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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Chainsaw13 12:06 PM 08-05-2011
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Disappointed. No loss this past week. ARGH!
Look at it this way Hugh, you didn't go up. Gotta turn it into a positive somehow. Plus, are your clothes fitting better? Feel better? More energy? Anything you can use to keep the train rolling in the right direction helps.
hotreds 12:42 PM 08-05-2011
Looks like I lost an inch off my waist. Realize it's an uneven road, but still a bit bummed. Hopefully I'll have a decent loss next week!
Chainsaw13 01:30 PM 08-05-2011
Originally Posted by hotreds:
Looks like I lost an inch off my waist. Realize it's an uneven road, but still a bit bummed. Hopefully I'll have a decent loss next week!
That's the ticket! :-)
Kreth 05:42 AM 08-06-2011
233 this morning, that's 40 lbs! I even had a cheese omelet last night before work... :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
shilala 08:46 AM 08-06-2011
196 today. Still stuck, which makes sense because I've been almost 100% sedentary for the last week or two.
Chainsaw13 07:01 PM 08-06-2011
214.4 this morning. Only 1lb this week, but I'm cool with that. Per my scale, I lost some body fat as my percentage dropped. I can tell I've put on muscle, especially in the arms/chest.

Did a 3.16mi run this morning in 33:30. That's it for me for the week. Tomorrow is a rest day.
goalie204 02:44 PM 08-08-2011
Saw the doc today, since a year ago, my total cholestorol went from 6.1 to 5.5 and my triglycerides went down from 1.5 to .75, and my blood pressure is great she said at 110/68 and my sugar is good too she said :-) :-) :-) (whatever the fck those numbers mean i duno, but she said sh1t was good ) :-)

Now if only i could get some god damn sleep so that i could lose some more weight (yes lack of sleep is what i believe is messing me up)
Chainsaw13 05:20 PM 08-08-2011
Awesome news Myles. That's always a motivator when the numbers at the doc look good.
Chainsaw13 05:23 PM 08-08-2011
Today marked day 30 of my foray into the Power 90 program. At least I think it was 30 days. I know I wasn't less. :-)

Anyway, here's pics of my progress.

Day 1:

Day 30:

I"m down ~12lbs, about 3% body fat. I need to pick up a tape measure so I can start recording any inches lost. I do now I"m down a belt notch since starting.
hotreds 05:36 PM 08-08-2011
Scottw 07:50 PM 08-08-2011
I am at 198 after stuffing myself with BBQ all weekend. I have to get back on track to hit 190.
backwoods357 09:19 PM 08-08-2011
I finally broke 200! :-)
199 this morning. I've been hovering right above 200 for so long.
Congrats guys!
jonumberone 12:24 PM 08-09-2011
I joined the 255 club on Sunday morning! :-)
Food cravings are a thing of the past for me, which I'm surprised about.
Well, except for that whole ice cream thing a week or so back :-)
I find that I'm still losing weight despite treating myself a bit on the weekends.
Two weeks ago it was some birthday cake, this past weekend it was a six pack of beer.
It's nice to know I can cheat a little without falling all the way down!
Chainsaw13 12:29 PM 08-09-2011
That's great to hear Dom. Keep up the good work.
Da Klugs 12:31 PM 08-09-2011
Broke 195 last week.. then the weekend came home from the lake at 200+. Been fighting it this week with 2 a day cardio. 195.9 this morning. Should be moving again towards 190 by the end of the week/next week. I get big swings (5-6 pounds) when I push it too far trying for a new number.
goalie204 10:08 PM 08-09-2011
buddy of mine is arguing with me that atkins is not viable long term even tho i know a lot of ppl from a low carb forum that are on it and successful for well over 10 years, any links to show this?
Chainsaw13 05:57 PM 08-11-2011
Kinda quiet in here lately. How's everyone doing? I took a few days off this week from working out. Did only some minor exercise yesterday practicing soccer with my neice. Did get back into the swing with a cardio workout today. Legs felt like lead, but powered through it. Was 212.8 this morning.
Chainsaw13 06:02 PM 08-11-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
buddy of mine is arguing with me that atkins is not viable long term even tho i know a lot of ppl from a low carb forum that are on it and successful for well over 10 years, any links to show this?
Nothing here Myles, but I guess like all lifestyles, there's going to be people that can/can't do it. I have no doubts that anyone can live a successful life doing low carb, it's just having the fortitude to stick with it. Problem is our society is too centered around carbs for our main source of food. Corn is cheap comparatively to meat and with the surplus we have, they have to keep finding ways to make things out of it. So the temptation is always there to eat carbs.
shilala 06:05 PM 08-11-2011
I was up to 202 last night when I got home from vacation. We'll just have to see what happens for the next week. I did eat more than normal while I was away, but that was by design. We tried a lot of new things, a lot of really nice restaurants and laid on the beach and blubbered around like a couple big, fat elephant seal hogs.
It was glorious. :-)
shilala 06:10 PM 08-11-2011
Originally Posted by goalie204:
buddy of mine is arguing with me that atkins is not viable long term even tho i know a lot of ppl from a low carb forum that are on it and successful for well over 10 years, any links to show this?
It takes two to argue, bro. If he doesn't want to do Atkins, he sure doesn't need to, right? I know that's not the crux of the argument, but it still falls under "live and let live", "smoke what you like...".
As long as it works for you and you remain wholly healthy, I'd not waste the time to argue with him. Ask him how the wife and kids and his mama are doing, that's far more interesting. Plus you're going to do what you want with your life anyways, as it should be. :-)
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