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Entertainment>Peta Ad Banned from Super Bowl
bobarian 12:58 AM 01-29-2009
AllOGistics 01:06 AM 01-29-2009
Maybe they should of gone with their sea kitten idea? :-)

No joke...
yellowgoat 01:26 AM 01-29-2009
First they take lots of acid and come up with sea kittens then they get real
horny and make a ****o with veggies! :-)Hmmm... They some strange
Ashcan Bill 01:45 AM 01-29-2009
These folks are definitely unhinged.

On the other hand, if you're into reincarnation, you might want to consider coming back for your next gig as broccoli! :-)
ucla695 06:35 AM 01-29-2009
I think I'm going veggie. :-)

Naw.....I'm a carnivore.
md4958 07:49 AM 01-29-2009

I would definately eat some broccoli to get in the hot tub with that chick!!!
skullnrose 07:55 AM 01-29-2009
This thread makes me wish I still had my PETA bumper sticker People Eating Tasty Animals.
Starscream 10:43 AM 01-29-2009
Don't understand why it's been banned. Don't agree w/ PETA, but I do like the commercial.
ActionAndy 10:48 AM 01-29-2009
Their breast-milk ice cream idea was pretty sweet ( nyuk nyuk!)
mrreindeer 10:52 AM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by yellowgoat:
First they take lots of acid and come up with sea kittens then they get real
horny and make a ****o with veggies! :-)Hmmm... They some strange
people! don't like half-naked ladies? :-):-)

Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Don't understand why it's been banned. Don't agree w/ PETA, but I do like the commercial.
I'm with you Andy.

I'll be over here waiting for those gals to join my broccoli bath.

No clue why that was banned. There's plenty worse out there. Better, I mean, better!
Scottw 10:54 AM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by mrreindeer: don't like half-naked ladies? :-):-)

I'm with you Andy.

I'll be over here waiting for those gals to join my broccoli bath.

No clue why that was banned. There's plenty worse out there. Better, I mean, better!
True dat!
Beer Doctor 11:35 AM 01-29-2009
They're probably getting more attention because it was banned. The godaddy commercials were worse a few years ago. It doesn't matter if you show me half naked girls or naked girls ( There are no actual naked pics in this link). I still like steak. and chicken. and turkey. and pork. and sea kittens. and well you get the point.
Ace$nyper 11:39 AM 01-29-2009
Even if that wasn't a biased survey to make a point.

I'll put good meat over sex. mmmm steak.
GKitty 11:42 AM 01-29-2009
:-) :-)

*gasp* *cough*

Oh my god... seriously?!?!?!

:-) :-) :-)

Freaking PETA... gonna have me some sea-kitten for lunch now.
Genetic Defect 11:44 AM 01-29-2009
markem 11:48 AM 01-29-2009
So that's the reason that my adult movie store put in a Vegetarian section! :-)
mrreindeer 12:01 PM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by vstrommark:
So that's the reason that my adult movie store put in a Vegetarian section! :-)

:-):-):-) ROLLING. Seriously rolling.
LasciviousXXX 12:30 PM 01-29-2009
Peta should be banned...from everything.... FOREVER!