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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Kreth 07:52 AM 10-04-2011
Had some chicken for dinner last night. Amazingly, my non-carnivore teeth ripped right through it...
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acarr 06:47 PM 10-06-2011
Originally Posted by acarr:
I started off on 08/28 at 256. The next time I get weighed is on October 6 at my doctors office. I will be curious to see how much I weigh then. My shorts are all falling off now.
I got weighed at the doctors office today. After 40 days I am down to 230 pounds or a loss of 26 pounds. 60 more to go.
forgop 08:49 PM 10-06-2011
It's sad...I'm already plotting my new year's day food intake after hitting my goal. I started off the year with the resolution to not eat deep fried foods and regular soft drinks. Here it is, 9+ months later and I've stuck to it. It's been tough and I've white knuckled it a few times driving by a couple of places a few times. Imagine the torture of putting fries to your lips to test the temp before giving to your 4 year old son to make sure they're not too hot and pass them off.

Only problem is that inducing a number of fried foods in a single day will probably make me feel lousy.
Chainsaw13 08:36 AM 10-08-2011
Originally Posted by acarr:
I got weighed at the doctors office today. After 40 days I am down to 230 pounds or a loss of 26 pounds. 60 more to go.
Awesome job!

I officially hit my goal of 200, on the dot no less. Now to set a new goal. I think 185 is do-able.
hotreds 07:39 PM 10-08-2011
minus one this past week. Not good enough.
acarr 08:11 PM 10-08-2011
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Awesome job!

I officially hit my goal of 200, on the dot no less. Now to set a new goal. I think 185 is do-able.
How much are you down total? I put a pretty lofty goal of 86 pounds or down to 170. So I have quite a ways to go. I was about to pick up a scale at Costco that looked pretty nice but I decided it was better not to look to often. Maybe when I get down to 200 I will be ready to buy it!
goalie204 07:13 AM 10-09-2011
i was planning a cheat meal tonight for thanksgiving dinner at my sisters place. Debating on turning it into a cheat day and going for dimsum :-)
Chainsaw13 10:00 AM 10-09-2011
Originally Posted by acarr:
How much are you down total? I put a pretty lofty goal of 86 pounds or down to 170. So I have quite a ways to go. I was about to pick up a scale at Costco that looked pretty nice but I decided it was better not to look to often. Maybe when I get down to 200 I will be ready to buy it!
I started three years ago somewhere in the 295-300 range. I never set foot on a scale except the couple times a year at the doctors. Heaviest I ever saw was 306. The first 2 years or so I lost about 30lbs by just changing my diet. It's the last 7-8 months I've dropped the bulk of it.

I like the scale I got at Target. Tanita brand. It has the biometric sensors to tell your body fat and hydration percentages. Seems pretty accurate as it's on target with the scale at the doctors.
goalie204 10:45 AM 10-09-2011
that is pretty cool that it can do that other stuff, how much was it Bob? What it's max capacity?
forgop 09:58 AM 10-10-2011
I was bummed stepping on the scale this morning....202.8, a whopping loss of 0.4 lbs.

Last week, I did 7.5 hours of time between spinning, treadmill, and elliptical for a total of 6600 calories according to my heart rate monitor. I still wasn't very strict diet-wise, but didn't think it was any worse than the previous week when I did a lot better than 0.4 lbs.

Back at it again this week and everything I eat is going into the WW app and I'm cutting out all of the excess this week. Gotta break the 200 lb mark this week.
acarr 05:44 PM 10-10-2011
Originally Posted by forgop:
I was bummed stepping on the scale this morning....202.8, a whopping loss of 0.4 lbs.

Last week, I did 7.5 hours of time between spinning, treadmill, and elliptical for a total of 6600 calories according to my heart rate monitor. I still wasn't very strict diet-wise, but didn't think it was any worse than the previous week when I did a lot better than 0.4 lbs.

