icehog3 09:16 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
:-)Assault is a lot more than most here are expecting. You can make physical contact with another person and its not assault, someone has to have some pretty serious injury for it to be assault. :-)
In Illinois, assault means putting someone in reasonable fear of receiving a battery. No contacts needs to be made, and certainly no injury needs to occur. The definitions and semantics vary widely from state to state.
icehog3 09:17 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by Subvet642:
That was simply in reference to statements made that there is no circumstance in which one may strike a woman. People have posted that it is never permissible to hit a woman, but that deference is never, ever given to men; a privilege based only on gender. In short, it was a general comment on societal custom.
I agree that there may be circumstances where is it both legal and proper to strike a woman. This scenario is certainly NOT one of them.
chippewastud79 09:19 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
In Illinois, assault means putting someone in reasonable fear of receiving a battery. No contacts needs to be made, and certainly no injury needs to occur. The definitions and semantics vary widely from state to state.
In Kentucky, you pretty much need to be bloodied for it to be assault.
icehog3 09:23 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
In Kentucky, you pretty much need to be bloodied for it to be assault. :-)
Yup, the word "assault" means very different things from state to state. In Illinois, your example would be "battery".
In Illinois, there also is no "assault and battery", as when you have battered someone, you have moved past assault, and if you have simply assaulted someone, you could not have committed a battery (all by IL definitions).
chenvt 09:23 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I agree that there may be circumstances where is it both legal and proper to strike a woman. This scenario is certainly NOT one of them.
Is spraying her with the hose assault?
icehog3 09:25 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chenvt:
Is spraying her with the hose assault?
In Illionois that could range from battery (high end) to disorderly conduct (low end), but could not be assault by definition. Might be different in the OPs jurisdiction, though.
chenvt 09:27 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
In Illionois that could range from battery (high end) to disorderly conduct (low end), but could not be assault by definition. Might be different in the OPs jurisdiction, though.
what about a burning bag of poop on their front door?
poker 09:28 AM 10-28-2010
Im not a lawyer or in law enforcement so Im not going to even try to decipher the law as its written or enforced.
...and some of the comments in this thread just make me shake my head.
icehog3 09:28 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chenvt:
what about a burning bag of poop on their front door?
Disorderly conduct.....and a hoot to boot.
BloodSpite 09:28 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
In Kentucky, you pretty much need to be bloodied for it to be assault. :-)
Sounds like Georgia. At home you have to be on the ground bleeding and someone had to have seen it
Devanmc 09:29 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chenvt:
what about a burning bag of poop on their front door?
:-) :-) :-)
chenvt 09:30 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Disorderly conduct.....and a hoot to boot.
Not if you don't get caught
icehog3 09:31 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by BloodSpite:
Sounds like Georgia. At home you have to be on the ground bleeding and someone had to have seen it :-)
Sounds like most of these states define "assault" as Illinois defines "battery". Nobody said Illinois lawmakers were the sharpest knives in the drawer.
chenvt 09:31 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by chenvt:
Not if you don't get caught :-)
I heard flowers don't like clorox.. I'm just sayin'....
BloodSpite 09:51 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Sounds like most of these states define "assault" as Illinois defines "battery". Nobody said Illinois lawmakers were the sharpest knives in the drawer. :-)
Battery in Georgia, is that thing we stick in our truck to crank it
Subvet642 09:51 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I agree that there may be circumstances where is it both legal and proper to strike a woman. This scenario is certainly NOT one of them.
I suppose that would depend upon whether this woman is guilty of assualt and/or battery; one does have the right to defend themself, and, if she was continuing to yell and scream at him after initial contact, then an argument could be made...
At any rate, it's now an issue for the law to deal with.
Ahbroody 10:13 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I agree that there may be circumstances where is it both legal and proper to strike a woman. This scenario is certainly NOT one of them.
Thanks Tom this was the point of my whole post.
Well that and pulling a cigar from someones mouth likely resulted in no actual physical contact to the OP. While you may have a trespass to and destruction of private property's. No court in this state or most will find a battery has occurred. If I responded to the call I would be hooking the tough guys who punched a women or worse over a 10 dollar cigar. Even if there was an unwanted touching you would have a impossible time explaining how punch a woman in the face or using an force that inflicted injury was required.
Again come on boys, its a 10 dollar cigar and a miserable women with her kids.
Zens7s 10:22 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Yup, the word "assault" means very different things from state to state. In Illinois, your example would be "battery".
In Illinois, there also is no "assault and battery", as when you have battered someone, you have moved past assault, and if you have simply assaulted someone, you could not have committed a battery (all by IL definitions).
I am pretty confident that my dating life can be defined as "Assault and Flattery".
Originally Posted by icehog3:
In Illinois, assault means putting someone in reasonable fear of receiving a battery. No contacts needs to be made, and certainly no injury needs to occur. The definitions and semantics vary widely from state to state.
Damn those Duracells!! Damn them all to hell!!!
croatan 10:30 AM 10-28-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Sounds like most of these states define "assault" as Illinois defines "battery". Nobody said Illinois lawmakers were the sharpest knives in the drawer. :-)
Texas defines both very similarly to Illinois--and, as far as I know, that's the majority view.