skibumdc 06:36 AM 01-15-2009
Yeah I keep 'em.
Planning on making a large ashtray or something using a clear epoxy.
Some day.....
Agent11br 09:19 AM 01-15-2009
Keep them all, I want to eventually make a coffee table and use them to cover the main surface area.
Sovereign 01:31 PM 01-15-2009
I keep all of mine as well. No idea what I'm gonna do with them though
wayner123 02:26 PM 01-15-2009
I keep all of mine. The Non Cuban ones are MUCH easier to come apart. I would have double the amount of Cuban labels if that glue wasn't so pesky. There are wide variety of craft options to do with them. I have made floating frames and an ashtray.
Here is the ashtray I did:
totallytentative 07:55 PM 01-15-2009
piperman 08:09 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel:
I throw mine into an empty cigar box.
So I guess you have a whole lot of cigar boxes with one band in them.
:-), I lost mine.
s15driftking 08:26 PM 01-15-2009
i keep the bands of the cigars that i really really enjoyed. Sometimes i take notes on those cigars as well.
smokin5 08:27 PM 01-15-2009
I keep mine....
but only until someone posts a request for bands,
then I send 'em a bunch.
neoflex 08:57 PM 01-15-2009
I keep mine also. I have a big bag full of them and plan on building a collage in a picture frame one of these days. Just lacking the spare time to pull it off. Once I get my office painted though, I think I will be more motivated to make the time. I just have to make the time to paint the office first.
Jbailey 08:59 PM 01-15-2009
I've been keeping them, more so of certain brands. Down the road I want to make a poker table.
icehog3 09:12 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by Jbailey:
I've been keeping them, more so of certain brands. Down the road I want to make a poker table.
Gurkhas, Dave?
s15driftking 09:16 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Gurkhas, Dave? :-)
Icehog, if you gave me all of your Gurkha bands i could probably cover the exterior of a jumbo jet... and the sad excuse of a hanger that it's parked inside.
Jbailey 09:17 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Gurkhas, Dave? :-)
Damn! I was going to make you a gift Tom.
icehog3 09:20 PM 01-15-2009
Originally Posted by s15driftking:
Icehog, if you gave me all of your Gurkha bands i could probably cover the exterior of a jumbo jet... and the sad excuse of a hanger that it's parked inside.
I will send you a PM as soon as my jumbo jet gets here from Boeing.
:-) :-)