jmsremax 09:16 AM 05-15-2011
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I'm sorry, I know you Boston fans love him, but every time I hear Rene Rancourt sing the Anthem, I can't help but think of the Cowardly Lion.
His voice isnt why I love's the fist pump at the end. Nothing is more satisfying than to see him do that. I think he's much better at singing the Canadian anthem.
Bruins Fan 10:01 AM 05-15-2011
Rene borrowed the pump from Randy "Stump Pump" Burridge who played for the B's in the mid 80's.
icehog3 10:58 AM 05-15-2011
Originally Posted by jmsremax:
His voice isnt why I love's the fist pump at the end. Nothing is more satisfying than to see him do that. I think he's much better at singing the Canadian anthem.
Understand the love for him, just amusing from a non-Bostonian perspective. I love the traditions. Hell, I even love watching the Canucks fans sing "O Canada"....I just hate the team.
Can't wait for the West Finals tonight...Let's Go Sharks!

icehog3 05:20 PM 05-15-2011
Last check of this thread until late night, TiVoing the game on a 3 hour delay and can't risk any spoliers.
Ahbroody 08:49 PM 05-15-2011
Thought the game score wise was much closer then it should have been. Canucks out played the Sharka for almost the whole game. Nemo kept it close. I was thinking they might steal the game, but that ended rather quickly. Not sure how many the Sharks can take, but if they dont get it together they dont have a chance.
Heatley has taken more then one stupid penalty this playoffs. That needs to stop. That off sides call was crap though it went off a Canuck. Really wonder about that one as it would have changed the game. Ooo well theh still didnt get it done.
icehog3 11:30 PM 05-15-2011
Biggest problem I saw, especially in the 3rd period, was timid play in the offensive zone by the Sharks D. As soon as the Canucks would touch the puck, the Sharks D had vacated the zone, and they missed numerous chances to easily keep the puck in with a little pinch. I know the Sharks forwards have good speed that can compete with the Canucks, but I am not sure the Sharks D can match they play it safe. Too safe, IMHO.
Ahbroody 12:17 AM 05-16-2011
Eleven 06:49 AM 05-16-2011
I read that this morning. This would lead me to believe his death was indeed caused in some part due to the concussion. I know the autopsy results could take weeks, but I think this is an indicator.
Sawyer 01:54 PM 05-16-2011
Originally Posted by gpugliese:
Eklund has about a 3% accuracy rate on his rumors, and that's being generous. Take anything he says with a huge grain of salt.
According to the AJC, Atlanta Spirit has been in talks with True North for an unknown amount of time. If they are actually in talks already, I don't see any way that the deal will fall through. The owners of the Thrashers want out bad. Atlanta will never get another NHL team.
Guess it is as good a time as any to go back to being a Lightning fan. The last time they hoisted the cup I had just moved away from Tampa but was still a fan of the Lightning. Then they had the lockout and I stopped watching hockey altogether for a few years. When I started back, I was living in Atlanta so decided it was easier just to be a fan of the Thrashers. It will be good to go back to being a Lightning fan right before they hoist the cup again.
Ahbroody 03:37 PM 05-16-2011
Originally Posted by Eleven:
I read that this morning. This would lead me to believe his death was indeed caused in some part due to the concussion. I know the autopsy results could take weeks, but I think this is an indicator.
All kinds of rumors right now. Possible pain med od accidental or purposely as a result of depression caused by concussion. The reference to Probert was an eye opener. Just bought the boy the messier project helmet. I know Al doesnt think they work but its worth a shot.
I also think this may lend weight to USA Hockeys view of raising the checking age. The vote is next month. I had heard the big Quebec tourney doesnt allow checking at the age US Hockey allows it.
Eleven 03:47 PM 05-16-2011
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
All kinds of rumors right now. Possible pain med od accidental or purposely as a result of depression caused by concussion. The reference to Probert was an eye opener. Just bought the boy the messier project helmet. I know Al doesnt think they work but its worth a shot.
