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Jokes>Another bodily function joke!
Tim D. 12:45 PM 02-02-2009
A guy on a bus suddenly realizes ... "I need to fart". The music is really loud, so he times his farts with the beat. After a couple of songs, he starts to feel better as he approaches his stop.

As he's leaving the bus, people are really staring him down, and that's when he realizes he's been listening to his ipod.
karmaz00 12:47 PM 02-02-2009
heard this before...but good one
Kreth 12:55 PM 02-02-2009
Originally Posted by karmaz00:
heard this before...but good one :-)
Tim D. 04:04 PM 02-02-2009
Originally Posted by Kreth: :-)
Oh well, I tried! :-) Next time I'll check to see if it's already been done.
Starscream 05:36 PM 02-02-2009
I missed it the first time around, so thanks for the repost.:-)
CBI_2 08:47 PM 02-02-2009
Originally Posted by Tim D.:
Oh well, I tried! :-) Next time I'll check to see if it's already been done.
:-) Yea, I've gotten hammered on this a couple of times myself.