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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
swingerofbirches 01:24 PM 08-28-2015
SED110 in the books ...

Back Squats
425x1 (matched my PR)

Finished up with some hypertrophic arms and shoulders.
icehog3 01:56 PM 08-28-2015
110. Just "wow". :-)

Off day for this cowboy.
Adriftpanda 10:58 PM 08-28-2015
You're at 110, what's another 890? Let's go for 1k!

Chest and back

Incline DB 4x8
Seated cable press 5x10
Seated flies 4x12-10
Incline bb pause 4x5
Dips 5x12-15

Wide grip pull down 4x8-10
Deadlift 4x amrap (around 15-20) @315
Seated front pull down 4x10
Pull ups 5x amrap (around 15-20 per set)
swingerofbirches 10:52 AM 08-29-2015
I did front squat today but kept it super low volume and weight; deliberately used it as a stretch ... 95x5 (pause) & 135x5 (pause)

Deadlifts :
Sumo - 135x5 / 225x5 / 315x5 / 365x3 / 405x1
Conventional - 315x5 / 365x3 / 405x1 / 455 - failed

Finished off with with some quad focused leg press 450x10 / 630x10 / 810x10
icehog3 11:12 AM 08-29-2015
111! :-)

Off to the gym for leg day, smell y'all later!
swingerofbirches 01:07 PM 08-29-2015
Get it Tom! #plamf ???

I wasn't gonna count the front squats towards SED ... I figured I'd just use it as stretching.
icehog3 11:05 PM 08-29-2015
Counts in my book, Charlie! :-)

Leg press, hack squats and hammy curls for me today. Tomorrow, chest/back supersets.
theonlybear4CORT 11:11 PM 08-29-2015
Personally saw Andrey Malanichev squat 1036lbs today, that is all.
icehog3 11:20 PM 08-29-2015
Amateur! :-)
Adriftpanda 12:30 AM 08-30-2015
Originally Posted by theonlybear4CORT:
Personally saw Andrey Malanichev squat 1036lbs today, that is all.
I watched some of it myself. Malanichev is one of the worlds best powerlifters, he's not called the Mad Russian for nothing. He will total 2500 soon enough. I think his total was 2400 today.
theonlybear4CORT 03:08 AM 08-30-2015
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
I watched some of it myself. Malanichev is one of the worlds best powerlifters, he's not called the Mad Russian for nothing. He will total 2500 soon enough. I think his total was 2400 today.
Nice. I was there in person
swingerofbirches 02:30 PM 08-30-2015
2400 total ... insane!

Same front squat routine today as ytrdy, slow and steady just wider stance. Nice stretch without too much exertion.
Today was shoulders. Front/Back Barbell OHP / Arnold Press / Side Raises SS w/ Fromt Raises / Posterior Delt Raises / Heavy Barbell Shrugs

I'm gonna have to get my diet under control. :/
icehog3 08:12 PM 08-30-2015
112? :-)

Back today, been 2 weeks since my last hockey game, and my endurance just sucks. Went really heavy on bent over rows and cable rows because I knew I was only going to get a few good sets of each. Finished off with both super wide and narrow pullups and a couple more cable movements. Feel like I'm still getting a good workout, but looking forward to being able to hit it hard for more than 30-40 minutes again soon.
swingerofbirches 08:37 PM 08-30-2015
Your back must be ripped! King of Rows!
icehog3 08:40 PM 08-30-2015
Originally Posted by swingerofbirches:
Your back must be ripped!
My rotator cuff certainly is! :-)
swingerofbirches 12:30 PM 08-31-2015
LOL that was funny

Front squats for stretch (45x5 / 95x5 / 135x3)
Rack Pulls (135x10 / 135x10 / 225x8 / 225x5 / 135x5) ... first time doing rack pulls and wanted to use it for its actually purpose so I kept the weight low and really really focused on form. Even tried some hook grip @ 135 ... it was interesting lol
Calves - hypertrophic
Cardio - 20min of elliptical / will walk with the wife tonight
icehog3 01:37 PM 08-31-2015
Very cool, Charlie. :-)

Was tired today, going to double up tomorrow since it's just shoulders and arms, and I've been going short lately anyway.
Adriftpanda 10:01 PM 08-31-2015
Hook grip is a motherfuuuukr

Legs and shoulders

Squats 4x3
Pause squats 4x5
Leg press 5x15-20 w/2 drop sets so on the last set we did 60 reps
Stiff leg deads 4x12
Seated leg curls - extensions 3x15

Arnold presses 4x8-10
Seated DB side raise 4x20
Side delt raise machine 4x15-20
Rear delt dly machine 3x15
icehog3 10:22 PM 08-31-2015
Good day. Huy! :-)

Heading to bed early to rest up for a double manana. :-)
swingerofbirches 08:13 AM 09-01-2015
Good stuff, Huy!

Get it, Tom!
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