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All Cigar Discussion>Forgotten about the Band?
Starscream 06:51 AM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by brigey57:
What else are you doing with the lights turned off? Huuuummm! LOL
Don't ask, don't tell?:-)
Genetic Defect 06:52 AM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
:-) schools are closed up here.
Starscream 06:53 AM 01-15-2009
Wish they were here. Bell rings in 7min.
Genetic Defect 06:59 AM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Wish they were here. Bell rings in 7min.
they shouldnt be up here.
Lucky_Hippo 07:05 AM 01-15-2009
Never a cigar band, but back when I smoked cigarettes I used to do a bar trick where you rolled a dollar bill inside a cigg before hand. Well...I was out at the bar and twords the end of the night I lit up a ciggarette for the drive home. Took three long drags wondering what that horrible smell was before noticing I had smoked about 50 cents worth of a george washington.

I eventually quit, but I kept the dollar. :-)
68TriShield 07:27 AM 01-15-2009
I sure have :-) (looks around for RGD's post)
ucla695 07:31 AM 01-15-2009
I can't say this has ever happened to me.
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