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General Discussion>Me New zombie fortress!
doctorcue 10:48 PM 02-09-2009
Wow, very nice! I like how the kitchen/dining/living area are pretty open. Looks like you'll have quite a bit of land there. Time for the riding mower & stogie!!!
replicant_argent 11:00 PM 02-09-2009
that back yard looks awful damn empty without a bunch of herf buddies there.

Nice joint, man, congrats!
Gone Dave 07:43 AM 02-10-2009
Nice, and as the others have mentioned needs herfers!:-)
I watched the start of the tour for like 2 minutes, and vertigo was setting in, before I realized I needed to click to see the next area:-) I am a dofus:-)
Skywalker 08:18 AM 02-10-2009
Very nice! Congrats!!!
Don Fernando 08:24 AM 02-10-2009
Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone:
well forks, I've been shopping with soon to be household6(the boss) and we've found a house. It's mighty nice, kinda outa town and the inside is stellar. The outside, needs a little bit of grass seed and some water, but should be bloody nice. man shed shall be outback soon. he's the "virtual tour" if you'd care to see it. I'll post pictures of my first cigar from the soon to be in place swing, front porch swing. :-)
Nice home bro, and I love that you posted the addy too :-) now where is my Man U swag? :-)
theycallmedan'lboone 07:44 PM 02-10-2009
oh DAMN! no don don't do it!!!!!!!
Don Fernando 02:26 AM 02-11-2009
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