can't believe it. And per my scale, I'm at 18% body fat. Again, not sure how accurate those little feet pad things are for calculating that, but I'm not complaining.
forgop 01:15 AM 11-26-2011
I got back into 36's for the first time in awhile today. My ultimate goal is to get back into 32's I once wore. Plus I have to get another belt. This one is a bit too long.

Thinking about training for a mini marathon here in May. The longest distance I've ever run was 6 miles and that was just once. I did an hour on the treadmill yesterday at a whopping 5.12 miles (11m43s pace). I've never been a good runner-even after doing 6 months of army basic training/AIT. I will see if I can find a good plan train for it. My quads are sore as hell after yesterday's run. I have about 6 months to train, so I'm interested in figuring out a good number to start with each run/week and then how to go up from there.
Chainsaw13 10:14 AM 11-26-2011
Congrats Duane on the new pants. I'm in the same boat. Hoping to just comfortably fit into 34's. Checkout for training programs for all types of races.
forgop 10:28 AM 11-26-2011
Thanks-I'll check it out. I have a feeling that I should be only doing 1-2 miles at a time right now until I can improve my pace quite a bit. My legs are really sore from my run 2 days ago.
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