icehog3 02:22 PM 05-11-2011
Regardless, I am super stoked about tomorrow!
OK, I am torn....Sharks with my heart, Wings with my head.
It's anyone's game tomorrow night.
Ahbroody 03:00 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by thenewguy:
You also have to look at Vancouver sitting while Detroit is on their roll. Same thing as the Wings sitting around stagnant the whole time while waiting on the Sharks to finish business... I think that coming into the WF with all that momentum, Vancouver is sure going to have their hands full. At least I hope so.. GO WINGS
To question the logic here one only needs to look at last years Sharks Wings series where the Wings went 7 and got rolled by the stagnant Sharks in 5. That Yotes Wings series was back and forth and I would argue less emotionally draining then this series. IF. Thats a big if still the Wings advance I still think they are ripe for picking. The Canucks are legit. I know Toms logic is they have a history of folding, but this team has been built well. I think there is the hatred trickling in clouding the judgement also. They were able to overcome Luongo $hitting his pants multiple times against the Hawks and I think Lous heads good now. He was strong against the Preds. Now I know the Preds are not an offensive Juggernaut, but I think the speed of the Canucks there depth, having a few players you need to be concearned about going cheepshot and the goalie advantage says its over in 6 to me maybe 5. If its the Sharks maybe a sweep.
:-) or maybe they win. Who friggin knows as this series has shown its why you play the game. One things for sure the Canucks are not the Sharks.
Agree Mike most Sharks fans are just hoping the Sharks decide to play their game and not let Det in their head.
ahc4353 05:21 PM 05-11-2011
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Didnt watch it. When we got out of the rink they were losing and I kind of knew what was coming.
Looks like the Critics who have always questioned the core stars heart may be proven right yet again. Watching the post game sounds like the team has stopped skating and the Wings core leaders are showing more heart. Disappointment is common for Sharls fans so you just get used to it. A lot of talent, but yet again the core is coming up short in heart.
It is going to kill me if I have to root for the Wings. :-) God will be punishing me
If the refing was like the other day I would agree, but as I always say good teams get it done when it matters. Sharks are not getting it done. I am suprised they wont call that soft pick the Wings run so much. The could call a few a game. Sharks have no excuse for this. They failed to finish them Sunday and some were pathetic with lack of effort.
:-) Never heard that in hockey.
Ahbroody 11:30 PM 05-11-2011
I dont know how else to describe it. Sorry Al I mean its clearly a pick but some guys have mastered how to do it just enough without making it look obvious. I think its obvious, but I keep watching for it.
Looks like the Thrashers are moving north.
Ahbroody 01:02 AM 05-12-2011
Bruins Fan 03:11 AM 05-12-2011
ahc4353 06:03 AM 05-12-2011
Just never heard that in hockey.
:-). I agree a lot of interference is not called.
Looking forward to tonight's game!
Gotta pull for the Wings, as an old guy and a D Man dad I have a soft spot for old D Men.
Eleven 06:14 AM 05-12-2011
Originally Posted by senatorpeppe:
oldukca ilginc bir kac cevap verilmis, okumaya devam ediyorum. bittiÄŸinde ben de bir yorum yazarim artik...
Google says: "quite a few interesting answers given, and I continue to read. bittiÄŸinde I no longer write a comment ..."
So yea, thanks for that Senator, and right back atcha!
gpugliese 06:49 AM 05-12-2011
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
I dont know how else to describe it. Sorry Al I mean its clearly a pick but some guys have mastered how to do it just enough without making it look obvious. I think its obvious, but I keep watching for it.
Looks like the Thrashers are moving north.
Eklund has about a 3% accuracy rate on his rumors, and that's being generous. Take anything he says with a huge grain of salt.
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
Just never heard that in hockey. :-). I agree a lot of interference is not called.
Looking forward to tonight's game!
Gotta pull for the Wings, as an old guy and a D Man dad I have a soft spot for old D Men.
Well that soft pick gets used by both teams. Not to mention the cheating/interference SJ is running at the faceoffs. The Wings got called for it against Phoenix and have backed off of it. The Sharks seem to be getting away with it in this series. To be honest if it's minor I say let it go. If a guy is getting physically pushed away from the puck carrier, or if guys are getting dumped away from the play then call it. I can't tell you how many times you see a Wing getting dumped in the background, far away from the puck.
icehog3 09:35 AM 05-12-2011
Cripes, let's play hockey.
