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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 11:27 PM 12-25-2013
Must be a nice old school gym, Tom. All the gyms here are closed.

Back at it maņana
icehog3 11:29 PM 12-25-2013
24/7, 365 Huy. :-)

Have a great workout tomorrow. Shoulders for me.
mk05 06:56 AM 12-26-2013
Is it the precinct gym?

I woke up...felt really fat. T_T

Going to stairmaster for half an hour, try to get 400-500 calories out, then do the power and flex workout day from my hockey program:
- Deadlift 5, 5, 5, 3, 2 (135, 135, 155, 185, 205)
- Olympic Squat 10, 10, 6, 3, 3 (135, 135, 185, 225, 225)
- Full cleans 5 x 5 (95, 105, 135, 135, 155)
- Olympic Snatch 5 x 5 (65, 85, 95, 95, 95)
- Thumpers 5 x 8 (95, 95, 95, 95, 95)
icehog3 08:43 AM 12-26-2013
Nope, gym is called Xport Fitness, Marc, it's a chain in Chicagoland.
Adriftpanda 06:54 PM 12-26-2013
Chest and shoulder day:

Slight incline db press: 5x6-8
Isolation incline press: 4x5
Decline bb press: 3x5
Machine Flys --- seated machine press 4x6-8
Seated side lat raises: 4x8
Side lat raises using cables: 4x6-8
Front raises using Ez bar: 4x6-8
icehog3 08:06 PM 12-26-2013
Shoulder day:

Just seated military press for reps with 165, 25 down to 14.

Shrugs to 375 for reps.

Mucho pain today.
Adriftpanda 08:17 PM 12-26-2013
That's a bummer, Tom. Pain free shoulders last few sessions were too good to be true huh? That's what I forgot to do, shrugs!!
icehog3 10:57 PM 12-26-2013
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
That's a bummer, Tom. Pain free shoulders last few sessions were too good to be true huh? That's what I forgot to do, shrugs!!
Never have truly "good" days with shoulders anymore, Huy, it's more bad days and BAD days. Trying to keep shoulders light enough to get lots of reps and a good range of motion, seems to improve my range of motion over time...but still have the occassional day like today.
Adriftpanda 12:07 PM 12-27-2013
Well... I hope you can have that "good day" soon!

Had a killer back and bicep day with my partner!

Bent over BB row: 5x5
Seated close grip row: 4x5
DB row: 4x5
Reverse flys: 4x6-10
Lat pull downs wide grip: 6x5

incline db curls: 4x6
ez bar spider curls: 5x6
close grip pull ups --- reverse grip curls: 4x5
icehog3 01:13 PM 12-27-2013
Arms and legs for me. another rep day.

Skullcrushers to 145
Cable pushdowns to 180
Barbell curls to 145
Cambered bar curls to 135

Squats to 365
Leg Curls to 155
mk05 04:10 PM 12-27-2013
My L4-L5 area is really sore from yesterday, but I'll suck it up and go for upper body. Might not do those side/front raises if it puts too much stress on my back.

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
Chest and shoulder day:

Slight incline db press: 5x6-8
Isolation incline press: 4x5
Decline bb press: 3x5
Machine Flys --- seated machine press 4x6-8
Seated side lat raises: 4x8
Side lat raises using cables: 4x6-8
Front raises using Ez bar: 4x6-8

Adriftpanda 10:35 PM 12-28-2013
Very good leg day.

Warmed up on leg extensions:

Leg extensions: 6x8-10
Single leg presses: 4x6
BB lunges: 4x8
Lying leg curls: 5x6-8
Seated calf raises: 5x12-15
Hack squats: 4x5
Squats: 3x5

I was basically done after hacks but wanted to squeeze some deep squats out.
icehog3 04:05 PM 12-29-2013
Back today.

T-bar rows 225, 250, 270, 295, 315, 315, 270
Barbell rows 205, 225, 245, 275, 305, 275
Pulldowns to front 200, 220, 240, 260, 240, 220
Dead hangs


Immediately post workout:
30 grams ON whey
10 grams ON BCAAs

8 egg whites
1/2 strip steak
1 piece whole grain toast with PB
Grapes, banana, orange slices

1st dinner:
1 1/2 pork chops
1/2 strip steak
Brown and wild rice

2nd drinner:
Spicy tuna sushi with brown rice and raw tuna
1/2 strip steak
Adriftpanda 10:09 PM 12-30-2013
National Chest Day:

Flat bench bb - 5x5
Incline db flys - 4x6-10
Cable flys - 4x6-8
Machine press - 4x5

Tricep push downs - 5x10
Overhead rope extensions - 4xfailure
Db kickbacks - 5xfailure
mk05 11:01 PM 12-30-2013
I was in a hurry this morning (6am, got there late) got in a little bit of chest and military presses.
Bench 12x135, 10x155, 6x185, 4x205, 2x225
Military 12x65, 10x95, 8x115, 6x135
cable fly sets to failure, incline, flat, normal

stirmaster for 300 cal
icehog3 12:22 AM 12-31-2013
Shoulders today....still can't go real heavy, but got a decent workout

Seated military press 135, 155, 175, 185, 205, 185
Shrugs 225, 275, 315, 365, 315
Close grip bench press 205, 225, 245, 265, 225
Pushdowns 90, 105, 125, 145, 105
mk05 12:03 PM 12-31-2013
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:

Bent over BB row: 5x5
Seated close grip row: 4x5
DB row: 4x5
Reverse flys: 4x6-10

pull ups 4x5
Also did some box jumps
Adriftpanda 12:13 PM 12-31-2013
Have to say, wish today was a better day of training since it's my last session of '13. Just was not feeling it today. I better check the expiration date on my almond milk or eggs :-)

Bent over BB row: 4x6-10
Reverse grip lat pull downs: 4x5
Behind neck pull downs: 3x8
Bent over flys: 5x6-8
Reverse flys: 4x8-10
Seated rows using wide grip bar: 4x8

Standing hammer curls db: 5x6
Seated spider curls: 3x5
Incline db curls: 4x5
icehog3 12:31 PM 12-31-2013
Not wanting to see your eggs or their expiration date, Huy. :-) :-)

Legs and Bis today, wasn't my best either.

Leg Presses for reps (killer after hockey late last night)
Seated hamstring curls

Cambered bar curls
Preacher curls
Barbell curls

Going to take tomorrow off, and start my 2014 Road to Redemption on Thursday. :-)
Adriftpanda 09:35 PM 01-01-2014
Leg Day! Decided to smash today's workout to start the New Year. Surprisingly the gym was fairly empty... I'm sure it'll be packed next week!

Front squats: 5x5
Single leg extensions: 4x5 (drop set)
Single leg press: 4x8
DB walking lunges: 3x20
Leg curls --- lying leg curls: 3x8-10

Did calfs in between each set. Standing calf raises and donkey raises
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