hotreds 10:17 PM 01-29-2009
mi2az 11:06 PM 01-29-2009
Skywalker 11:06 PM 01-29-2009
Great photos!!!!
Just glad I'm in California (70 degrees today)!!!
Snake Hips 11:22 PM 01-29-2009
Haha, way to live in the Midwest...
M1903A1 11:31 PM 01-29-2009
Ice storms are beautiful...when they're SOMEBODY ELSE'S!!!!!
SmokeyJoe 12:46 AM 01-30-2009
Originally Posted by M1903A1:
Ice storms are beautiful...when they're SOMEBODY ELSE'S!!!!! :-)
:-) True... just hope you folks are OK.
elderboy02 05:58 AM 01-30-2009
Nice pictures Hugh! I couldn't get into work for 2 days b/c I live on a hill and it was too icy.
Blueface 07:11 AM 01-30-2009
Looks so beautiful in pictures.
Real life? Different story.
Boy do I remember days like those.
Glad to be in the Sunshine.
Starscream 08:26 AM 01-30-2009
It's funny how something so beautiful can hurt so many people. I hear power outages are still in the 100,000s today. Great pics, Hugh.
Junior 10:09 AM 01-30-2009
They are nice to look at, but a real headache. I was only without power for about 12 hours, but have an employee that will be out for 7-10 days. I still have one office that is still without power.
chippewastud79 10:13 AM 01-30-2009
Nice pictures Hugh, we should get a little bit of a melt off in the next few days.
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Nice pictures Hugh! I couldn't get into work for 2 days b/c I live on a hill and like everyone else in the Cincinnati area I have no idea how to drive in the snow.
Yeah Dan you are right, people down here can't drive worth a damn with a little bit of snow on the ground. Oh and the snow removal system sucks too.
TripleF 10:21 AM 01-30-2009
Dang bro, that's scary. Great phots tho.
Glad you're ok to take them.
hotreds 10:58 AM 01-30-2009
Thanks, all! Good to have heat, slept good for the first time in 50 hours or so. Hopefully this stuff will start to melt with the sun shine. I feel for those poor souls that will stay without power for days more!
JE3146 11:24 AM 01-30-2009
I want to see the pictures of you squirting the DirectTV Dish with your new supersoaker
Glad that trick worked for you
hotreds 10:29 AM 03-04-2009
RevSmoke 12:11 PM 03-04-2009
Glad you survived it all. The clean-up is tough, but managable
You were and remain (with all the others affected) in my prayers.
Blueface 12:15 PM 03-04-2009
Stark contrast from one to the other.
While the clean-up isn't fun, at least all that snow and ice is gone.
CBI_2 06:36 PM 03-04-2009
Originally Posted by ggainey:
Makes me glad to be in Florida.:-)
Rabidsquirrel 08:11 PM 03-05-2009
There isn't a sound more beautiful incredible than the wind moving through trees after an ice storm.