Ahbroody 09:36 AM 05-12-2011
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Below is why I posted my above. They deleted the post it appears it was a spam bot.
Originally Posted by Eleven:
Google says: "quite a few interesting answers given, and I continue to read. bittiÄŸinde I no longer write a comment ..."
So yea, thanks for that Senator, and right back atcha!
As for your reply Mike I just have learned trying to discuss with you why certain things are or not called is a waste of time. Much like your trying to blame the series on one call in game one. We see the game as a whole differently.
That should get Al back in here. The fact we agreed on something is.
I think we see the game through different color lenses. I admit the Wings got a way with what should have been some interference calls. So did the Sharks. I'm not blaming the series on a single call. That one just bothered me. If the Wings lose, it's because San Jose out played them for the better part of 4 of the games (so far, could be 5 after tonight).
I hope the Wings can blitz them tonight, score first, and keep their foot on the gas. If the Wings are in their head, you'll really know it if the Wings score first. If they are struggling mentally and the Wings score first, their reaction will tell the tale. I'm not sure if I buy that hype, but who knows. Either way it'll be a great game to watch. Can't wait till the puck drops.
rebelknight 09:51 PM 05-12-2011
It may have taken an extra 3 games but the Sharks finally close the deal and Jumbo Joe played a phenomenal game. A lot of credit to Niemi and Marleau also. Wasn't proud of Marleau's play but he did have what became the game winner and any scoring out of him is something. Can't wait for the Vancouver series
LasciviousXXX 09:58 PM 05-12-2011
Congrats to the Sharks. Some great play tonight.
It was a great series. I was hoping my wings could pull it off but I'm not upset with how they played tonight. Now I'm just looking forward to Vancouver beating SJ like the red-headed step children they are
Eleven 10:38 PM 05-12-2011
Gratz Sharks!
I don't think I have the same weird Love/Hate thing for any other team like I do the Wings.
I would kill to have Babcock coaching my favorite team, and Datsyuk and Zetterberg are a better all-around pair of players than any other 2 I can think of. But...I can't stand the Wings as a team. They get away with more penalties than any team I have ever seen, ever.
There may not be one single player I wouldn't want on my team, with the exception of bertuzzi, he is dead to me. But put that entire line up in a game, and I hate them.
I cheer against them virtually every time I see them, and I just rejoice in their collective failure. I can justify that by knowing that individually, the players I like are still great players, they just happen to be on the team I want to fail.
I'm so glad they are gone, I don't even care who wins the cup this year, as long as they don't!
icehog3 11:19 PM 05-12-2011
Congrats to the Wings for a good season...I sure hope Lidstrom comes back.
Congrats to the Sharks on their second straight trip to the Western Conference Finals. I will be rooting hard for them, but I don't have a lot of confidence that they can beat Vancouver, but few will be happier than I if they do.
How about an opening game shutout for Antti ("Niemi says 'NO' "), and the game winner for Ben Eager?
Happy for you Mike!
Sad for you Mike!
Ahbroody 12:19 AM 05-13-2011
Tyr that red headed stepchild has knocked you out two yeats in a row so I will just say.
In all seriousness though Wings showed a ton of heart and pride. Dats and Zet are great. I hope Cleary is all right. That was scary. In the end the Sharks got Clowe back and with Cleary and that POS Bersmoochi pulling up lame the Sharks eeked it out. I can only hope I dont have to hear Mike complain about some random call or noncall that cost the Wings the series. I thought as a whole the refs let the boys play.
Scott I couldnt agree with your post more. As a Sharks fan and all the times the Wings did the Sharks we just like to see them fail. Its not right, but its fact. I was stunned they finally called that pick on the Wings in game 7. That one was really blatant. I take some joy in mentioning they had been doing it all series and having them call it. Thats the little stuff they always get away with I know you were referring to.
I actually watched almost the whole game as Micah wanted to skip hockey practice to watch the big game.
Tom I dont have a lot of faith either, but I can only hope Luongo $hits his pants as I dont think Nemo will. Both teams have a history of collapse. I do think after how banged up Detroit is right now the Sharks health wise had the better chance.
Ahbroody 12:23 AM 05-13-2011
Enjoying my second celebratory smoke with an ice cold coca cola classic( non drinker).
