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General Discussion>Need linux help
kgoings 07:18 PM 02-04-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
My account is an "admin" account I guess. I use sudo when CLI for extra access. Root owns the WWW folder - I own teh file.
Okay to change the owner of the file type

chown root [file name]
goalie204 07:19 PM 02-04-2009
That's what i thought too tsolomon, which is why i posted it, thinking he wouldn't get himself in trouble no matter how much of a NIX noob he was.
tobii3 07:19 PM 02-04-2009
well, I sure as hell am glad I never asked for help rebuilding my SCO-Unix database in Iraq.....eesh!!!!!!!
SeanGAR 07:41 PM 02-04-2009
Originally Posted by goalie204:
That's what i thought too tsolomon, which is why i posted it, thinking he wouldn't get himself in trouble no matter how much of a NIX noob he was.
Well, first of all, it's I, not i.
Volt 07:53 PM 02-04-2009
Originally Posted by goalie204:
That's what i thought too tsolomon, which is why i posted it, thinking he wouldn't get himself in trouble no matter how much of a NIX noob he was.
I am going to respond to this one and a last time. It took me 4 days to get this server where it is. I'm pretty sure my posts indicated I did not have the knowledge of Linux and was looking for help. Most likely should your commands have wrecked that portion of the server as I think I understand what thay do, I would have had to reload the box at a minimun of another 3 days not knowing how to fix it. So 7 days of my work would have been wasted plus explaining the set back to my boss.

I'm not sure what your take on CA is but you need to grow up. Screwing people over here is generally not what we strive for and while you seem to think destroying my work is funny at the expense of a "NIX noob " I do not. My personal opinion is your a little $hit trying to hang out with the adults here.
Hardcz 08:17 PM 02-04-2009
holy **** I'm installing ubuntu server 64 bit to run as my main os now..... what are the odds...
goalie204 07:45 AM 02-07-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
I am going to respond to this one and a last time. It took me 4 days to get this server where it is. I'm pretty sure my posts indicated I did not have the knowledge of Linux and was looking for help. Most likely should your commands have wrecked that portion of the server as I think I understand what thay do, I would have had to reload the box at a minimun of another 3 days not knowing how to fix it. So 7 days of my work would have been wasted plus explaining the set back to my boss.

I'm not sure what your take on CA is but you need to grow up. Screwing people over here is generally not what we strive for and while you seem to think destroying my work is funny at the expense of a "NIX noob " I do not. My personal opinion is your a little $hit trying to hang out with the adults here.
It was a joke, if you'd have read the responses afterwards you'd have seen that. . I wouldn't try to screw anyone over, so if you took it as any more than a joke, I apologize. In the meantime, the direct insults aren't necessary, and coming from a guy calling ME a "little $hit" it's funny that you're the one doing the name calling. I won't respond by insulting you on these public forums however, because I think it's childish. Again I apologize for making a joke that you got upset about, I had no intention of trying to destroy your work, only getting a chuckle out of a few folks, which it did.
havana_lover 08:35 AM 02-07-2009
soooooo did you get the filed or you still having issues?? I would suggest getting yourself a good book there are several out there. Might make thing a bit easier for you.. :-)

also, forums are a great place to get help for issues we face. I do it all the time, being a system admin with a bunch of letters from things I have learned.. So when people say oh your the IT expert, I say no I am the google expert :-)

back to the point, you get a second option from a doctor good thing you did here as well..

I would say let things be, he apologized and you caught the mistake before it happened and that make you a good admin.. send each other a bomb and chuckle over a good cigar..

lesson learned.. :-)
BC-Axeman 09:45 AM 02-07-2009
You can always run a GUI app as root by using the command gksu before it in a CL on run app window. I use KDE instead of Gnome but if I am doing a lot of file work I use that method.
Volt 01:57 PM 02-07-2009
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
You can always run a GUI app as root by using the command gksu before it in a CL on run app window. I use KDE instead of Gnome but if I am doing a lot of file work I use that method.
I think I got what your saying. I had to many fires to get back to the Linux server this week so it has become the Monday project. Kinda fun learning a new system, whish the boss had a slightly less pressing time frame though. :-)
a2vr6 05:34 PM 02-07-2009
Originally Posted by Volt:
I think I got what your saying. I had to many fires to get back to the Linux server this week so it has become the Monday project. Kinda fun learning a new system, whish the boss had a slightly less pressing time frame though. :-)

There is a great forum resource for diff Unix flavors . I usually check there for answers to issues I am stumped with.
VirtualSmitty 06:07 PM 02-07-2009
Originally Posted by a2vr6:
There is a great forum resource for diff Unix flavors . I usually check there for answers to issues I am stumped with.
I usually just use the ubuntu forums. Great community there, very helpful.
Volt 02:29 PM 02-12-2009
Ok, I opened a terminal window
changed dir to /var
Sudo chmod 777 www

This ran in the admin mode and allowed all to write/red/exec to the www dir. May not be the most correct 755 may have been smarter, but I'll work that out in time. By using the sudo command I did not need to take ownership. Safer I guess at least for the time being.