I also think this may lend weight to USA Hockeys view of raising the checking age. The vote is next month. I had heard the big Quebec tourney doesnt allow checking at the age US Hockey allows it.
My kids coach says the new checking rule is a done deal. My boy is going to be a Bantam this year so the rule wouldn't affect him. I am not sure how I feel about it. Even at his age, the officials don't allow much room for questionable hits, they just hand out 2-and-10's like they are candy.
When you're looking at weekly rankings and tournament participation, 2-and-10's are bad news for your team, so most kids are very careful in their checking. Not to mention if you are given a 2-and-10, you're automatically ineligible for the next game.
ahc4353 04:40 PM 05-16-2011
Just one mans (and sons) opinion Mike. I honestly think the M-11 is a flimsy POS. That said, I bought into the hype as I was desperate for anything that would protect Mitch. He went to a Bauer 9900 and personally I think it's a hell of a helmet.
Whatever works for your son is what is important. Like my old man always said, "do what you think is best".
A couple of looks at the 9900.
Ahbroody 05:55 PM 05-16-2011
You know brother I was playing with it yesterday and I understand your view on the flimsy. You are talking about the lower area right?
We should probably continue this in the hockey parent section. I have some thoughts I want feedback on.
mithrilG60 11:58 AM 05-17-2011
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Thought the game score wise was much closer then it should have been. Canucks out played the Sharka for almost the whole game. Nemo kept it close. I was thinking they might steal the game, but that ended rather quickly. Not sure how many the Sharks can take, but if they dont get it together they dont have a chance.
That's kind of funny, I thought San Jose outplayed the Canucks up until the last 5 min of the 2nd period when Vancouver came on, obviously the 3rd belonged to the Canucks. I thought the score board was pretty representative overall, it's also what I expect out of every game other than tomorrow night which I predict will be pretty high scoring. Either way, this series is going to be good hockey to watch which will be a nice change from the Predators series. God that was horrible, dull as ditch water and just about as exciting!
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Heatley has taken more then one stupid penalty this playoffs. That needs to stop. That off sides call was crap though it went off a Canuck. Really wonder about that one as it would have changed the game. Ooo well theh still didnt get it done.
It's pretty funny that San Jose's first instinct was to follow the Predators example trot out the diving claims immediately. I do get it as a strategy, the Canucks have a very dangerous power play so as the opposing team you want to minimize the time they spend on it. If getting into the ref's heads a little bit helps in that regard then it's part of the game, Gillis did it after Game 5 against Chicago. That said, if you're going to claim it you need to have some kind of proof to back it up or you just come across as being whiny.
The Lapierre tackle was borderline, yes his head went back... but he was also pulled down and spun around by the throat. Everything else called in that game was a fair call and there was a pretty equal amount of missed calls for both sides. I thought the ref's did a pretty good job of getting out of the way and letting the teams run. That 18 sec scramble in front of Niemi was a perfect example. That could have been blown dead many times but they let the teams play and it produced one of the most memorable and exciting parts of the 2011 playoffs as a result.
And just to rachet up the friendly rivalry/Canucks hate a little bit... this was spotted floating around our sushi loving city on Monday
mithrilG60 12:25 PM 05-17-2011
Hmm.... seems the image isn't working properly. Let's try again
I have a feeling Mike will find a photochopped image of Jaws eating Don Cherry and post it very soon.
mithrilG60 12:53 PM 05-17-2011
Even Jaws would find Don Cherry highly unappetizing...
icehog3 04:28 PM 05-17-2011
Really hope the Sharks D men get involved tomorrow, or it could be a short series.
mithrilG60 04:52 PM 05-17-2011
Apparently Malhotra skated in a full gear (non-contract) practice with the Cancuks this morning. It's 99.9999% sure that he's out for the season but it's still encouraging to see him back on the ice so soon after a pair of major eye surgeries.
icehog3 04:58 PM 05-17-2011
Wishing Manny a full recovery, he is a good center and a good guy.
I can't believe I said that about a Canuck.