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Discussion>Curly Cut Sneaks One In
12stones 06:01 PM 01-20-2009
Last week I had mentioned that I was smoking some Butera Matured Ribbon, and Greg (Curly Cut) decided to send me the rest of a tin he wasn't too fond of. Well, it arrived today and it wasn't enough to send me the mostly full tin from Aug '03, but he had to include a tin of C&D Briar Fox.

Thanks Greg!!
DrDubzz 06:07 PM 01-20-2009
awesome! very nice hit
Curly Cut 09:28 PM 01-20-2009
really no big deal. figured you liked that blend, might as well get you some more. the extra is something else i had opened that figured you might like if you like this stuff. didn't know if you've had it before.
hope you like that Briar Fox as well. it's not bad, packs a little nicotine kick as well.
Nick 10:39 PM 01-20-2009
Greg you sneaky SOB. Good stuff man