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All Cigar Discussion>Ummm Free?
MikeyC 08:28 AM 12-11-2008
I've seen system glitches like this in the past on other websites. Typically, the website will not honor the price and either straight up cancels each and every one or gives the buyer the option to cancel or pay the correct price.
Heliofire 08:32 AM 12-11-2008
For the record I joked about ordering 75 units of Gurkhas, but did not really order them. I don't Gurkhas it was a joke to a few people that know me that were posting in the thread. I actually only order 2 moni tins, because I figured that they will either cancel my order or change the price and send my sticks. I know some of you are mad that people were placing orders like crazy, but I honestly believe that none of us, who saw this going on, actually believed that the orders will be filled for free.

It was just funny to see big ol' CI, the bane of many small B&M's, offering sticks for free. I mean it was already difficult for my local B&M to compete with CI's prices, but CI offering sticks for free is just impossible to compete with now.:-)
bazookajoe 09:06 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by taltos:
Amazingly dishonorable behavior on behalf of some folks who claim to conduct themselves in an honorable manner. Exploiting a programming error is no different than just going in and stealing this stuff from your local b&m. I suspect that many here also would jump the cashier at Walmart is she made a 5 cent error in favor of the store while making your change. I wish that I had seen this while it was ongoing and said something at that time.:-)
:-) And exploiting a mistake and then saying it's for the troops is the stupidest reason I've ever heard. Do you also think it's ok to steal and then give the loot to charity? The end justifies the means? I doubt if any of the troop supporters want donations you acquired this way. :-)
BlackIrish 09:10 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
I've seen system glitches like this in the past on other websites. Typically, the website will not honor the price and either straight up cancels each and every one or gives the buyer the option to cancel or pay the correct price.
I expect that they're trying to figure out how to handle this. My guess is that they don't simply cancel any confirmed orders but send an email explaining that it was a glitch and giving the option to buy at the correct price.
papajohn67 09:24 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by bazookajoe:
:-) And exploiting a mistake and then saying it's for the troops is the stupidest reason I've ever heard. Do you also think it's ok to steal and then give the loot to charity? The end justifies the means? I doubt if any of the troop supporters want donations you acquired this way. :-)
"The end justifies the means"...what would Mr. Machiavelli have done?
GKitty 09:35 AM 12-11-2008
Wow... the morning crowd is so disapproving of our shenanigans.

FWIW, that's all this was for me: Shenanigans.

Did I place an order? Yes, a couple in fact.

Do I honestly expect them to send me the sticks? Absolutely not.

I don't think anyone honestly expects CI to honor this deal. This was a prank, a lark, a game to amuse those who were here. Although it would be hysterical if the 4,000 sticks of a cigar someone claims to hate actually showed up at their door.

I hear and understand the opinions, concerns, and criticisms of our behavior last night. However, if I'd had a concern like this, I would have approached the people I consider friends and acquaintances via PM to discuss the questionable behavior. What I would not have done is climb up on a soapbox and call strangers looters and thieves with no further insight into their actions than a thread of random commentary.

Congratulations, you've officially taken all the fun out of this little game.
neoflex 09:54 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by GKitty:
Wow... the morning crowd is so disapproving of our shenanigans.

FWIW, that's all this was for me: Shenanigans.

Did I place an order? Yes, a couple in fact.

Do I honestly expect them to send me the sticks? Absolutely not.

I don't think anyone honestly expects CI to honor this deal. This was a prank, a lark, a game to amuse those who were here. Although it would be hysterical if the 4,000 sticks of a cigar someone claims to hate actually showed up at their door.

I hear and understand the opinions, concerns, and criticisms of our behavior last night. However, if I'd had a concern like this, I would have approached the people I consider friends and acquaintances via PM to discuss the questionable behavior. What I would not have done is climb up on a soapbox and call strangers looters and thieves with no further insight into their actions than a thread of random commentary.

Congratulations, you've officially taken all the fun out of this little game.
My only question is, If it was just a game and for fun and never expected to receive any of your orders, than why did you place them? I like free stuff like the next guy but I think some who admitted to participating went over board and now that they are being called out are trying to baby face it. Had this been me I would just chalk it up to a learning experience rather than try and deny hoping the orders would be shipped and score hundreds of free smokes. Again, just my .02 and feel free to Flame me if you feel I am wrong.
Starscream 09:59 AM 12-11-2008
Somebody open a window; it's getting stuffy in here.
n3uka 10:02 AM 12-11-2008

Ace$nyper 10:16 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by MikeyC:
I've seen system glitches like this in the past on other websites. Typically, the website will not honor the price and either straight up cancels each and every one or gives the buyer the option to cancel or pay the correct price.
Basically, I do remember a case where amazon ate it on a plasma TV once though.

