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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Starscream 08:36 AM 09-16-2011
Going slowly, but down another pound this week.
Chainsaw13 06:12 AM 09-19-2011
201.8 this past Sunday. A new low for me. Was running like a fiend on the treadmill at the hotel in Chicago. Did 5 miles in 45 mins one day. Got in the zone and kept running.
forgop 06:27 AM 09-19-2011
205.8 this morning, down 29 lbs total since the start of the year. Not quite ready to get in my 36's just yet. Should be able to at 195 for sure.
hotreds 08:21 AM 09-19-2011
Stayed the same last week. On vaca, gonna be tough. Will really hafta get on the beam once I get back!
shilala 10:23 AM 09-19-2011
I checked this morning, I'm up to 209.0. I've just completely lost interest. I still drink tons of water, and I don't eat much, but I'm zero active.
goalie204 05:42 AM 09-20-2011
down a total of 31.5 - 32 pounds and 7 days away from 5 months, continuing on my high fat/medium protein/low carb lifestyle, so good :-)
acarr 03:18 PM 09-20-2011
I started off on 08/28 at 256. The next time I get weighed is on October 6 at my doctors office. I will be curious to see how much I weigh then. My shorts are all falling off now.
Chainsaw13 07:57 PM 09-20-2011
Originally Posted by acarr:
I started off on 08/28 at 256. The next time I get weighed is on October 6 at my doctors office. I will be curious to see how much I weigh then. My shorts are all falling off now.
forgop 09:44 AM 09-26-2011
I held this past week, but I was just happy I didn't gain. I wasn't nearly as disciplined with my diet and had my worst week at the gym. I only made it to spinning 3 times and two of them were with bad instructors. I wear a heart rate monitor that determines average heart rate, max heart rate, calories, etc and with my "good" instructor, I'll burn 1000+ calories in an hour and exceed my "max" heart rate. I barely broke a sweat last week for 2 of the classes.
goalie204 11:18 AM 09-29-2011
new low again, and CHEAT DAY TODAY :-) :-) :-) :-)
shilala 12:03 PM 09-29-2011
Back down to 206. Eating less and getting around better. Looking good. :-)
irratebass 12:21 PM 09-29-2011
Yeah Scott!!!

I'm at 287 down 27 lbs so far.....long way to go
Starscream 08:47 PM 09-29-2011
Been steady with my NFL Training Camp workouts lately. I'm starting to enjoy it, but finding time is not easy.
deadrise 09:11 PM 09-29-2011
meh might as well join the crowd its been a bad/good year. started off with doctors trip 3rd jan and they blasted me a new one said everything was off the charts and at that time i was 285. so me and the wife went on adkins and I love it went from 285 to 246 in 4-5 months. I slipped away and fell of the band wagon now back to 265. now my wife is another story she totally kicks my arse she is still on diet and went from 220 to 160 since the first of the year. sadly she mainly was doing it to help me and I failed so far. I am going back on induction soon as I can afford it. just wanted to say hello and I hope to loose some weight with you fine Botl/Sotl.

goalie204 10:27 PM 09-29-2011
Welcome Jason! I am doing Atkins as well, modified i suppose, since i have cheat days once or twice a month, but good for you man, welcome aboard! :-)
Neuromancer 11:00 PM 09-29-2011
Sweet...just found this thread...I started out about 4 months ago at 222.8...since then I've lost 20 lbs. (down to 202.8) diet...just a lifestyle change as starscream talked about in his opening diabetes was out of control, my blood pressure was out of control, and my cholesterol was out of my numbers are returning to normal...I've read several books on changing how you eat...Dr. Dean Ornish touts a vegetarian food regime to reverse heart disease...Dr. Neal Barnard touts veganism to reverse diabetes...and Dr. Daniel Amen is pushing weight loss by vegetarian/veganism as a way to reverse the brain damage done by being overweight (and it's considerable)...all these hot shot docs are saying the same things...there is an epidemic of obesity and and epidemic of type II diabetes in the US and it's being caused by our food processing industries...they're as bad as the cigarette makers...they put tons of fat and sugar in foods to addict you and keep you buying their save money and get more profit out of your pocket they've started using a poison to sweeten things because its cheaper than sugar...your body has no mechanism to metabolize high fructose corn syrup so it just jams it into fat cells...and the artificial sweeters are all mostly chemicals that are harmful to your health and just keep you craving sweet stuff...

I stopped eating sugar...I stopped eating white bread and white rice...they're just straight glucose and zing goes your blood sugaer...we eat only whole grain breads and whole wheat pasta and brown my new routine is no sugar...also low-sodium as they use that to get you coming back too by oversalting everything you buy...and here's the clincher...they were right about the vegetarian/vegan thing...I eat very little in the way of animal fats anymore and I'm feeling tons can actually feel yourself getting healthier...and, the weight loss happens by itself...I haven't been dieting...I eat until I'm full...I eat what I want in these four major food groups...whole grains, legumes (beans), vegetables, and fruit...since I got off the sugar I have no cravings and my appetite is less because sugar causes cravings and increases your appetite...I'm satisfied with what I'm eating and not always looking for something else, and I don't miss the meat...oddly enough I thought I would...I still have a little cheese and eggs but in moderation...once in a while I'll have chicken or fish...and some of the vegetarian faux meats are fanstastic...after you get used to them you don't know the difference...20 pounds, four diet...just eating the way we're supposed to be eating...evolution developed our bodies a certain way and our teeth are the biggest indicator...we're not omnivores or carnivores...we don't have the teeth for it...the perfect food regime for a healthy human body is whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and really works...MY BMI has dropped from 35 to 31 and I've lost several inches on my waist with no exercise...the docs are are what you ever see a fat vegetarian or vegan?
hotreds 08:16 AM 09-30-2011
Happily, getting on the scale today showed no increase from two weeks ago when I went on vaca. So, altho not a loss, I ate pretty well down in ole Virginny, and I'm happy I don't hafta re-lose a lot of lbs. Onwards and downwards!
Chainsaw13 02:55 PM 10-01-2011
I'm still hovering around the 202-204 mark. Been on the road a lot for work, but getting some workouts in, mostly running on the treadmill. Probably not a bad thing to plateau a bit since I was on a pretty good tear losing. My belt though is going down notches, so I"m happy with that. Plus Im putting on some muscle, which is a good thing.
forgop 06:04 AM 10-03-2011
Down to 203.2 this morning. Sadly, I feel like I ate a lot Fri/Sat/Sun and was still down 2.6 for the week. My scrub pants may need shortened again before too long. I'm really hoping to crack the 200 mark by Monday with a big week of spinning/treadmill work ahead of me.
shilala 09:26 AM 10-03-2011
Glad to hear you guys are doing so well!!! :-)
I've dropped off the map, but I have to get back on now or I'll be 500 lbs come Spring. I'm not far from doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I just need to avoid the junk food. I'll get back to that today and keep moving ahead in the right direction.
It shouldn't be tough, I'm feeling pretty good since I quit one of my meds, and I'm doing much better. Things are definately looking up.
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