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Sports>NHL '08- '09 Thread
ChicagoWhiteSox 04:05 PM 06-13-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I missed that, what happened?
same here:-)
romwarrior 04:15 PM 06-13-2009
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
He didn't shake his hand? :-) Link me.
LasciviousXXX 04:26 PM 06-13-2009
As a Wings fan I have to say that disappoints me.

I like the Pens (when they're not playing the Red Wings that is :-)) but that type of blatant disrespect shows why Crosby doesn't deserve to wear the C. He didn't earn it, it was just given to him....and its evident.
Ahbroody 04:29 PM 06-13-2009

He comes in at the very end after most have left.
I will disagree with doesnt deserve to wear a C. The captain of a team is there to rally his team. Not the other team. He is not there to be buddies with the other team. While it was CLEARLY poor sportsmanship, that is not the primary role of a captain on hockey team. Having played competitive sports in and through HS I will say the captain was there to lead you onto the field and give his all on the field. You look at your captain as to how you are supposed to play first as to giving everything you have on the field. The old 110% moto. Not all captains are raw raw guys, not all captains are good sports. I can tell you no one in the Pens locker room is complaining. As to whether he deserves or earned the C, you need to look to who was on the team when he got there, and what he has done for the team since arriving as to why it was given to him so quickly. While I think Malkin may have been better, his english skills likely helped play a role in that decision back then.

There are two ways to look at this.
1)Crosby being the NHL posterboy and Bettmans savior was busy giving out interviews. The league wants its poster boy on the TV. Im married with 3 kids so I can say comfortably he is an attractive, young guy. The game was on NBC a major TV network. I am sure there was presure to get him on the TV fast before viewers tuned out.

2) The handshake is done at most levels of hockey, basically once tournements start (al can verify this) Its Chicken **** that Crosby shrugged a tradition almost as old as the game its self to get face time. The Cameras would have been there after the handshake. The issue is some of the viewers maynot have been.

I got no stake in this. I see why it happened. The NHL is trying to get a major network deal better then their existing. They want their posterboy on TV. Crosby is in many including the players eyes a crybaby and at times poor sport. So maybe he did it because he was mad, maybe not.

One thing is for certain. There is no way on this earth he didnt realize he was doing it. He has been shaking hands after series since youth hockey, no way he forgot.
LasciviousXXX 04:48 PM 06-13-2009
Sorry I didn't state clearly why I don't think he deserves the C. He didn't earn the C initially when it was given to him. He didn't put in the work to get there and wasn't a rallying point for his team. It was just given to him as the promise of a "golden boy" loomed on the Pens horizon. IMO there were others on the team at the time that deserved that C far more than Crosby

gpugliese 04:53 PM 06-13-2009
It was a little more noticeable on the NBC feed as they kept switching between the handshake line and Crosby getting congratulated on the other end of the ice.

They did not show Lidstrom and Draper standing at the blue line waiting a few times, but based on what they were showing, I did come away surprised that Crosby got in so late to the handshake line.
Ahbroody 04:57 PM 06-13-2009
Its all good, just keep showing different photos of the girls in bikins and I will read what ever you write :-) Big Fan!!
DrDubzz 09:56 PM 06-13-2009
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
Sorry I didn't state clearly why I don't think he deserves the C. He didn't earn the C initially when it was given to him. He didn't put in the work to get there and wasn't a rallying point for his team. It was just given to him as the promise of a "golden boy" loomed on the Pens horizon. IMO there were others on the team at the time that deserved that C far more than Crosby

:-) It's seems like they said, well... you're Sidney Crosby, here's your "C"

I don't follow the Pens closely, so I wouldn't have suggestions for who, but it's hard to imagine a team doesn't have a more veteran/leader guy than a 21 year old to be the figure head of the team.
icehog3 10:27 PM 06-13-2009
Originally Posted by RX2010:
:-) It's seems like they said, well... you're Sidney Crosby, here's your "C"

I don't follow the Pens closely, so I wouldn't have suggestions for who, but it's hard to imagine a team doesn't have a more veteran/leader guy than a 21 year old to be the figure head of the team.
While I would tend to agree in general, the Blackhawks made 20 year old Jonathan Toews the Captain this season, and they could not have made a better choice...a solid young man of character who leads by example.
ahc4353 06:57 AM 06-14-2009
The line is a time honored tradition of hockey. Players learn it at the age they start to play and in his case that was 4 or 5 I think. Just another indicator if you ask me. Like Jr. said when he heard about it, "WTF is this his first rodeo?".

As an ex player I'm surprised to see you defend this Mike.

Normally it's the goalie or the guy with the C that leads the line.

Just another indicator that he's not worthy of that C on his chest.

Can not be debated.

No excuses for this one at all.

LasciviousXXX 07:14 AM 06-14-2009

Congrats to the Pens....
White97Jimmy 09:07 AM 06-14-2009
I won't debate the whole posterboy theory or if he deserves to be captain or not. I have never posted anything negative about any specific player or team (unless you think my last post about not having class is negative). Its a sport....there are winners and losers of every game. This year happened to be the Pens year. I'm not gonna cry over it, nor will I lose any sleep over it.