I mean moral debate aside us having some fun with it sped up getting it fixed.

It was a good laugh, and I'm still kicking myself for not getting in on the fun.

Those phillies are going to be gross :-)
Cbaker8 10:32 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by neoflex:
My only question is, If it was just a game and for fun and never expected to receive any of your orders, than why did you place them? I like free stuff like the next guy but I think some who admitted to participating went over board and now that they are being called out are trying to baby face it. Had this been me I would just chalk it up to a learning experience rather than try and deny hoping the orders would be shipped and score hundreds of free smokes. Again, just my .02 and feel free to Flame me if you feel I am wrong.
Whats wrong with doing it for fun, hoping that the order would be shipped..... but not expecting it to be? In the world of buyer beware shouldn't the reverse also work.... retailer beware?

If you think about it.... this is a golden opportunity for CI to really EARN some really loyal customers... if they decide they should honor the deals then I would suspect it would lead some people to order even more from them in the future, and a TON of free advertising across the magical internet box....
replicant_argent 11:02 AM 12-11-2008
Very clearly NOT BOTL behavior. Use whatever justification you want for "playing a game."
bazookajoe 11:09 AM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by neoflex:
My only question is, If it was just a game and for fun and never expected to receive any of your orders, than why did you place them?...
Exactly. Good harmless fun, please. And if it was a game, very nice - I'm sure CI appreciates it while they're busy trying to sort out the mess, keep from shipping free orders and still fulfill orders for people who actually paid for theirs.

As far as soapboxing, if pointing out unethical behavior (or in the case of a "game", poor judgement) is labeled as being on a soapbox so be it, but it looks more like you're trying to deflect attention rather than take responsibility for your behavior. :-)
Drat 12:11 PM 12-11-2008
I love the guys over at CI and hope that the "fun" doesn't cause too many headaches fixing.

This did make for a few minutes of entertaining reading this morning though.
s0leful0ne 12:17 PM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by neoflex:
My only question is, If it was just a game and for fun and never expected to receive any of your orders, than why did you place them? I like free stuff like the next guy but I think some who admitted to participating went over board and now that they are being called out are trying to baby face it. Had this been me I would just chalk it up to a learning experience rather than try and deny hoping the orders would be shipped and score hundreds of free smokes. Again, just my .02 and feel free to Flame me if you feel I am wrong.
Yes it was fun and games, and did we hope that the orders would be shipped? Sure. Do we believe that it was going to happen? No way.

We placed them, we joked about bombing our friends. We joked about opening up a b&M that only sold bundles. We had a laugh, and I think it is uncalled for to imply that the people that enjoyed ordering on obscene amount of cigars they didnt want "theives". Though personally not offended (we all steal in some capacity) I take great offense for my friends who are far from reprehensible and do not deserve such slander in an open thread.

Shake your heads if you please but when all is said and done, we had our fun and meant no harm.


btw...on a less serious note...Why havent they cancelled my order yet???
Ace$nyper 12:41 PM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by Drat:
I love the guys over at CI and hope that the "fun" doesn't cause too many headaches fixing.

This did make for a few minutes of entertaining reading this morning though.
I'm sure they know how to run a site, and glitches do happen.

I spoke with a friend who does web design he said fixing it won't be too much a head ache for them unless they use a very odd program for the orders.
gettysburgfreak 12:50 PM 12-11-2008
crap, missed out on all the fun
neoflex 12:54 PM 12-11-2008
If you read all my posts on this topic, I never once came out and called anyone a Thief!
bazookajoe 12:57 PM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by neoflex:
If you read all my posts on this topic, I never once came out and called anyone a Thief!
Probably referring to my comments - people see what they want to see...
GKitty 01:03 PM 12-11-2008
Originally Posted by neoflex:
If you read all my posts on this topic, I never once came out and called anyone a Thief!
Originally Posted by bazookajoe:
Probably referring to my comments - people see what they want to see...
You are correct. No one ever used the word "thief" they just told people that they were "stealing". It's my understanding that one who steals is a "thief". My apologies for using transitive thinking. Once again, I seem to be behaving inappropriately.

There will be a public chastisement this evening after work. Please bring your own canes, I don't have enough to go around.

Good day. :-)
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