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Entertainment>Flexplay self-destructing DVDs
Cigary 11:54 PM 01-24-2009
Has anyone else heard about these and what do you think about them? I was at Staples and they had these self destructing DVD movies and what they are is movied that once exposed to the air have about 48 hours on them to watch the movie and then they "self destruct",,,,I thought this was great since they only cost me $1.98 per movie and there is no mailing or taking a movie back. What does anyone else thing about this idea?
MedicCook 11:58 PM 01-24-2009
I have never heard of this. Seems rather wasteful though.
white_s2k 11:59 PM 01-24-2009
They've been out for a little while and haven't heard much about them really catching on.

Do you not have those Red Box vending machines near you? They only cost $1 to rent.
MedicCook 12:01 AM 01-25-2009
I still think NetFlix is the best way to go. Of course there are websites that will allow you to watch current movies online. They are not always of the best quality but it is free.
Cigary 06:20 AM 01-25-2009
The thing I like about these is that when you travel like I do you can take it with you and not ever have to worry about getting it back thru the mail or taking it back to the store. The Vending machines are nice but you get it for one day and if you are late you pay another $1 per day plus the time to take it back to the store.
schnell987 05:21 PM 01-25-2009
That is a pretty cool idea. Saw them today for the first time in Staples. Great idea for travelling and they are cheapter than Blockbuster.
TheJ 05:36 PM 01-25-2009
I'm not green by no means, but seems like a lot of waste.

What happens if you're interrupted and can't get to the rest of the movie for a few days? It took me four days to re-watch Ghostrider a couple of weeks ago. Don't know why I did. I didn't enjoy it the first time.
Cigary 06:00 PM 01-25-2009
Once it is exposed to the air you have like 48 hours to watch,,,that is what I was told. I dont think I would pay over a $1 for it,,,but the wife thought it was great.
replicant_argent 06:10 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by schnell987:
That is a pretty cool idea. Saw them today for the first time in Staples. Great idea for travelling and they are cheapter than Blockbuster.
If you are traveling....... Redbox makes good sense, If you go an hour without seeing a McDonalds wherever you travel, you are probably on foot.
Pick up at one Redbox, return at another. What doesn't make sense there, right? Just had some friends drive to Fl from MN. They said it worked exquisitely. And at a buck a shot? No brainer.
themoneycollector 06:30 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
If you are traveling....... Redbox makes good sense, If you go an hour without seeing a McDonalds wherever you travel, you are probably on foot.
Pick up at one Redbox, return at another. What doesn't make sense there, right? Just had some friends drive to Fl from MN. They said it worked exquisitely. And at a buck a shot? No brainer.
I remember seeing these at Staples but I'd rather pick Redbox. Between McDonalds and Walmarts, there's several choices to return them. Plus, having a bunch of discs in the trash would be extremely wasteful.
schnell987 08:51 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
If you are traveling....... Redbox makes good sense, If you go an hour without seeing a McDonalds wherever you travel, you are probably on foot.
Pick up at one Redbox, return at another. What doesn't make sense there, right? Just had some friends drive to Fl from MN. They said it worked exquisitely. And at a buck a shot? No brainer.
I had never heard of Redbox before...just checked their website and the closest one is over 15 miles away. But, Redbox does sounds like a great idea when traveling as you mentioned! Thanks.
TheJ 09:17 PM 01-25-2009
They only have the Redbox at the Walmarts out here. No show at the McD.
s15driftking 09:22 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by Cigary:
Has anyone else heard about these and what do you think about them? I was at Staples and they had these self destructing DVD movies and what they are is movied that once exposed to the air have about 48 hours on them to watch the movie and then they "self destruct",,,,I thought this was great since they only cost me $1.98 per movie and there is no mailing or taking a movie back. What does anyone else thing about this idea?
sounds like an excellent way to go green. :-)
Cigary 09:23 PM 01-25-2009
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
If you are traveling....... Redbox makes good sense, If you go an hour without seeing a McDonalds wherever you travel, you are probably on foot.
Pick up at one Redbox, return at another. What doesn't make sense there, right? Just had some friends drive to Fl from MN. They said it worked exquisitely. And at a buck a shot? No brainer.
Beautiful,,,wasn't aware that you can do that with Redbox as I thought you had to return it to the same location. Wonder if the wife will give me my dollar back that she overpaid on the "chick flick" she bought and I had to suffer thru watching tonight. Oh the humanity!