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General Discussion>Want to create a website, need help
gettysburgfreak 12:34 PM 01-28-2009
I have always wanted to create my own website in which I can write about anything pertaining to the Civil War but I have no idea how to make something like this happen. How would I get started, how much would it cost? If anyone here has ever made their own website can you please offer me some insight? Thanks.
Ace$nyper 12:36 PM 01-28-2009
Are you going to need coding?
madurolover 12:37 PM 01-28-2009
Will the site be static or will you want to be able to add content anytime you feel like it?
Footbag 12:44 PM 01-28-2009
Consider a Wordpress Blog. They can be set up to look like a website, as opposed to a blog. I've been setting up a lot of these recently, and they just made a software upgrade that makes creating a blog extremely easy. Also, wordpress makes publishing articles very easy. With an HTML website, you would need to re-configure the page to ad the article and link. With a Blog, it does all of that for you.

If you do the go the Wordpress route, PM me with any questions you may have. I did set up a blog for my business which I'm not sure if I can link to. But will give you an example.

I also know a bit of HTML, but these days, I would strongly suggest a blog as opposed to a website. As well, a Wordpress blog comes with free hosting and all of the available software is free.

Timewise, I would guess you could have a blog within an hour. The most difficult thing is coming up with a Logo and header image that you are happy with.
gettysburgfreak 01:02 PM 01-28-2009
Originally Posted by Ace$nyper:
Are you going to need coding?

Eventually I would love to have it supported by ads. Right now I am in the brainstorming stage, figuring out how I could turn an idea into reality.
Ace$nyper 01:17 PM 01-28-2009

Great article on picking a host from someone who's made a fortune on web building and marketing. A good personal friend not just something I dug up.

For building the site planning what you want out of it, as some mentioned a blog is a free way and a good start as you can always grab a new host if you get a reader base and then have a site built.
King James 01:22 PM 01-28-2009
I have never made a website... but I believe dreamweaver is a nice program for it
madurolover 01:26 PM 01-28-2009
Actually Jim, Dreamweaver builds really sh!tty sites. The code is terrible and very bloated. If you want a static site you need a working knowledge of HTML and CSS.

If you want a site you can update regularly woth live content then a language such as PHP is a must. Or as suggested you can use something like Wordpress.
King James 01:33 PM 01-28-2009
hmmmm.... maybe stay away from dreamweaver then unless you are a seasoned web builder.... or maybe even stay away if that
madurolover 01:51 PM 01-28-2009
Originally Posted by King James:
hmmmm.... maybe stay away from dreamweaver then unless you are a seasoned web builder.... or maybe even stay away if that
It is not a terrible tool if you understand HTML and CSS. It has a split view (where you see the page in part of the window and the code in the other part). I have used it in split view but I write my own code and use the other view to see how it affects the page.
gettysburgfreak 02:06 PM 01-28-2009
I set up a wordpress account, now I just need to figure out what to write about and figure out how to make it look cool. Thanks guys