Back at it again this week and everything I eat is going into the WW app and I'm cutting out all of the excess this week. Gotta break the 200 lb mark this week.
My doctor asked what I was doing and said you can burn all the calories you want but to really lose a lot, you have to change your diet. I was burning 1500 calories a day at the gym and not losing any weight at all. I would celebrate afterwards with the highest caloric beer I could find every night.
Chainsaw13 05:42 AM 10-11-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
that is pretty cool that it can do that other stuff, how much was it Bob? What it's max capacity?
It was right around $50. Max capacity I 330lbs. This is the newer model to the one I have:

Broke through the 200 mark today, 197.8.
hotreds 08:15 AM 10-11-2011
Good job y'all!
forgop 10:37 AM 10-11-2011
Originally Posted by acarr:
My doctor asked what I was doing and said you can burn all the calories you want but to really lose a lot, you have to change your diet. I was burning 1500 calories a day at the gym and not losing any weight at all. I would celebrate afterwards with the highest caloric beer I could find every night.
I understand that-I did follow WW with the exception of a little splurge here and there. Given I was down 2.8 or so the week prior with similar eating habits overall and I burned more calories this week, I was expecting to be a lot closer to the previous loss than what the scale reflected.

With WW, I have a daily point total, a flexible amount for the week, and then I earn extra points for working out. More times than not, I stay within my daily point totals without even using the flexible and activity points. I just know I didn't go over that much.
forgop 12:15 PM 10-17-2011
201.8...lost a freaking pound. I think I was still pretty loaded with water as I drank water pretty consistently all afternoon/evening though because I had a bit of a sore throat. (Just for grins, I stepped on the scale Wednesday morning last week and I was at 198). Still a bit frustrated the past 2 weeks have been such a stall though, especially when I'm burning through so many calories in spinning class.

My goal for the week is not to go over my points allowance any days without the points I'm given for the workouts. My goal for the week is 9000 calories burned.
goalie204 02:30 PM 10-17-2011
try a cheat day duane, then get back on it

It is true, you can burn as many calories as you want, the real determining factor in weight loss is what goes into your mouth.
forgop 04:46 PM 10-17-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
try a cheat day duane, then get back on it

It is true, you can burn as many calories as you want, the real determining factor in weight loss is what goes into your mouth.
I know how to lose weight as I lost 63 lbs in 21 weeks about 9 years ago. I then got a nagging case of plantar fasciitis and proceeded to gain it all back over the course of 3-4 years.

To test my theory of retaining excess water this morning, I got on the scales a few minutes ago and weighed in at 197.4, a difference of 4.4 lbs from about 10 hours ago. Granted, I did my workout this morning, but I've also taken in ~ 1.5L of water as well, so it's not like I'm dehydrated.
goalie204 05:30 PM 10-17-2011
i was not implying that you didn't not know how to lose weight, i was replying to acarr's last post.
hammondc 07:20 AM 10-18-2011
Originally Posted by forgop:
I know how to lose weight as I lost 63 lbs in 21 weeks about 9 years ago. I then got a nagging case of plantar fasciitis and proceeded to gain it all back over the course of 3-4 years.

To test my theory of retaining excess water this morning, I got on the scales a few minutes ago and weighed in at 197.4, a difference of 4.4 lbs from about 10 hours ago. Granted, I did my workout this morning, but I've also taken in ~ 1.5L of water as well, so it's not like I'm dehydrated.
You may need to change up your routine. It sounds like you have plateaued. Been there and done that tons of times. Are you mixing in any strength training? HIIT training? Also, you CAN get to a point where if you are burning too much and not taking in enough, your body will start panicking and you can actually gain some weight.
acarr 09:10 AM 10-18-2011
I guess my diet is going to end here shortly. The doc put me back on prednisone. I will try to stay on the diet for as long as I can but it will be difficult since I feel like eating 6 5lbs steaks a day now.
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