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Jokes>office prank gone wrong...
md4958 12:21 PM 02-02-2009
MedicCook 12:25 PM 02-02-2009
Never prank the wife, you will always lose.
markem 12:26 PM 02-02-2009
Now I know why my stuff is in the driveway and my brother won't speak to me.
dunng 12:26 PM 02-02-2009
:-) :-) I've always loved that one! :-) :-)
GKitty 12:32 PM 02-02-2009
:-) :-)

*tear* *sniffle* *sigh*

That one never gets old.
karmaz00 12:44 PM 02-02-2009
lol..thats funny...
Chompers 02:19 PM 02-02-2009
Poor guy!
Starscream 05:39 PM 02-02-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
Now I know why my stuff is in the driveway and my brother won't speak to me.