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All Cigar Discussion>A.J. Fernandez Selecting Wrapper Leaf video
duckmanco 10:08 PM 01-20-2009
I thought this video was an AWESOME look into the cigar world. I am a huge dork about this stuff, and would love to learn more so I dug this video. Its mostly in Spanish, but you definitely get the idea. And no, I'm not a shill for famous.
Mr B 10:26 PM 01-20-2009
Very Cool.
TomHagen 11:36 PM 01-20-2009
fascinating!! what a roll...
Made in Dade 07:24 PM 01-22-2009
Awesome video
Thanks for sharing!
white_s2k 07:36 PM 01-22-2009
Cool video, thanks!
FriskyDingo 07:47 PM 01-22-2009
very cool!

The description that Tony gave of the cigar and that Hal guys reaction at the end makes me want whatever cigar it is! :-)