Thanks for those who provided tips.
Volt 03:21 PM 02-12-2009
God I must love pain. This Unix crap is freaking ancient and impossible to install..... You guys helped out once so here goes another.

If anyone can find a readable and easy way to install the gd library it would help me out. There are some steps out there which seemed to be the easiest sudo yum install gd , but when I run this, it says no package gd available.
BC-Axeman 03:24 PM 02-12-2009
libgd :-)
maybe libgd1 or libgd2
I'm not familiar with yum but there should be some sort of gui package manager with a search feature.
a2vr6 07:23 PM 02-12-2009
Have you tried going into the GUI interface and installing the packages that way? I am only familiar with Red Hat but I am sure the same exists for Ubuntu or whatever flavor your running. Or else you will need to download the actual package if yum cannot find it on your system. Try the command &quot;yum search gd&quot; for example or yum provides .
BC-Axeman 09:57 PM 02-12-2009
Ubuntu is debian, so it should use "apt-get install ..." for command line and "synaptic" for a gui. If it's debian and it doesn't have synaptic then "sudu apt-get install synaptic" would take care of it. If it has KDE then "kpackage" works with whatever system it's on, but I remember you said you were using Gnome and I don't know (but it probably has) the package manager for Gnome.
Volt 04:28 AM 02-13-2009
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
Ubuntu is debian, so it should use "apt-get install ..." for command line and "synaptic" for a gui. If it's debian and it doesn't have synaptic then "sudu apt-get install synaptic" would take care of it. If it has KDE then "kpackage" works with whatever system it's on, but I remember you said you were using Gnome and I don't know (but it probably has) the package manager for Gnome.
Correct I happened to pick the gnome desktop. I think the problem is I need to download gd library from somewhere. Can it be so hard to create a .exe to install stuff? I mean the Win installer has been in use for at least 15 - 20 years. The few pages I did find were like 3 printed pages to get this lib setup. The widows version of what I'm doing took 2 days to setup fram scratch, configure and is ready for operation. Every thing in Linux is a chore. It may be free up front but the time to research and jump through the hoops to make things run is expensive in time and wages. I will kill the programming contractor we hired that mentioned this to the boss when this is all done. Thanks for teh input guys. I'm getting drunk at a 3 day party and will hit this on Monday.
BC-Axeman 08:14 AM 02-13-2009
I think you just started out on the wrong foot. If you need any library or package then it should get installed automagically. If you are installing something you want but is not necessary and it needs other packages then those get pulled in auotmagically. You just have to use the package manager. This is "apt" in a debian system. "synaptic" is the gui front end for apt. There are others. It really is very easy and powerful. If you are installing something nonstandard you might search the web for a ".deb" package of the program. That makes it itegrate with the system wwithout you habing to do anything.
I can't understand why Windows has such a buggy and broken install system and why they have such a nonstandard way of setting up things. All *nix are much the same and have been that way before Windows could even run on a network. Once you get used to it you have to wonder why Windows makes everything so complicated and hidden. I have to give credit to MS as they have been adopting many *nix ways of doing things.
Volt 03:32 PM 02-16-2009
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
Ubuntu is debian, so it should use "apt-get install ..." for command line and "synaptic" for a gui. If it's debian and it doesn't have synaptic then "sudu apt-get install synaptic" would take care of it. If it has KDE then "kpackage" works with whatever system it's on, but I remember you said you were using Gnome and I don't know (but it probably has) the package manager for Gnome.
Ok, everything is up and running. I had to use the Synaptic manager as you noted to get some addons (hard trying to figure out what I needed, cryptic verbage) I needed but life I think is ok at the moment. Thanks for all the tidbits you guys gave, not necessarily on target but you got me close enough to fumble around and figure it out.

Next.... Sharing folders, backups, and just too much fun.
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