However, the whole handshake thing really does come down to respect. it literally takes what, 2-3 min to go down the line? Almost the entire Wings team is older than Crosby. Hell, Chelios could be the kid's daddy. Most have put in their dues and he should have just manned up. Both Lidstrom and Draper even WAITED on the blue line afterward and never got a handshake. If Sid should have only shaken 1 hand that night, it should have been Lidstrom's.
Posted via Mobile Device
ahc4353 09:12 AM 06-14-2009
Let me go a bit further. I'm not a Wings fan per say. I pulled for the Wings cuz Jr. has been a fan his whole life.

I'm a hockey fan and a fan of the guys (for the most part) that play the game. Hockey players (for the most part) are a special breed. Very hard working and humble guys that don't really like the spot light on them. They would much rather talk about another teammate or the team as a whole. I like hockey's other little "unwritten rules" like "what's said in the room stays in the room". If being late for a handshake line is it now OK to say what what was said in the locker room? How about tapping the kids hands on the way to and from the ice? We gonna stop doing that one? Or "honorable" fights? This one is already starting to take a hit by third man in and unsuspecting attacks by guys that are not fighters, have no business fighting and are just TRYING to be a tough guy after the whistle. Not a huge fan of the fights but they do have there place, I suppose. How about superstitions like touching the league trophy? Might as well get rid of those as well eh? There are more if you really follow the game but you get my point.

I think today's world is to fast to excuses an error. What Crosby did was wrong plan and simple. Is he human and can he make a mistake, no question. I would respect him a whole lot more if he would step up and apologize for the error.

I guess cuz I'm older I like the way it was. If these are the things of the "new" NHL it makes me sad. I really hope we don't lose the old school ways. It's what has made this game great and separated it from the rest.

My sons go and tap the goalies pads with their stick before the start of each period and after each goal for or against. I don't know what they say to him at these times. I have never asked, it's none of my business. All I know is that I like it and makes me proud as their dad that they do. One day I won't see that anymore as my boys will have to hang um up. I hope one of the younger dads sons carry on that "tradition".
King James 09:16 AM 06-14-2009
Originally Posted by jonharky:
Time is coming for football season!!"
Oh great, is Loki as "passionate" about the Steelers and Nittany Lions too :-)


Edit: and I forgot, Hope either the Hawks or Capitals can get to the finals next year.... or Senators if someone can stop pucks for 'em
LasciviousXXX 09:16 AM 06-14-2009
As a true Hockey fan of a younger generation, let me say that I hope these traditions don't die either :-)
Ahbroody 11:11 AM 06-14-2009
Uh Al I presented two sides to what he did. I said in both instances it was wrong and he knew what he was doing. Would I rip my son a new one if he did what Crosby did? Hell yes I would. I said it was Chicken Sh_t and it was.

That said while often a crybaby he does play hard with a high level of skill. If the team is playing well behind him and they are as evidenced by the back to back finals appearence and a cup win to me he keeps the C. I ask you what is the Captain there to do? Motivate. I would say that a team that makes it to the cup finals to years in a row that isnt named the redwings and doesnt have the depth they have is clearly motivated. The Pens are not as deep, look at the gigantic drop off in overall production after Malkin and Crosby. He clearly is a talker and in the dressing room I am sure he has a BIG MOUTH. As Tom pointed out the C is sometimes being given to young players who dont earn it. I am in no way comparing the two. While Toews seems to be a standup young man and good player, he is not as good a player as Crosby. Crosby however is a big complainer. All I am saying is I wouldnt take the C away from a player whos team just won the cups and almost won it the previous year.

OOO and I still play a little pickup here and there, just cant play any league do to the three kids all being three and under.
ahc4353 11:49 AM 06-14-2009
In option one you gave him an out.

I'm not going to argue with you or anyone about it.

Everyone will have there view on the matter.
Waynegro1 12:31 PM 06-14-2009
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
As a true Hockey fan of a younger generation, let me say that I hope these traditions don't die either :-)
It's very hard for me to pay attention to your posts, with all the beautiful babies in your avatar. You're killing me here!!
I'm just sayin' :-)
DrDubzz 12:34 PM 06-14-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
While I would tend to agree in general, the Blackhawks made 20 year old Jonathan Toews the Captain this season, and they could not have made a better choice...a solid young man of character who leads by example.
and there are always exceptions, but correct me if I'm wrong, he played a while with them before gaining the "C" right? I would tend to think he earned, was voted captain etc.

where it seems like Crosby was handed it because of who he is, of course this is my outside view, and I actually have no idea. I don't follow hockey nearly as closely and passionately as I used to
DrDubzz 12:38 PM 06-14-2009
Originally Posted by White97Jimmy:
If Sid should have only shaken 1 hand that night, it should have been Lidstrom's.
Posted via Mobile Device
I am a Wings hater to the end, but if you can't find some respect for Lidstrom you've got your head up your arse pretty far

Still, I'm happy the Pens won :-)
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